Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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100+ Posts
bandkid said:
I don't know any details regarding the 17-year-old. Simply put, there are no details to know. It's obvious that indianalways was posting a hypothetical scenario as an example to prove a point. If you look at the post PNG Proud made and the context in which it was made, it's also obvious that I'm not the only one who has realized this.

I also never said that I knew anything about the Indianettes' seating arrangements (I'm assuming that you're referring to the situation at the Alamodome). I'm merely asking pngmom4 questions in an attempt to discern some reasonable motivation for the movement of the Indianettes.
Proud Band Mom said:
Probably because he has been sitting in the band for four years right next to the Indianettes? Probably because the Indianettes are his peers and friends? Probably because he was raised with most of those kids? Probably because they are kids and they talk to each other? Sorry I don't see the conspiracy theory here that you evidently do.

And maybe because he just likes his school and his peers and his band and his teachers and his administration? Maybe because he has the grace and the sense to realize he has it better than most kids? Don't believe me then go check out the Africa thread and see just how blessed we are. Or check out the Forum articles on the other Board on the kids grieving in Orange and all over. Again maybe he has a positive proactive attitude that wants to fix all of the concerns and have a great school? That's for him to really answer even though you questionned me.

Either way you insulted a kid. Go back and research past threads and you will see he is a kid. So how do you plan on rectifying that? That's one I'd like to see you answer.

Thank you bandkid for being more mature than purplepride.

Thank you Proud Band Mom for sticking up for what is right.

Hopefully everyone can see what my intent was, only to stick up for an administration that i trust is doing what is best for the kids of the school and the district. And once again, sorry for becoming heated.


Active Member
again as a father of a band member I would never insult a band member. I am just sick of people blasting the new guys and the more we take up for them the more a certain hate group keeps pounding and pounding on these guys. I wish BISD and PAISD the best of luck with their district. I also know we voted for change because we needed it. This district has seen it's share of problems and they don't need to get worse. I think we are on the right tract now to better our students and community.


Staff member
purplepride said:
I think we are on the right tract now to better our students and community.

Once again, I hope you're right, but every shred of evidence I have seen regarding this issue so far has done nothing but prove the contrary.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Bandkid -
Do not judge all adults on the basis of Purplepride's complete idiocy. It doesn't matter that I agree or disagree with his opinions and concerns or that you do. What does matter is that he took a lousy rotten shot at a youth. He should be banned from this Board. He won't even address my comment about doing what is right and hopefully apologizing to you for the manner in which he addressed you.

Learn from this kiddo. Parents and adults can make stupid and costly mistakes. When we do we need to own up to them and apologize. Be big enough people to say I'm sorry .... just accept full responsibility. Purple can't or won't do that. It is unfortunate. Continue to be the bigger and better person that you are and know that all the other Indians - the true Indians - on this Board know that we can respectfully disagree on issues and still come together to support our kids. Ignore Purplepride and his snide behavior. I already think you are the better man.... even if I don't agree with you all the time either :)

No scratch that. I know you are the better man.


Active Member
I will take this up with bandkid, but I have a right to my own opinion. I have no respect for you Proudbandmom and I don't need to explain myself to you. I stand behind the new administration and think you should also. You don't know what everyone has put up with in the past. Don't judge unless you want to be judged.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
purplepride said:
I will take this up with bandkid, but I have a right to my own opinion. I have no respect for you Proudbandmom and I don't need to explain myself to you. I stand behind the new administration and think you should also. You don't know what everyone has put up with in the past. Don't judge unless you want to be judged.

Believe me I could care less regarding your opinion of me. You are correct that you don't need to explain yourself to me but you do need to apologize to that kid. My guess is by the time others wake up and read the thread they will agree with me. Many of us agree or disagree with the kid but none of us will allow you to insult him...or any other kid. Maybe you can understand your error better from one of them rather than me. I seem to have been very inadequate in trying to get you to realize that you should not insult a kid. But I will not stand for it. My guess is neither will the other posters on here; regardless of their opinions of school boards or administrations.

You have no idea what my opinion is of the new administration. Go back and read the threads. I never stated it. How do you know I don't? Wait, let me succinctly restate that..... you don't know if I do or don't support the new administration or the old. I don't want to ask you anything because frankly I don't want to hold a conversation with you. I detest your ignorance regarding the correct and appropriate treatment of kids.


