Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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Just typical drama that goes on daily, and yes it is ridiculous. Kids and parents should not have to deal with this on top of the other stress of raising teenagers.


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Some of these kids are afraid of standing up for themselves because of retaliation. This is a fact that if you question the authority that is sometimes clearly not fair these students suffer retaliation from these leaders.


500+ Posts
bandkid said:
purplepride said:
With the number of tickets sold to this game and the amount of money made the school district could have paid for all groups to stay in San Antonio over night with three meals both days. We could have also brought along the rest of the students who couldn't afford to go and still had money left over. Point is the district made lots of $$$ off the ticket sales from this game. Our family spent close to 600.00 for two nights with food and gas. The mess after the game was ridiculous, but not sure who was responsible for that. Stuff like that just makes the district look bad.

They were to sit in section 114. The first 4 or 5 rows, the whole row. There were plent of room for the girls, it was not like there were not enough seats.

Are you sure about that? I would need to hear some figures to believe that. That sounds awfully expensive. Granted, the football team did it, but on the Athletic Booster Club's dime, not the district's.

I also seem to remember some posts made on this site that talked about the district breaking even with the Alamodome game.

pngmom4 said:
bandkid said:
That's correct. Several students did stay in San Antonio. My only point with the talk of the Mexican food was to point out that it's not like the woman sits there and comes up with ways to torture high school students.

As far as confusion after the game goes, chaos is hard to avoid when you're in the midst of 250 teenagers after a football game and 5-6 hour trip.

the mass confusion that Mrs. Briggs started was before the game. She insisted that several people move from their seats, including myself and family. To this day I have no idea why she was adamant that the Indianettes not sit in the rows allotted to them.

Ok, let's explore the issue. Where were the Indianettes originally going to sit?

purplepride said:
I think the power has went to her head. She's all about showing everyone who really runs the school.

Anyone who knows Marc Keith knows that he wouldn't have an official on his staff who he thought was bent on "showing everyone who really runs the school" rather than doing what's best for students like myself.


2,000+ Posts
My two daughters were Indianettes 2004-2007. I remember my wife saying there was more drama coming from the mothers than Beverly Hill 90210. So sad these kids get caught up in the middle of this BS.


100+ Posts
The only problem I encountered was that the parents had no clue where to sign kids out for the Indianettes and Cheerleaders. My wife looked and looked and couldn't find anyone with so many people. Lucky for us I found one of daughters and she found whom I needed to sign them out with. It was much easier at the Texas City game. The parents of the football players from my understanding signed the boys out at he buses.


Active Member
Parents do take up for their children when someone is doing wrong. Stand up for your children's rights always and teach them to stand up for what they believe.


100+ Posts
Justafan said:
My two daughters were Indianettes 2004-2007. I remember my wife saying there was more drama coming from the mothers than Beverly Hill 90210. So sad these kids get caught up in the middle of this BS.

That's no lie. Someone's seventeen year old daughter's feelings get hurt and instead of being an adult and trusting that an educator who has given their life to NO pay and NO time off is doing what's best for everyone, mommy and daddy stroll up to the school to raise hell. It's been the problem with extra-curricular activities for thirty years. What 'adults' don't realize is that most of the time kids actually get over, learn from, and move past a situation, while their parents do not.


100+ Posts
I will take up for my children always that is what parents do. Now if they are wrong that is a different story. My kids learned from an early age that they can't always win and they can't be the best at everything but I taught them to give their very best and never give up.


100+ Posts
I will take up for my children always that is what parents do. Now if they are wrong that is a different story. My kids learned from an early age that they can't always win and they can't be the best at everything but I taught them to give their very best and never give up.
Great explanation. Sounds like good parenting to me.


100+ Posts
indianalways said:
I will take up for my children always that is what parents do. Now if they are wrong that is a different story. My kids learned from an early age that they can't always win and they can't be the best at everything but I taught them to give their very best and never give up.
Great explanation. Sounds like good parenting to me.

We try and do the best we can.


Active Member
indianalways said:
Justafan said:
My two daughters were Indianettes 2004-2007. I remember my wife saying there was more drama coming from the mothers than Beverly Hill 90210. So sad these kids get caught up in the middle of this BS.

That's no lie. Someone's seventeen year old daughter's feelings get hurt and instead of being an adult and trusting that an educator who has given their life to NO pay and NO time off is doing what's best for everyone, mommy and daddy stroll up to the school to raise hell. It's been the problem with extra-curricular activities for thirty years. What 'adults' don't realize is that most of the time kids actually get over, learn from, and move past a situation, while their parents do not.
When an administrator tells your child "tell anyone about this meeting and I will come after you" or "teachers are like the mafia 'mess with one of us and you mess with all of us " let me know if you would "stroll up to the school to raise hell" . Nobody gets a pass if they threaten my child .


100+ Posts
87NDN said:
indianalways said:
Justafan said:
My two daughters were Indianettes 2004-2007. I remember my wife saying there was more drama coming from the mothers than Beverly Hill 90210. So sad these kids get caught up in the middle of this BS.

