Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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I "thought" he might be a pretty good fellow to lead the Indian Nation but I could change my mind real easily if he starts cutting band, Indianetts, etc. Does he remember who pays his salary? It is the parents of those kids and the rest of us tax payers. I think there are places where the district can probably tighten its belt but cutting those types of programs is not in the best interest of anybody. What is the situation on head dress boxes now?


1,000+ Posts
I thought the same thing. I believe Band,Choir and other programs might cost money they however have been viewed as enrichment programs that enhance and expand students learning beyond the classroom. I was totally taken back, it seemed as though he was boasting on "making hard decisions" when it comes to finances. That's all well and good BUT there are also traditions here (Honor, Pride, TRADITION!!!!!!!). And why would you brag about cutting/not filling staff, eliminating programs? And this might sound petty but put a tie on we are a 4A district that expects the Administrators to dress professionally, especially at a interview with the leading local newspaper in the Sunday addition. Look at the Principals/ Asst. Principals they have ties, suit/sportcoats on (to days interview with Arnett). The board needs to tell this guy we(taxpaying voters) are ALL about programs, having 1st class uniforms, facilities etc... We want to expand programs, opportunities etc... for all students, teachers, staff,athletes,band members and on and on.

We "ain't" Evadale we ARE PNG anything less than the best won't do.

This is my opinion and you are entitled to yours.


Staff member
bark said:
In Sundays Bmt. Enterprise Supt. Canavess was quoted as saying he has no problem eliminating programs/fat to tighten the budget such as the band/drill team, not replacing retiring teachers/staff etc... Has anyone heard if there will be similar cuts here??

He would be INSANE... totally out of his mind to start cutting programs.

This is Port Neches-Groves; not Evadale, and certainly not Beaumont. I have never met a teacher or administrator in this district who was not willing to go out of his or her way to start or support a program so long as there was so much as a single student interested in it - interested in putting on a purple and white shirt, uniform, jersey, or polo and representing this school district and this community in some way, shape, or form. In fact, I have found quite the contrary. I can think of several teachers who put in extra time and effort - literally working in their classrooms from 6 in the morning until 7 or 8 at night - to juggle the various programs that students like me participate in. We have a successful school because in this district there is a place for everyone, a program for everyone to participate in, and some way for everyone to contribute. We have a reputation of community support and excellence like that of no other school district in the state of Texas in part because of our relentless dedication to the success and availability of our extra-curricular programs. To start cutting programs based on student participation would be totally contradictory to this district's mission and reputation and would seriously limit its success and that of its students.

And of all things, not replacing retiring teachers? Are we going to start cutting classes, too? What are we going to lose? Astronomy? French? The higher levels of Spanish? Extra AP/LEAP programs such as Calculus I and Physics II? Earth & Space Sciences? Vocational classes such as AC and Welding? All of the classes that help set us apart from the other high schools in this area and make my peers and I well-rounded, successful individuals?

If the budget is the problem, then go "find" another few million dollars. Don't limit my fellow students and I.


Active Member
61 NDN not sure where the boxes stand now. The Jr parents have taken over that fight because the Srs have been given the ok to use theirs .I have had another issue come up because of all of this that i am dealing with.


500+ Posts
bark said:
I thought the same thing. I believe Band,Choir and other programs might cost money they however have been viewed as enrichment programs that enhance and expand students learning beyond the classroom. I was totally taken back, it seemed as though he was boasting on "making hard decisions" when it comes to finances. That's all well and good BUT there are also traditions here (Honor, Pride, TRADITION!!!!!!!). And why would you brag about cutting/not filling staff, eliminating programs? And this might sound petty but put a tie on we are a 4A district that expects the Administrators to dress professionally, especially at a interview with the leading local newspaper in the Sunday addition. Look at the Principals/ Asst. Principals they have ties, suit/sportcoats on (to days interview with Arnett). The board needs to tell this guy we(taxpaying voters) are ALL about programs, having 1st class uniforms, facilities etc... We want to expand programs, opportunities etc... for all students, teachers, staff,athletes,band members and on and on.

We "ain't" Evadale we ARE PNG anything less than the best won't do.