Active Member
Sounds like bandkid does not have a problem it's the adult that is attacking me. Again, I have a right to my own opinion and I don't care to have a conversation with you either. Your the name caller and I'll leave it at that.


500+ Posts
Bandkid, if answering your question to me, the Indianettes were to sit on the right side of the band, they were then moved to the left side when PB could not get everyone to move from their seats. BTW, I and my family did move, some of us did move back when the Indianettes moved.


Staff member
purplepride said:
Sounds like bandkid does not have a problem it's the adult that is attacking me. Again, I have a right to my own opinion and I don't care to have a conversation with you either. Your the name caller and I'll leave it at that.

Well, I wouldn't say that I don't have a problem with it, but as far as I'm concerned, you can make all the insults and accusations you want. All I'm going to do is clear my name (or the name of anyone else I believe has been falsely accused or wrongly called out), refrain from making insults myself, and continue to post my opinions and/or the facts that lead me to believe what I believe.

That having been said, I would like to thank Proud Band Mom (and the others who have chimed in in this thread and others) for the kind words and caring posts. It's nice to know that there are people out there who care about me enough to say something.

pngmom4 said:
Bandkid, if answering your question to me, the Indianettes were to sit on the right side of the band, they were then moved to the left side when PB could not get everyone to move from their seats. BTW, I and my family did move, some of us did move back when the Indianettes moved.

If Mrs. Briggs couldn't get everyone to move from the Indianettes' original seats, then it doesn't sound like she was being unreasonable in moving the Indianettes to new seats.

Or have I misunderstood something?


500+ Posts
I may have misled you Bandkid.The orignal seats were vacant for the Indianettes. The seats that the fans refused to give up were the ones that the fans paid for.


100+ Posts
pngmom4 said:
I may have misled you Bandkid.The orignal seats were vacant for the Indianettes. The seats that the fans refused to give up were the ones that the fans paid for.

From what my daughter said who is an Indianette and was there, she said it was maybe 3 rows that were sold that shouldn't have been.


Staff member
pngmom4 said:
I may have misled you Bandkid.The orignal seats were vacant for the Indianettes. The seats that the fans refused to give up were the ones that the fans paid for.

In their original seats, would the Indianettes have been right up against the crowd? I have a theory.


Active Member
Kid I think you forgot to mention Superintendent Cavness was only one of eleven in the state to be voted Superintendent of the year in Texas.


500+ Posts
bandkid said:
pngmom4 said:
I may have misled you Bandkid.The orignal seats were vacant for the Indianettes. The seats that the fans refused to give up were the ones that the fans paid for.

In their original seats, would the Indianettes have been right up against the crowd? I have a theory.

yes they would have been in the rows rhgit in front of the fans. In response to NDNNATION, I was already in my seat when the Indianettes came in. the last row was not even full of Indianettes. So, they had more seats available than what was needed.

The best I could conclude is this: The Indianettes were to sit in 6 rows of 11 or 12. PB wanted them to sit in 10 rows of 7 or 8. Maybe one of the Indianettes could anwser this, but at the time, I think the Indianettes were as confused as the fans. They seemed to just want to sit down wherever and enjoy the experience. The girls were all respectful of the situation and should be commended for their behavior.


100+ Posts
purplepride said:
I'm sure you will let me know. Like I said not everyone on this site is who they say they are.

that for sure! and i believe that bandkid is not a kid at all but an adult posing as one! The things that he post and the imformation that he comes up with does not seem like what a typical 17/18 yr old mindset is!

and FYI i am not mrs. miller as justafan thinks i am!


100+ Posts
attakapandn said:
that for sure! and i believe that bandkid is not a kid at all but an adult posing as one! The things that he post and the information that he comes up with does not seem like what a typical 17/18 yr old mindset is!

I hope you're kidding.... is it really that far-fetched to think that a teenager or young adult could perhaps be a little brighter than some of the adults on here? I haven't been out of school that long, and while I was in school the one thing I had drilled in my head from PNGHS is DO RESEARCH and BE ABLE TO BACK UP YOUR IDEAS! That's all BandKid ever does, and now he can't possibly be a student because he comes across as educated? BandKid is the type of person that makes me proud to be an Indian. Even if he has been out of school for 30 years, I'd still feel that way--he is educated, objective, and takes the time to make sure he knows what he is talking about before presenting an idea... we need more people like him around here.


