Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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500+ Posts
I don't think the number of signs has decreased I just think they don't have any place to hang them like we used to. Back in the old stadium we had the fence line in front of the end zone and now that is gone. Now the only place to hang signs is on the fence line in front of the stands.


500+ Posts
I have heard that the Indianette Lt. are going to use past Cap. and Lt. boxes. I mean really why not just let the girls decorate their own boxes especially when the school couldn't get the correct size boxes. Why punish everyone for one persons actions.


Staff member
bilman10 said:
that makes no sence to me .i would file that under rumor.

I'll be the first to admit that this is just what I've heard. It could be true or it could be something that was taken way out of context in every possible way - I would have no way of knowing for sure because I'm not involved with the Indianettes.


Active Member
I spoke wih M. Curl today.He had not heard anything about the Indianetts useing last years boxes,I told him I thought that was a silly idea.I don't know where he stands on this issue but he took notes and let me say my piece.I hope to hear back from him soon.


Active Member
The returning Varsity Twirlers will be able to use their boxes again this year. That was officially announced yesterday.


Active Member
Yes, this is true. I spoke with Mr. Curl and Mr. Wells, thank you guys for making this possible.

I have tried to not say anything negative on this website about any individual involved, but I have reached my limit. Today Ms. Briggs called in the Sr. Twirlers and pressured them not to us their boxes. The two Co-Head twirlers have decided not to use their boxes, due to this meeting. Apparently these two twirlers were put in an uncomfortible position because of this "meeting".


Why can't you leave the girls and their boxes alone, let them have some fun with just an ounce of self expression or individualism.

I know in the big picture, this issue is just a dot....on the day to day running of a school district, but I think Ms. Briggs should see this as a dot and LET IT GO! She is not on the field performing, this is not her Sr. year in school, it didn't cost her a DIME for these girls to have a decorated box. JUST BACK OFF!!!!


2,000+ Posts
bilman10 said:
Yes, this is true. I spoke with Mr. Curl and Mr. Wells, thank you guys for making this possible.

I have tried to not say anything negative on this website about any individual involved, but I have reached my limit. Today Ms. Briggs called in the Sr. Twirlers and pressured them not to us their boxes. The two Co-Head twirlers have decided not to use their boxes, due to this meeting. Apparently these two twirlers were put in an uncomfortible position because of this "meeting".


Why can't you leave the girls and their boxes alone, let them have some fun with just an ounce of self expression or individualism.

I know in the big picture, this issue is just a dot....on the day to day running of a school district, but I think Ms. Briggs should see this as a dot and LET IT GO! She is not on the field performing, this is not her Sr. year in school, it didn't cost her a DIME for these girls to have a decorated box. JUST BACK OFF!!!!

Have you contacted the Principal?


1,000+ Posts
I can understand why the girls are upset. Maybe some people don't have enough to do at the high school? It just sounds ridiculous to me. Let the girls have their fun; we've already had ours when we were in school.


Active Member
no i have not contacted MR Keith.I have gotten more info from this meeting and if this woman don't keep her mouth closed I will see her with my lawyer and the school board .


Active Member
bilman10 said:
no i have not contacted MR Keith.I have gotten more info from this meeting and if this woman don't keep her mouth closed I will see her with my lawyer and the school board .

The lack of formal policies in many matters concerning student activities is a problem I've dealt with more than once.

It seems the rules change from day to day depending on who you talk to, and who's doing the asking.

Good luck to you.


Staff member
bilman10 said:
no i have not contacted MR Keith.I have gotten more info from this meeting and if this woman don't keep her mouth closed I will see her with my lawyer and the school board .

A lawyer? Over a plastic box? No offense, but that's taking it just a tad bit too far. Don't get me wrong; I'm all for letting the twirlers and Indianettes have their fun with their headdress boxes, but talking about getting a lawyer involved when you haven't even consulted the principal (especially in a threat like the one above) is a little extreme.


100+ Posts
school board meeting tomorrow night.. call the admin . office and get your name on the adgenda to tell the board about this problem and see what they can do for ya.


1,000+ Posts
dea;lt with Ms. Briggs as a parent and she gives the impresson that she is on a power trip!!!

1 question WHO asked to do away with the boxes in the first place??

Bet it was not a ndnette officier!


500+ Posts
Bandkid, right or wrong, the word lawyer has been used several times in the past. Mostly, by lawyers themselves when they did not like the rules. Everytime it seems, they got their way. While hiring an attorney over the boxes may seem over the top, I can understand their frustration.

I agree that the school needs to have rules in place. In the past, there were rules that were broken to pacify some parents. the school needs to have rules and stand firm with them. It is not fair to make some follow them while allowing others the dictate how things are gonna be.

With concern to the boxes, all of the parents involved need to have a meeting with Mr. Keith, Ms.Briggs, and the sponsors. Maybe, they can come to some agreement without any more frustration


Active Member
Bark i dont think it happened this year,5 of 8 twirlers are returnig 2 of the other 3 got a box anyway the one left has said she would get on if she was going to be able to use it.As far as i am concerned the box issue is closed the district is going to allow returning twirlers to use their boxes.If someone wants to take up the fight for the jrs or indianetts i will help them. the lawyer post comes from an issue that stems from the boxes but not for the boxes and this site is not the place to air it.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

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