This is my opinion and you are entitled to yours.
Get to know some of the people who hired "Big Cav," and you'll understand why they hired somebody who talks, dresses, and thinks like him.


1,000+ Posts
Bandkid, that was a perfect overview of what public education is all about. The students have a 4 year window in High School to embrace all aspects and levels of Education. At PNG you can be in the Band/Drill Team(great program), Football (great program), baseball(great program), UIL 10 consecutive District Titles UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!, Cosmetology, mechanics, etc... You are 100% correct, if 1 student/athlete wants to do it, we should accommodate them in everyway.

I am a real strong believer in extracurricular activities. Studies show those that participate have better grades (no pass no play) and less drug problems(mandatory testing) and less behavior issues (can't be in AEP/ISS)

In short everyone wins.

Leaving for the game early hope to see everone there!!


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For now maybe we should assume that he is a tough talker. he could be saying he would cut if needed but not looking to do it.Give him a littlle time on the job first


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Nothing offical yet but word on the street is jr twirlers will be able to use their own boxes.have not heard from Indianetts


100+ Posts
87NDN said:
Nothing offical yet but word on the street is jr twirlers will be able to use their own boxes.have not heard from Indianetts
Woooo Whoooo. :woohoo: :clap: :clap: :clap: I don't have a stake in this issue except for the fact that it has been TRADITION and it looked like someone was trying to snuff it out. Hopefully the street talk is accurate. Someone has finally come to their senses. Now what's good for one should be good for all. So hopefully the Indianettes will be able to use their own also.


Active Member
I have a SR Twirler. They keep participating in these meetings where a sponsor/admin is telling them "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas" Guess what my, 17 yr old is not in Vegas she is at school to be educated and learn her drill. She is a minor, still under my care & supervision. I send her to school every morning in hopes she is in good hands. WONDERING ABOUT SOME???? She has no business in Vegas without me..LOL...nor do any sponsors or admin. need to be saying this...which I know it implies, "NOT TO SAY A WORD ABOUT THIS MEETING." Guess again sponsor and admin., the twirlers are not a sorority or members of a secret society...17 year olds girls are smart enough to know when to speak up regarding comments and threats, these girls know when to bring their parents in on an issue/situation. Keeping a parent up to date of a situation, does not mean these girls are whinning or babies, or that they can't defend themselves....THREATS AND COMMENTS THREATENING SCHOOL KIDS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, I don't care how old the children are. We put our kids on the bus, drop them off, or supply them with their own transportation to school...I USED TO HAVE A WARM COZY FEELING KNOWING MY KID WAS OUT OF HARMS WAY WHEN SHE WAS IN SCHOOL...NEVER ONCE DID I WORRY ABOUT AN INDIVIDUAL / INDIVIDUALS THREATENING MY CHILDREN/KIDS/17 YR OLD UNTIL THIS SCHOOL YEAR. I am not a happy camper.
I am not talking about anybody behind their back. This site is for the public viewing, so, spread my words, I don't care who views this or comments back.


1,000+ Posts
For the most part this started in 1970 when Ken Watson hired Comeaux/Detman and they started the secret society of the RockaNoos. I don't know why they, Briggs and the sponsors, are like this. We went through it with my Indianette Officer, I know it's hard to grasp BUT these few sponsors really feel empowered and use $$ for the reason not to do things. As you know these parents have been paying Ms. June, Company D and whoever beginning at age 3 for dance/music lessons do you reaally think a stupid box, headdress stand, yard sign etc... is goint to break these parents? No because they WANT to sacrifice for their kids to have 1st class stuff. Look at our 1/2 time I'll kiss your _____ to find anyother group that looks better than ours - and rightfully so.

Voice your opinion to the School Board and son't let up. WE ARE the customers they should be here to accmadate us as long asd it is within UIL guidelines. Man, this kind of railroading really fires me up!!!!!!


Active Member
I know that there are some secretive groups and events out there. Don't have a problem with those. But this is my 2nd Twirler and I didn't have any issues like this before. My oldest would always let me in on meetings with the band directors, and what ever rumors were surfacing...nothing overwhelming or alarming...I might not have liked what was going on, but I didn't feel like my kid, back then, was being threatened.

We have stepped up the process. You have to go through the chain of administration.