100+ Posts
NDN06 said:
attakapandn said:
that for sure! and i believe that bandkid is not a kid at all but an adult posing as one! The things that he post and the information that he comes up with does not seem like what a typical 17/18 yr old mindset is!

I hope you're kidding.... is it really that far-fetched to think that a teenager or young adult could perhaps be a little brighter than some of the adults on here? I haven't been out of school that long, and while I was in school the one thing I had drilled in my head from PNGHS is DO RESEARCH and BE ABLE TO BACK UP YOUR IDEAS! That's all BandKid ever does, and now he can't possibly be a student because he comes across as educated? BandKid is the type of person that makes me proud to be an Indian. Even if he has been out of school for 30 years, I'd still feel that way--he is educated, objective, and takes the time to make sure he knows what he is talking about before presenting an idea... we need more people like him around here.



Staff member
Rambo said:
Kid I think you forgot to mention Superintendent Cavness was only one of eleven in the state to be voted Superintendent of the year in Texas.

That's an accomplishment I did not know about.

I've looked into Evadale's TEA Accountability Ratings as well, and it should be noted for the record that Evadale improved its rating from "Academically Acceptable" to "Exemplary" during Dr. Cavness's time in that district. Although there is room for speculation because of West Brook's consistent rating of "Accademically Acceptable" during Dr. Cavness's term as principal of that school and the differences between the roles of a principal and those of a superintendent, this does make me feel somewhat better about the issue.

pngmom4 said:
bandkid said:
pngmom4 said:
I may have misled you Bandkid.The orignal seats were vacant for the Indianettes. The seats that the fans refused to give up were the ones that the fans paid for.

In their original seats, would the Indianettes have been right up against the crowd? I have a theory.

yes they would have been in the rows rhgit in front of the fans. In response to NDNNATION, I was already in my seat when the Indianettes came in. the last row was not even full of Indianettes. So, they had more seats available than what was needed.

The best I could conclude is this: The Indianettes were to sit in 6 rows of 11 or 12. PB wanted them to sit in 10 rows of 7 or 8. Maybe one of the Indianettes could anwser this, but at the time, I think the Indianettes were as confused as the fans. They seemed to just want to sit down wherever and enjoy the experience. The girls were all respectful of the situation and should be commended for their behavior.

If space was the issue, then my theory is out the window. Perhaps we do need an Indianette's opinion on the matter.

attakapandn said:
purplepride said:
I'm sure you will let me know. Like I said not everyone on this site is who they say they are.

that for sure! and i believe that bandkid is not a kid at all but an adult posing as one! The things that he post and the imformation that he comes up with does not seem like what a typical 17/18 yr old mindset is!

and FYI i am not mrs. miller as justafan thinks i am!

What is your view of the "typical 17/18 yr old mindset"?

Allow me to pose a question: if I am not a student and therefore not a band member, how am I able to make posts that detail experiences I have had in band? If I'm not a student, how can I make a post that obviously comes from a student's point of view?

Here are a few threads that may cause you to revisit that opinion:





1,000+ Posts
Bankid, I don't know or care how old you are. Never thought about you as a doubleknot spy. If you are, thanks for the insight and information. Also, note that Cav. (EISD) spent almost $1,900 per student and PNG was +-1,750 per kid last TEA report! Take what you want from that - just the facts.

I just LOVE this site. Everyone have a great day and see ya Fri.!!!

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
In their original seats, would the Indianettes have been right up against the crowd? I have a theory.
The girls were all respectful of the situation and should be commended for their behavior.

PNGMom4 -
Great point! You are absolutely correct - the Indianettes absolutely need to be commended for their graciousness. I've had the pleasure of watching them closely during our years as band parents. They were great at the Alamodome and also at Disneyworld too. We all should be really proud of how well behaved our students are when we travel (and at home). People - especially employees - always stop those of us in purple to tell us how great our kids behave. Since you have an Indianette could you please let the rest of the girls, sponsors and parents know how proud we are of them? :clap: :clap:

Oh and hang in there bandkid - and enjoy your senior year :)
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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