Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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Active Member
I appreciate everyones support on this topic .I have not posted for awhile because I have been dealing with another issue that arose due to the boxes.After Mr Curl sent word down to allow the sr girls to use their boxes a secret meeting was called .The girls were told not to tell anyone about it .In this meeting several statements were made to make the girls feel threatened and intimidated.I filed a level one grievance with Mr Keith.Mr Keith setteled my grievance in a matter that was satisfactory to me,my wife,and child.I would hope that more parents would be involved with their kids in the future and we can weed out the personal agendas that some in control seem to have.I will continue to monitor this area ,if anything like this meeting happens again my wife and I will move up to a level two or three grievance.I am trying to teach my daughter that you stand up for yourself in life.I hope there will be no more lessons on this issue.


100+ Posts
87NDN said:
I appreciate everyones support on this topic .I have not posted for awhile because I have been dealing with another issue that arose due to the boxes.After Mr Curl sent word down to allow the sr girls to use their boxes a secret meeting was called .The girls were told not to tell anyone about it .In this meeting several statements were made to make the girls feel threatened and intimidated.I filed a level one grievance with Mr Keith.Mr Keith setteled my grievance in a matter that was satisfactory to me,my wife,and child.I would hope that more parents would be involved with their kids in the future and we can weed out the personal agendas that some in control seem to have.I will continue to monitor this area ,if anything like this meeting happens again my wife and I will move up to a level two or three grievance.I am trying to teach my daughter that you stand up for yourself in life.I hope there will be no more lessons on this issue.
:clap: :clap: My hat is off to you sir.


Staff member
In my experience as a student, Mrs. Briggs has been one of the most reputable administrators at the high school. I realize that there are other students who disagree with this opinion for various reasons. However, I have always found that her good deeds greatly outweigh the so-called bad ones.


Active Member
Consider yourself lucky, but damage has been done to some students and something needs to be done. Every kid deserves to be treated equal and should not be judged because their family can't afford to donate money to the school.


Staff member
purplepride said:
Every kid deserves to be treated equal and should not be judged because their family can't afford to donate money to the school.

That one statement contradicts every single experience I have had in more than three years of high school. I have never seen a student set aside because his or her parents weren't supportive enough. I've seen some students with involved parents get special privileges (and they weren't coming from Mrs. Briggs), but I've never seen a faculty member cast a student out of a program or position in favor of another student whose parents are more supportive.

Mrs. Briggs is the coordinator of student activities. She makes sure that every single extra-curricular program at the high school has all of the necessary resources (which requires a LOT of time and effort thanks to the number of programs PN-G has and the widespread involvement of our students), in addition to putting together Project Graduation and basically running the graduation ceremony. I will be the first to tell you that I don't agree with every decision she makes (including the one regarding the headdress boxes), but I will be the last to crucify her for those decisions because of the sheer amount of work she puts in and the level of commitment to this school she has shown.


Active Member
A big thanks to the parents who stand up for their kids and teach their kids to stand up for themselves. Teachers and Administrators should not be able to bully students for years and get away with it. Like I have said before let the house cleaning begin; out with the same old deadwood and in with what is best for all kids involved. A community should be made up of everyone not one church and one vote. Good luck big Cav, Gonzales and the new board


Active Member
Bandkid, I am a parent, and I can sit here and write that you do not know what is going on with all the students. Kudos to you for being part of Ms. Briggs fan club. Perhaps your lucky that you have not been placed in a pressured or uncomfortable position from comments of one of the administrative employees or a teacher. I personally hope you are never put in a bad situation, my family wasn't so lucky. So while you are tooting your horn on the Ms. Briggs bandwagon, I stand upset and ashamed of the actions of some of the administration.


Staff member
purplepride said:
A big thanks to the parents who stand up for their kids and teach their kids to stand up for themselves. Teachers and Administrators should not be able to bully students for years and get away with it. Like I have said before let the house cleaning begin; out with the same old deadwood and in with what is best for all kids involved. A community should be made up of everyone not one church and one vote. Good luck big Cav, Gonzales and the new board

So, when did we start pitting the churches against each other?

mllandamlmom said:
Bandkid, I am a parent, and I can sit here and write that you do not know what is going on with all the students.

No offense, but as a student, I could write the same about you.

mllandamlmom said:
Kudos to you for being part of Ms. Briggs fan club. Perhaps your lucky that you have not been placed in a pressured or uncomfortable position from comments of one of the administrative employees or a teacher. I personally hope you are never put in a bad situation, my family wasn't so lucky. So while you are tooting your horn on the Ms. Briggs bandwagon, I stand upset and ashamed of the actions of some of the administration.

