Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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Staff member
purplepride said:
I do not appreciate you telling me I have an anger problem. You were the one expressisng your anger and telling the community about the 17 year old daughter and her parents. This will all come out tomorrow and I hope you are repremanded for letting this information leak to the public. You and your followers at this students school knew what you were doing when you posted that information during school hours. Now the community can narrow it down to who this student is. I will bring this up to your boss. I am sure they will not be happy with your actions. I don't know why you and your followers are so angry about the new guys.

Am I missing something here (i.e. a name, date, or specific detail that would indicate that the case of the 17-year-old girl was anything more than a hypothetical example, which would not qualify as an offense)?


100+ Posts
purplepride said:
I do not appreciate you telling me I have an anger problem. You were the one expressisng your anger and telling the community about the 17 year old daughter and her parents. This will all come out tomorrow and I hope you are repremanded for letting this information leak to the public. You and your followers at this students school knew what you were doing when you posted that information during school hours. Now the community can narrow it down to who this student is. I will bring this up to your boss. I am sure they will not be happy with your actions. I don't know why you and your followers are so angry about the new guys.

THIS has become hysterical.


Active Member
Also what is up with all the hate comments about Thomas and BISD. Some people just can't handle a little change, so now they want to dog BISD. Jealousy is a horrible thing. If you can't beat them nepotism always worked in the past.


Staff member
purplepride said:
Also what is up with all the hate comments about Thomas and BISD. Some people just can't handle a little change, so now they want to dog BISD. Jealousy is a horrible thing. If you can't beat them nepotism always worked in the past.

You can't be serious. You actually think we're jealous of BISD? If we were jealous of BISD, we might actually like the fact that Dr. Cavness worked there. We don't.

The Beaumont Independent School District is widely considered to be one of the most corrupt school districts in the state of Texas, and I am not opposed to that theory. I've forgotten which article listed it, but Carrol Thomas is the highest paid superintendent in the state, making more than the heads of districts with far more students, such as Cypress Fairbanks, Houston, and Dallas. The only reason that school district is even solvent is because of the state's ordering South Park to take it over, which effectively ruined education in that part of Beaumont as well. I made a post in the "Curl Retiring" thread cataloguing West Brook's consistently poor TEA Accountability Ratings. Central's and Ozen's are even worse.

What I've posted above doesn't even begin to account for all of the problems in that district. The only district in the area that I find to be even worse is PAISD.

If you really think BISD has anything to be jealous of, I suggest you look at the links below:



http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/account/ (just search for "Beaumont")

If you really think the posters are jealous of BISD, then I suggest you take a look at some of these links:


http://www.boards.pngindians.com/index.php/topic,1425.msg20471.html#msg20471 (look at the 2nd page)


Active Member
No need to research when the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE ie bandkid. Guess bandkid took a break from tooting her own horn. Guess you don't know what sarcasm is, maybe you and justafan can research it together.


Active Member
i don't know where all this is going I am finding identical post on two different threads.I said my piece with the head dress boxes problem solved .Im out .ya'll have fun

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Wait a minute. I understand sarcasm. I also understand insults. Purplepride you just went way too far. You are calling out others and accusing them of outing kids and not caring for them. Yet you are insulting a teenage bandkid yourself!

You went way too far. Just because the kid showed you up quite well, quoted sources rather than spewing conjecture like you did and has had the grace not to blast you surely doesn't give you the right to stoop so damn low and swipe at a student. Back off. Now.

Moderators - please lock this thread. I truly really try to post positive posts or at least offer thoughtful insight. I never agree completely with one poster or the other, one side or the other, but I try to stay civil. I didn't manage to do either in this post and at this point have lost my objective. No adults should be able to swipe at the kids. Period. Ban her or ban me but end this please.


Active Member
I don't think this is a kid who knows this much information about students and PNG High School business. If bandkid really is a student he should be studying and not running down our new Sup and running down other school districts.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Well you are dead wrong. He is a kid. One who has as much right to his opinion as anyone. As you do.

It's not your job to tell him when to study or not. It is his parents job. Or maybe its just his. Either way that's his business. Not yours or mine.