That's no lie. Someone's seventeen year old daughter's feelings get hurt and instead of being an adult and trusting that an educator who has given their life to NO pay and NO time off is doing what's best for everyone, mommy and daddy stroll up to the school to raise hell. It's been the problem with extra-curricular activities for thirty years. What 'adults' don't realize is that most of the time kids actually get over, learn from, and move past a situation, while their parents do not.
When an administrator tells your child "tell anyone about this meeting and I will come after you" or "teachers are like the mafia 'mess with one of us and you mess with all of us " let me know if you would "stroll up to the school to raise hell" . Nobody gets a pass if they threaten my child .

I would be on any teacher that said that statement to my child. It wouldn't be a pretty site either. My wife had a run in with a English teacher last year and it wasn't pretty. She did apologize to my child the next time she had her in her class.

We also teach our kids to be respectful of adults but this teacher was so out of line in what she said to our child that I told her she had no reason to respect her.


Active Member
Indianalways-I hope not

It sounds like you have alot of anger towards this stuent and her parents. I'm sure that it is really none of your business and just maybe you should not be posting on this forum on school time. If employees like you would be supervising these children and doing your job instead of judging PNG students parenting skills the Reservation would
be a much better place. I am sure the tax payers would like to know who is wasting their tax payer dollars. Now get yourself back to educating children.


100+ Posts
purplepride said:
It sounds like you have alot of anger towards this stuent and her parents. I'm sure that it is really none of your business and just maybe you should not be posting on this forum on school time. If employees like you would be supervising these children and doing your job instead of judging PNG students parenting skills the Reservation would
be a much better place. I am sure the tax payers would like to know who is wasting their tax payer dollars. Now get yourself back to educating children.
Everyone, I apologize for my previous comment. It is easy to become upset when trying to deal with the public. Especially the ones who have no sense at all. For someone to be calling out anger you sure have a lot yourself. Teachers do the best they can with what's made available to them. Parents who make emotionally charged, often misguided decisions to attack a teacher based on an upset CHILD do not help resolve situations that ARE NOT as big as some people make them up to be. If the teacher is in the wrong, certainly they need to be called out. Sadly, most people can't make that distinction.


Active Member
For a person that appologised then turns around and blames the parents who are concerned about their kids is just showing their how you cant handle your job. Cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. sound like you are full of yourself and could not tell the destinction if it would hit you in the rear. I would consider that indian giving on the appoligy so maybe you don't make a good PNG NDN. It sounds like you know alot about this 17 year old daughter and her parents. Isn't it in your educators code of ethics about a students confidentiality? I hope the parents of the 17 year old daughter read this and take action. I also hope the PNG Community would back up any family who tries to protect their children from as arrogant as yourself.


Staff member
purplepride said:
For a person that appologised then turns around and blames the parents who are concerned about their kids is just showing their how you cant handle your job. Cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. sound like you are full of yourself and could not tell the destinction if it would hit you in the rear. I would consider that indian giving on the appoligy so maybe you don't make a good PNG NDN. It sounds like you know alot about this 17 year old daughter and her parents. Isn't it in your educators code of ethics about a students confidentiality? I hope the parents of the 17 year old daughter read this and take action. I also hope the PNG Community would back up any family who tries to protect their children from as arrogant as yourself.

I think she was using a hypothetical scenario....


2,000+ Posts
purplepride said:
For a person that appologised then turns around and blames the parents who are concerned about their kids is just showing their how you cant handle your job. Cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. sound like you are full of yourself and could not tell the destinction if it would hit you in the rear. I would consider that indian giving on the appoligy so maybe you don't make a good PNG NDN. It sounds like you know alot about this 17 year old daughter and her parents. Isn't it in your educators code of ethics about a students confidentiality? I hope the parents of the 17 year old daughter read this and take action. I also hope the PNG Community would back up any family who tries to protect their children from as arrogant as yourself.

Hush Squaw, everyone is tired of hearing it.


Staff member
pngmom4 said:
They were to sit in section 114. The first 4 or 5 rows, the whole row. There were plent of room for the girls, it was not like there were not enough seats.

I apologize for making this complicated, but if you were sitting with the band facing the field at the Alamodome, would the Indianettes' original seats be on your right or your left?


100+ Posts
bandkid said:
purplepride said:
For a person that appologised then turns around and blames the parents who are concerned about their kids is just showing their how you cant handle your job. Cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. sound like you are full of yourself and could not tell the destinction if it would hit you in the rear. I would consider that indian giving on the appoligy so maybe you don't make a good PNG NDN. It sounds like you know alot about this 17 year old daughter and her parents. Isn't it in your educators code of ethics about a students confidentiality? I hope the parents of the 17 year old daughter read this and take action. I also hope the PNG Community would back up any family who tries to protect their children from as arrogant as yourself.

I think she was using a hypothetical scenario....

Thanks bandkid for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Purple- you have some serious anger and bitterness you need to get dealt with. I meant my apology but this exact situation and your hurtful comments areprecisely what I meant with 'parents being emotionally charged.' You aren't doing a very good job keeping your cool. Or proving any points. Sorry again.


Active Member
I do not appreciate you telling me I have an anger problem. You were the one expressisng your anger and telling the community about the 17 year old daughter and her parents. This will all come out tomorrow and I hope you are repremanded for letting this information leak to the public. You and your followers at this students school knew what you were doing when you posted that information during school hours. Now the community can narrow it down to who this student is. I will bring this up to your boss. I am sure they will not be happy with your actions. I don't know why you and your followers are so angry about the new guys.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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