It's become evident through some of the posts made earlier in this thread that there has been controversy surrounding the headdress boxes for some time now. Again, I don't agree with the now revoked decision, but I'm not going to overly criticize an administrator for trying to get rid of the boxes.

As far as intimidation goes, it could be said that any student who sits in a meeting with an administrator could feel intimidated simply because of the title. However, I would be interested to know more about the twirler sponsor's role in this (don't mean to be accusatory, just think it's a gray area that should be cleared up).

Oh, and by the way, I hope the twirlers enjoyed the Mexican food they had in San Antonio after the game against Gregory-Portland. Mrs. Briggs arranged for that to happen when all the school had to do was provide a sandwich and a drink.


Staff member
Justafan said:
Wow this is about Church and Religion now....

I would hope common sense, accountability for one's actions, and setting a proper example would come to mind to all rather than pulling the religion card.


Active Member
Mrs. Briggs may have single handedly arranged for the Mexican food for the twirlers (even though several of them stayed in San Antonio with their parents and didn't eat the Mexican food) and band and indianettes after the Alamodome game, but she also contributed greatly to the chaos and confusion with where the indianettes were to sit during the game and to the mass confusion with picking the students after the game. Things like that did not happen under the previous two Directors of Student Activities.


Staff member
That's correct. Several students did stay in San Antonio. My only point with the talk of the Mexican food was to point out that it's not like the woman sits there and comes up with ways to torture high school students.

As far as confusion after the game goes, chaos is hard to avoid when you're in the midst of 250 teenagers after a football game and 5-6 hour trip.


Staff member
They did. There were two meals provided for the band, Indianettes, twirlers, cheerleaders, and Geronimo's Crew. One was a meal given upon arrival at the stadium with sandwiches and salads provided by a local deli, and the other was at a Tex-Mex restaurant near the Alamodome after the game.

In my opinion, Mrs. Briggs walked the proverbial extra mile to ensure that we had something good to eat. If the district wanted to, it could've just had the nutritional classes and the cafeteria ladies pack PB&J sandwiches in brown bags like other districts have done.


Active Member
With the number of tickets sold to this game and the amount of money made the school district could have paid for all groups to stay in San Antonio over night with three meals both days. We could have also brought along the rest of the students who couldn't afford to go and still had money left over. Point is the district made lots of $$$ off the ticket sales from this game. Our family spent close to 600.00 for two nights with food and gas. The mess after the game was ridiculous, but not sure who was responsible for that. Stuff like that just makes the district look bad.


500+ Posts
bandkid said:
That's correct. Several students did stay in San Antonio. My only point with the talk of the Mexican food was to point out that it's not like the woman sits there and comes up with ways to torture high school students.

As far as confusion after the game goes, chaos is hard to avoid when you're in the midst of 250 teenagers after a football game and 5-6 hour trip.

the mass confusion that Mrs. Briggs started was before the game. She insisted that several people move from their seats, including myself and family. To this day I have no idea why she was adamant that the Indianettes not sit in the rows allotted to them.


Staff member
purplepride said:
With the number of tickets sold to this game and the amount of money made the school district could have paid for all groups to stay in San Antonio over night with three meals both days. We could have also brought along the rest of the students who couldn't afford to go and still had money left over. Point is the district made lots of $$$ off the ticket sales from this game. Our family spent close to 600.00 for two nights with food and gas. The mess after the game was ridiculous, but not sure who was responsible for that. Stuff like that just makes the district look bad.

Are you sure about that? I would need to hear some figures to believe that. That sounds awfully expensive. Granted, the football team did it, but on the Athletic Booster Club's dime, not the district's.

I also seem to remember some posts made on this site that talked about the district breaking even with the Alamodome game.

pngmom4 said:
bandkid said:
That's correct. Several students did stay in San Antonio. My only point with the talk of the Mexican food was to point out that it's not like the woman sits there and comes up with ways to torture high school students.

As far as confusion after the game goes, chaos is hard to avoid when you're in the midst of 250 teenagers after a football game and 5-6 hour trip.

the mass confusion that Mrs. Briggs started was before the game. She insisted that several people move from their seats, including myself and family. To this day I have no idea why she was adamant that the Indianettes not sit in the rows allotted to them.

Ok, let's explore the issue. Where were the Indianettes originally going to sit?

purplepride said:
I think the power has went to her head. She's all about showing everyone who really runs the school.

Anyone who knows Marc Keith knows that he wouldn't have an official on his staff who he thought was bent on "showing everyone who really runs the school" rather than doing what's best for students like myself.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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