Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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This subject only effects a small number of girls, my daughter is one of them so here I am. For about 15 years the girls have been able to decorate their own boxes.This is a big deal to them,they start coming up with designs before even making the squads. This year it has been decided that the district will provide "The Boxes".
My problem is the reason I have been given, for this change. I was told by the Decision makers that they want to cut down cost that the parents have to incure in order for more girls to be able to participate. Ok, I get that, but in Twirling and Dance...chances are there are not too many girls that can just show up one day and decide they are going to join the squads. What I mean by this is the "expense" comes from years of practices, lessons and classes, not to mention costumes for recitals. The boxes have become part of the reward for spending the hours it takes to make the team. If we need to find away to save money lets do it but don't start by taking away something that the girls look forward to and all parents involved know the cost before going in.
Also, my daughter is a returning Indian Twirler, this means she had her box going into this year. Along with 4 other Twirlers. So, what is the harm in allowing them to finish with a box they already have. My wife and I have spoken to many of the parents and all but one of the incoming Twirlers, have bought a box anyway because it is a big deal to the girls, but they are being told "they can enjoy them in their rooms at home."


Staff member
Seems like the loss of a small, but important tradition. Hopefully a handfull of parents complaining about the cost isn't driving that decision.


Active Member
I know how you feel. My daughter was an Indian Twirler from 2001 - 2003 and choosing what she wanted on her headdress box was a very big deal to her and we still have it 9 years later. Yes it is just a small thing to a small group of girls but it is very important to these girls and is something they look forward to. My husband and I knew going in that our daughter being a twirler was going to cost us quite a bit of money but it was important to her so we started saving early. I don't understand how the school officials can tell parents how much they are allowed to spend for their twirlers and indianettes. I also understand that the boxes purchased for the headdresses to be put in to be taken to the games are not large enough for the headdresses. So now what? You cannot stuff a headdress down into a box and not damage the headdress. I know I spent an entire summer making one and then had to redo it after football season because someone decided to pour sprite on several of the headdresses at the last football game. There is NO WAY I would cram it down into a box too small to hold it. Good Luck with trying to get this issue resolved.


500+ Posts
How very sad especially since PNG is all about traditions. Also I would want to know how many parents are complaining about the cost. Like you said it isn't something that they didn't know about before making the squad. Heck we started saving at the beginning of the year for if our daughters made Cheerleader and Indianettes. We knew it was going to be expensive but it is what they want and we will do whatever it takes to make it happen and have.


Staff member
IndianFan said:
Seems like the loss of a small, but important tradition. Hopefully a handfull of parents complaining about the cost isn't driving that decision.

It's not.

I don't know the whole story, but something happened last year involving an Indianette having something inappropriate on her box and there was an argument that ensued (or something to that effect) and the final decision was "if we're not going to agree on it then we're just not going to have it," and that decision affected the twirlers as well. Again, I don't know the whole story (I tend to avoid conflict when it comes to the Indianettes ;D), but it was something like that.


Active Member
That's just a little part of what is wrong with our Country. If one person does something wrong, we have to punish everybody, instead of dealing with the one individual. This could be the reasoning, but when I spoke with them, this issue never was mentioned in their list of reasons for the change. They should have said something about this.


500+ Posts
that is what is wrong with PNG. One parent complains and the school makes everyone else pay. Why couldn't they stand firm with the one wrong box and not take away a tradition from all of the other girls.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Just out of curiosity, when the boxes start? From what I recall waaaaaaaay back in the day (mid 80s), there were no boxes for twirlers headdresses. I recall "Bus #1" for road games was the twirler bus and some seats were reserved for carrying their headdresses.

I can understand the frustration about one person ruining it for many, but some of the lessons learned from athletics and group activities like drill team and band are deal with the reality that the actions of one or a few often have consequences for many.


Active Member
I don't know if the twirlers and indianette officers were allowed to get headdress boxes at the same time but my step-daughter was a lt. in '95 - '96 and they did not have the painted boxes at that time. I also heard back during the school year, from someone at the high school, that they were considering passing the headdresses down from year to year for the twirlers instead of making new ones each year because the school paid for part of the supplies. That idea may have changed by now though because I know that the twirlers who made it this year had to pay for more of their headdress supplies than we did back in 2001.


500+ Posts
Just cruious, did Obama take over the high school too???? It seems that they are trying to take everything away. On another subject, I hear that the Srs. will no longer be allowed to choose thier walking partner.

I guess uniforms are on their way so that we can be told how to dress our kids.


Active Member
I was told that the painted boxes have been around for about 15 years.the twirlers now have to pay for there headdresses because they want to keep them instead of passing them down.I can understand that one.I have been looking into this more today and I now have in my hand a handout that was given to the in coming twirlers.At the top of the sheet it says "Optional Stuff". Number 5 of 9 items under Optional stuff reads "Headdress Box Painted: a. If you get your box painted, it dosn't matter what goes on it ,as long as it is APPROPRIATE! ". Three weeks after this hand out was given the girls were told they could not have painted boxes.At least two of the incoming girls had already ordered theirs.SO now what, shouldn't the district back off of this new policy and if they really want to git rid of the boxes grandfather it out starting next year.


100+ Posts
I believed that if enough parents/students voice their opionions about this to the sponsers/director and Mr. Keith something can be done to make everyone happy. I am all for traditions and at PNG it makes us who we are. We even had a tradition of bowing to the upper classmen when we were underclassmen...times change but lets keep the traditions alive.


Active Member
If you grandfather out the headdress boxes then you will have the same issue with the girls who make it next year. Those young ladies are also looking forward to the rewards of being selected Indian Twirler or Indianette Officer. My feeling is if the parents are willing to pay, and I can't believe that there is anyone out there trying out for these positions that doesn't know it costs money, then let them pay. The school district is not paying for any part of those boxes so why do they get to decide. If the case of the inappropriate material on the box arises again then deal with that one student and one student only. Don't punish those who do what they are supposed to do. I have two daughters who are still in school. They both want to participate in extra-curricular activities in high school and I know it will cost me money so I have started saving now so that I will have the needed funds if it is needed.


500+ Posts
I don't understand why the school would want to spend unnecessary money on boxes when they don't have to. IMO, if it is to save parents some money, limit the big sis-little sis gifts. Those can get rather expensive.


1,000+ Posts
Along the lines of tradition, I have a question. Does anyone else think that our signs that are put up during the games have decreased in number and size? Our students used to make such great signs. I agree about the boxes--let the girls have them. Correct the problem, not do away with the issue to avoid problems. I hate to see school administors give in to parents when the school is right and the student is wrong.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

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