Hey Bandkid....

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Can you explain the rational behind the Tomohawk Song WHILE WE HAVE THE BALL?
1. To me, that's more of a defense type of song.
2. When our guys have the ball, the last thing our side would want to do is distract them with loud music. Ya save that for their offense.

Maybe you can shed some light on this?

BTW...nice job last night. The band looked good, and I REALLY like the fact that Cherokee is played the traditional way in the Marching I. Just don't like the percussion "upbeats" in the other one.


Staff member
Ok, I'm assuming that you're talking about War Chant. As I remember, it was played when Nederland was leading 7-0 last night and Nederland had just finished playing their fight song.

If you're talking about Geronimo's Fury, I think that was played before anyone had put points on the board right after Nederland had recovered the kickoff.

Several of the players have stated that War Chant is the most intimidating thing we play and that it always seems to rattle the other team, regardless of who's on offense or defense. If we played War Chant when I think we did (again, I'm really not sure; we were still revelling in the glory of "Band of the Week"), it was probably to loosen up the Nederland defense a little.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Thanks for the reply.

Understood. I just never liked it when our own band plays loudly when we have the ball. They did play the War Chant later when we were on D, which, IMO is more appropriate.


Active Member
PNG Proud said:
Thanks for the reply.

Understood. I just never liked it when our own band plays loudly when we have the ball. They did play the War Chant later when we were on D, which, IMO is more appropriate.

I agree with this... It seems that at a lot of points last Friday night our awesome band was playing very loud while we were on offense and when Ned had the ball , not a peep. I don't want to be confused with a parent that does not appreciate and love our band, but it does seem like we could choose when to play louder at appropriate times. In other words, blast the opposing offenses and lay low when our offense is on the field!


Active Member
I'd like to hear War Chant as much as possible. Whatever it takes to get people off their butts and making noise.


500+ Posts
Folks, don't forget that our new offense rely's on some verbal communication! When we have the ball we need to be quiet.

And vice versa when we are on defense. Most teams we play nowadays are spread offenses and when we get 'em into a third down we need to be as loud as possible as soon as second down play is over to disrupt there communication. It drives me insane to see our fans cheering loud for our offense on third down, but not the defense. Or yelling on third down on defense, but not until the QB is a bout to hike the ball. we should yell while they are trying to get the play called.


500+ Posts
badndn said:
Folks, don't forget that our new offense rely's on some verbal communication! When we have the ball we need to be quiet.

And vice versa when we are on defense. Most teams we play nowadays are spread offenses and when we get 'em into a third down we need to be as loud as possible as soon as second down play is over to disrupt there communication. It drives me insane to see our fans cheering loud for our offense on third down, but not the defense. Or yelling on third down on defense, but not until the QB is a bout to hike the ball. we should yell while they are trying to get the play called.

The section that I sit in which is on the 50 and up high, there is YELLING SCREAMING HOOTING AND HOLARING during the WHOLE game. We do our best to get the people around us motivated but it doesn't normally happen unless it is 4th down and the other team needs a first down. We try as much as we can.


Staff member
One of the most impressive high school bands I've seen is The Woodlands HS Band. Not sure what the song is called but they play it constantly during the game when the opposition is on offense. The band director actually watched the game and when the opposing team starts to break the huddle he starts the count... and 1, and 2 and... then points at the line of scrimmage. It's not a blatantly obvious attempt at blaring out nonsense just to be making noise. But it definitely sets the atmosphere the entire game.

You only hear about 20 seconds in this video but look at the 1:47 mark for an example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--hCpYuilzY
Perfect example of a band being a huge part of the game atmosphere. BTW, TWHS Band is all brass and makes a lot of sound.


100+ Posts
i would like to hear the warchant alot in livingston they think they are going to limit us so we need to make as much noise as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
When I was in the band, if we happened to be playing a song, while we were on offense, we would drop the volume WWWAAAYYY down during the snap count, then kick it back up after the snap. But if we were on D, we played loud as poss.!


Staff member
Justafan said:
I don't think our band ever plays when the other team is on offense.

We play short Cherokee when our defense forces the other team into a fourth down, and, on occasion, we'll play a pop tune late in the game, but for the most part, Mr. Wells doesn't let us play much when we're on defense. Apparently, there's a UIL clause somewhere that says that the other team can request a penalty for the Indians if we annoy them by playing when they're on offense. I also seem to remember Mr. Wells saying something about Coach Burnett requesting that we avoid playing while the other team's on offense for that very reason.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Justafan said:
Burnett isn't the coach anymore and every team we play plays whenever were on offense.

..and UIL rules allow Coach Faircloth to request that they stop if he feels that it is interfering with the ability of the Indians to conduct their offense. Burnett invoked this rule with the Central Band when they started blaring in the stands.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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