Head Dress Boxes for Indianette Cap., Lt. & Indian Twirlers

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500+ Posts
Proud Band Mom said:
In their original seats, would the Indianettes have been right up against the crowd? I have a theory.
The girls were all respectful of the situation and should be commended for their behavior.

PNGMom4 -
Great point! You are absolutely correct - the Indianettes absolutely need to be commended for their graciousness. I've had the pleasure of watching them closely during our years as band parents. They were great at the Alamodome and also at Disneyworld too. We all should be really proud of how well behaved our students are when we travel (and at home). People - especially employees - always stop those of us in purple to tell us how great our kids behave. Since you have an Indianette could you please let the rest of the girls, sponsors and parents know how proud we are of them? :clap: :clap:

Oh and hang in there bandkid - and enjoy your senior year :)

I don't have an Indianette, but I know most of the girls. Bandkid, we are gonna miss you next year.

On another note, during softball season some of the band members came to the games. We did discuss Bandkid, because I wanted to meet him in person. He was not there, but they did admit that he was way smarter and enlightened beyond his years.


100+ Posts
pngmom4 said:
Proud Band Mom said:
In their original seats, would the Indianettes have been right up against the crowd? I have a theory.
The girls were all respectful of the situation and should be commended for their behavior.

PNGMom4 -
Great point! You are absolutely correct - the Indianettes absolutely need to be commended for their graciousness. I've had the pleasure of watching them closely during our years as band parents. They were great at the Alamodome and also at Disneyworld too. We all should be really proud of how well behaved our students are when we travel (and at home). People - especially employees - always stop those of us in purple to tell us how great our kids behave. Since you have an Indianette could you please let the rest of the girls, sponsors and parents know how proud we are of them? :clap: :clap:

Oh and hang in there bandkid - and enjoy your senior year :)

I don't have an Indianette, but I know most of the girls. Bandkid, we are gonna miss you next year.

On another note, during softball season some of the band members came to the games. We did discuss Bandkid, because I wanted to meet him in person. He was not there, but they did admit that he was way smarter and enlightened beyond his years.

There are lots of kids out there that are WAY more intelligent than some adults, they have an OLD soul in a young body.


1,000+ Posts
Canvess is one of 11 from all levels of Districts, i.e. 1A,2A,3A etc... I am sure he was a very good 1A second year Supt. With that said, would you think a all-state 6 man running back would be as good as a 4A or 5A running back?

If you are totally behind Canvess, that's great - don't talk down to the rest of us because we disagree.


500+ Posts
bark said:
would you think a all-state 6 man running back would be as good as a 4A or 5A running back?

He could be. His abilities do not depend on the size of his school. If Harmon had played for a 6-man team, would he had been any less of a runner?


100+ Posts
bark said:
Canvess is one of 11 from all levels of Districts, i.e. 1A,2A,3A etc... I am sure he was a very good 1A second year Supt. With that said, would you think a all-state 6 man running back would be as good as a 4A or 5A running back?

If you are totally behind Canvess, that's great - don't talk down to the rest of us because we disagree.

Yeah that.


500+ Posts
Ok, I don't say much on here, but considering the tragic death of Reggie Garrett and what the team, parents, and community are going through right now, I think all this arguing and backbiting is a little bit sickening. Those people lost a son, brother, teammate, friend, and leader! I think we should all take a step back and let the drama rest, at least for this week! Please read this article and let's give this family, team, and community "a moment of silence."



100+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Ok, I don't say much on here, but considering the tragic death of Reggie Garrett and what the team, parents, and community are going through right now, I think all this arguing and backbiting is a little bit sickening. Those people lost a son, brother, teammate, friend, and leader! I think we should all take a step back and let the drama rest, at least for this week! Please read this article and let's give this family, team, and community "a moment of silence."

Right on!


Active Member
To any of the readers on this topic, please sign in and click on Education topic, go to Curl retiring and read all of the negative post and lets protect our interest. I am amazed at the retaliation because it is my honest opinion that someone is upset because their friend didn't move up the ladder. CRAZY!!!! Again, it is only my honest opinion that the best men moved in!!!! I think I remember someone named Carma


Staff member
Rambo said:
To any of the readers on this topic, please sign in and click on Education topic, go to Curl retiring and read all of the negative post and lets protect our interest. I am amazed at the retaliation because it is my honest opinion that someone is upset because their friend didn't move up the ladder. CRAZY!!!! Again, it is only my honest opinion that the best men moved in!!!! I think I remember someone named Carma

Did you read NDNmom91's post?