Why on earth would you ever stoop so low to swipe at a kid.!!.?? You should be ashamed. I am ashamed of your behavior. That kid hasn't stooped low, or even said anything negative about the new officials. He has praised the ones he likes and has only questionned the others or brought out documented reports on BISD. He hasn't even been ugly to you and you probably deserved that!

What is wrong with being proud of his district? Not a thing. I'm much more proud of him being a product of this district than I am by the idiot adults who can't convey their thoughts objectively or have enough common sense to speak to kids as a role model rather than a curt and terse adult who should know better than to do that to a kid.


Active Member
Would never insult anyone in the band. But I am standing my ground for what is right at PNG. I have every right to take up for who I want to support. If some sour grapes want to run down and run down the new guys in charge I will continue to voice my opinion. Some people on this site are not who they say they are.


Staff member
purplepride said:
No need to research when the BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE ie bandkid. Guess bandkid took a break from tooting her own horn. Guess you don't know what sarcasm is, maybe you and justafan can research it together.

I would like to point out, just for the record's sake, that I'm a guy.

purplepride said:
I don't think this is a kid who knows this much information about students and PNG High School business. If bandkid really is a student he should be studying and not running down our new Sup and running down other school districts.

If you think that, then I am sorry to inform you that you are sorely mistaken. I am neither the only student at PN-G who holds these issues to be of the utmost importance nor am I the only one who realizes that there are other districts in this area that are in a very sad state of affairs and that PN-G has managed to stay a cut above the rest of the districts in Southeast Texas because of its commitment to extra-curricular activities, good teachers, and a curriculum that does not reflect the so-called progress of "new-age" education.

I am also not the only student (and certainly not the only person at the high school) who has serious concerns regarding our new superintendent and assistant superintendent.

My studying patterns are my business and mine alone. I will thank you to refrain from dictating them. They have worked just fine in the past and seem to be working well now.

purplepride said:
Would never insult anyone in the band. But I am standing my ground for what is right at PNG. I have every right to take up for who I want to support. If some sour grapes want to run down and run down the new guys in charge I will continue to voice my opinion. Some people on this site are not who they say they are.

You're correct. You have every right to your opinion, as do I. You have every right to voice your opinion, as do I. And you have every right to affirm your support for our new administrators as I have every right to question them.

You're correct in one more regard, also. There are people on this site who are not who they say they are. However, I am not one of those people. I am a current band member and a proud senior at Port Neches-Groves High School. If you would like me to provide evidence to support that claim as well, I will be happy to do so.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Purple Pride -

You know I really don 't believe anything or any issue is that black or white.

I do believe that it is the job of adults to all protect our children. Bandkid is just what he says he is and has been posting for a couple of years. It shouldn't be my job to let you know.

It is ironic that you blast others for what they do to the kids and you do the very same thing. Let's see you lead by example and do the right thing.........................


Active Member
Why don't you tell me how bandkid knows more about the Indianettes seating arrangements then anyone but PB??? How does bandkid know the details about the 17 year old daughter????? Sounds like band kid gets alot of information from a certain Administrator.


Staff member
I don't know any details regarding the 17-year-old. Simply put, there are no details to know. It's obvious that indianalways was posting a hypothetical scenario as an example to prove a point. If you look at the post PNG Proud made and the context in which it was made, it's also obvious that I'm not the only one who has realized this.

I also never said that I knew anything about the Indianettes' seating arrangements (I'm assuming that you're referring to the situation at the Alamodome). I'm merely asking pngmom4 questions in an attempt to discern some reasonable motivation for the movement of the Indianettes.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Probably because he has been sitting in the band for four years right next to the Indianettes? Probably because the Indianettes are his peers and friends? Probably because he was raised with most of those kids? Probably because they are kids and they talk to each other? Sorry I don't see the conspiracy theory here that you evidently do.

And maybe because he just likes his school and his peers and his band and his teachers and his administration? Maybe because he has the grace and the sense to realize he has it better than most kids? Don't believe me then go check out the Africa thread and see just how blessed we are. Or check out the Forum articles on the other Board on the kids grieving in Orange and all over. Again maybe he has a positive proactive attitude that wants to fix all of the concerns and have a great school? That's for him to really answer even though you questionned me.

Either way you insulted a kid. Go back and research past threads and you will see he is a kid. So how do you plan on rectifying that? That's one I'd like to see you answer.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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