100+ Posts
mllandamlmom, i am in total agreement with you on this! we as parents will protect our child to no end! I had to deal with sexual harrasment and teacher bullying my child and trust me they know who i am and i got in their faces and trust me not a problem after thet, when your child does not trust a teacher to protect them then as parents we will give them that protections! too much news on reports of teacher /student relationship for the child not to feel like they can not come to their parents with any problems! Today society is not the same as when we were little kids.. too much pressure on our kids nowaays with school work to worry about being threaten by a teacher /admin. KUDOS for all the parents that do stand up to them!


100+ Posts
Like I said before, I don't have a stake in this arguement except I am a firm believer in TRADITION. Especially one where no harm is done. These girls are being denied TRADITION supposedly because of something that happened last year with someone that is probably not even a student now. I understand that sometimes things are not for all ears. However, in this case it does seem like there is something a little funny going on. I suspect that everything is to be kept secret because it is probably so absolutely crazy that the parents of those involved would be on the war path in the principal's office and/or school board meeting with tomahawks a waving. I can say this, if I had a child (and yes, these are still children) that could not and would not tell me the nature of the meeting I would be furious, especially if it was upsetting to my child. It appears that the sponsor(s) have put the fear of God in these kids and threatened that they will not be able to participate in upcoming games, etc. God and myself would be the only two with permission to intimidate my child in that way. This is not about an inappropriate message on a box last year by one person. This is about a power struggle and looks like the sponsor is winning the battle. I have always thought when you go into battle, you get as many Indians as you can and all go into the battle at one time. That being said, my suggestion is that all the parents and all the girls involved all hit the warpath together. That way no one knows who said what and let the cat out of the bag. POWER IN NUMBERS INDIANS, PUT ON THE WARPAINT, SHARPEN THE TOMAHAWKS AND GO TO WAR WITH THE FOLKS THAT HAVE THE REAL POWER AT THE SCHOOL/SCHOOL BOARD AND RESOLVE THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL. It may not work the way you want it to, but you will always fail if you never try and/or give it 100% effort. Think about parents, this is a way to show your kids how to go about things the right way, win or lose. A tought lesson in life is better now than later.


Active Member
When my oldest daughter was a twirler we did not have any of these problems and I actually enjoyed her being a twirler. I don't get the feeling any of these twirler parents are enjoying this year and that is such a shame. I think it is very strange that so many different excuses for the boxes keep coming up. I personally have heard three different stories: imappropriate message on indianette box, trying to save the parents money, and that other school districts have complained that being in a leadership position in our school district costs too much. Do you really think the people in Nederland care how much it costs us for our kids to be something in school. None of my friends in Nederland care they all think this is a ridiculous mess on the part of the school. They aren't saving me any money either because I have another daughter that in a few years wants to try out for twirler and if she makes it she'll get a headdress box because she's wanted one since her older sister had one years ago. The sponsor and the administrators need to worry about doing their job at school and let the parents worry about what we spend our money on.


Active Member
The Latest: My daughter is the co-head twirler for this year 2010-2011 and she said that all twirlers inclusive of junior CAN use their painted box to store their head dress. She said that a Ms. B. was the one instigating about the cost etc... but now the problem has being solved and back to status quo. I like to see those painted boxes as each and everyone is different show their personality :clap: .


100+ Posts
lamar06 said:
The Latest: My daughter is the co-head twirler for this year 2010-2011 and she said that all twirlers inclusive of junior CAN use their painted box to store their head dress. She said that a Ms. B. was the one instigating about the cost etc... but now the problem has being solved and back to status quo. I like to see those painted boxes as each and everyone is different show their personality :clap: .


Active Member
I am really sorry that these girls have had to deal with this. I hope the one responsible for this has been held accountable, but I'm sure it was a big laugh to them and they have moved on to the next big drama mess. PB is all about causing problems with kids and their parents. I hear she has a group of these parents she gossips with on a daily basis and they give her info about students (really none of her business). I really don't know why people say she runs that school, maybe she does. It is time this power thing is stopped and all kids are treated equal no matter who is kissing who's butt at the schools. It sounds like she wants to make a few of these girls miserable. Good luck
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

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