Active Member
I have been to church tonight and we have prayed for his family and others. The more you post on this forum, the more I question who you are. IMHA


Staff member
Rambo said:
I have been to church tonight and we have prayed for his family and others.

Very well. If you feel comfortable disregarding her request to lay aside the arguing over the issue of our new administrators for a brief period of time, then that's your business.

Rambo said:
The more you post on this forum, the more I question who you are. IMHA

Please do.

Also, please feel free to refer to my prior post regarding this particular issue (quoted below) and to read all 58 pages of posts I have made during my time as a member of this site (linked to below).

bandkid said:
attakapandn said:
purplepride said:
I'm sure you will let me know. Like I said not everyone on this site is who they say they are.

that for sure! and i believe that bandkid is not a kid at all but an adult posing as one! The things that he post and the imformation that he comes up with does not seem like what a typical 17/18 yr old mindset is!

and FYI i am not mrs. miller as justafan thinks i am!

What is your view of the "typical 17/18 yr old mindset"?

Allow me to pose a question: if I am not a student and therefore not a band member, how am I able to make posts that detail experiences I have had in band? If I'm not a student, how can I make a post that obviously comes from a student's point of view?

Here are a few threads that may cause you to revisit that opinion:






Active Member
As suggested, I am moving this post here.

All I know is what I've heard from the community. My neighbors daughter tried out for freshman cheerleader and he said when his wife went to look at his daughters scores she notice the different judges scores were all written in the same handwriting. Sounds a little fishy to me, if you know what I'm talking about. I sure would like to know who is responsible for adding up the scores and votes for all of the kids. Why on earth would someone rewrite the scores of the different judges unless the scores were changed. It makes you wonder! When students and their families are having problems at one school, something's not right. IMHO


Staff member
And I will be happy to move my response to it.

bandkid said:
Rambo said:
All I know is what I've heard from the community. My neighbors daughter tried out for freshman cheerleader and he said when his wife went to look at his daughters scores she notice the different judges scores were all written in the same handwriting. Sounds a little fishy to me, if you know what I'm talking about. I sure would like to know who is responsible for adding up the scores and votes for all of the kids. Why on earth would someone rewrite the scores of the different judges unless the scores were changed. It makes you wonder! When students and their families are having problems at one school, something's not right.

Out of respect for NDNmom91's request, I'm going to refrain from getting too far into this for the time being. However, I will say that it sounds like there are a lot of possibilities that haven't been explored in this case. It could be that the judges called their scores out verbally and they were simply recorded by the same person. It could also be that what your neighbor viewed was a summary sheet of some sort. I don't know because I am in no way familiar with the judging process for potential cheerleaders. However, I would ask some of the cheerleaders and the freshman cheerleader sponsor (even a judge if their identities are public information) about the process if I was investigating the issue.

In fact, here's a link to the rest of the responses:


*Please note that only members can view the page that the above link leads to.


Active Member
All I'm saying is that in my honest opinion, I know an Administrator that says...PLEASE DO...all the time...funny how you sound like her...and you know so much information...


Staff member
Rambo said:
All I'm saying is that in my honest opinion, I know an Administrator that says...PLEASE DO...all the time...funny how you sound like her...and you know so much information...

Once again, take a look at the posts. You can't form a conclusion without taking all of the evidence into account.

And for the record, there are many people at the high school that say "please do" fairly often.


Active Member
In my honest opinion some people just like drama and the more drama that certain kids have to deal with the happier certain people are. It will come back to bite them in the rear, mark my word. Bank kid


Staff member
Rambo said:
In my honest opinion some people just like drama and the more drama that certain kids have to deal with the happier certain people are. It will come back to bite them in the rear, mark my word. Bank kid

Interesting assertion.

Funny how you still haven't responded to my requests to review the evidence. I think I'm seeing a pattern here.


Active Member
In my honest opinion I think I know who you are and what your up too. Keep on giving out the details!!! Bank kid


Staff member
Rambo said:
In my honest opinion I think I know who you are and what your up too. Keep on giving out the details!!! Bank kid

Then post your theory. Let's discuss it.
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PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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