How well do Our 2010 Indians stack up to the 1999 State Finalist offensively???


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
We have all grown to love Brennan Doty for his ability of moveing the Indians down field.
But did he do it as well as his counterpart in this conversation Dustin Long. Let compare some of the stats between these two great QB's Lest start with what they have done through the first eight games of there respective season.

1999 2010
Long 1670 yards passing Doty 1804 yards passing
around 20 touchdowns 20 touchdowns

Little Jeff Bergeronand Bo Wortham 1447 yards rushing Bertrand 1375 yards rushing

Thought some of you may enjoy this I also read during the 1999 regional quaterfinals against Lamarque That Dustin Long called 20 of the 28 pass plays fom the line of scrimmage.


100+ Posts
I've even talked to several of the former coaches on the 1999 staff that admit that this is a better all around offense.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I agree. The stats don't lie. Different offense, true, but you still have to run and throw.

png tribe

100+ Posts
There is no comparison between the 2. One team took their time and kept the defense off of the field and the other score's so fast the defense stay's on the field. I do believe that the 2010 group would also be dominate in the old offense as well. You can do a lot when you have a big dominate line and a good qb.


100+ Posts
Indian99 said:
Defense wins championships....or at least helps you get to one! :eek:ld:
I believe the thread was about OFFENSE, I don't think it referred to Defense. That would be for another thread if need be.


500+ Posts
I would put the 2010 offense against anyone's. The '99 offense was good, and so was the defense--but in 12 years time things have changed dramatically as far as the different formations etc. Offenses are more advanced and provide a great experience for the fans to enjoy. We can definitely go far with this offense. I personally would rather watch an offensive shoot-out as opposed to a defensive battle.


1,000+ Posts
ndn79 is right on different time comparing parts of a team. IMO the only way to compare teams is W&L and or Championships. 99 went to the State game, could have only been better if they would have won. Hats off to Burnet and staff.

It looks like they are coming together as a team, we certainly have a greatly talented bunch this year, no doubt the talent to go all the way! and I sure hope they do for their memories will last them a lifetime. The few that I know are really nice and polite kids.


500+ Posts
They are a great bunch of kids!! It's amazing what great leadership and motivation can do for your team!! ;D


500+ Posts
This years team has the talent and ability. I think the D has begun to step up play and make critical stops as needed. What this means to me is that they are focused and have moved the right people into the right positions. Watching this team start to win has given them a much higher level of Pride and in turn they have begun to develope alot more heart, desire and drive ! This team has what it takes to make a deep run into the playoffs. How many teams have you seen that may have had a OK season end up in the deep runs ? I have seen serveral and the difference is HEART ! Go NDN's you have what it takes to win out, go deep in the playoffs and shut all the critics up ! We believe in you ! We know you can do it and show that NDN Pride !


1,000+ Posts
prepballfan has a good stat in reference to Longs play calling etc... Dustin type qb's come along once in a coaches career usually. Not taking anything from Doty BUT the Long combo was story book you could see his dad push him and he responded. One could argue that Long was the best ever if you combine stats and playoff wins etc...

Again, this only compares the 2010 to 99 team.


500+ Posts
To add, between Harmon and Bertand, you have 2 incredibly good running backs. One, Harmon almost broke the rushing record at PNG. Bertrand is on the same track as Harmon with rushing yards. Faircloth has done a great job with this team. I say it has alot to do with the coaches he has assembled here at PNG. I look for next years team to be as good if not better. Faircloth is building a program which is what has been needed for a while. I would say that this years team is equal with the 99 teams O. This years D is behind but improving each game. Lets see what they do this year in the playoffs. That would be a good measuring stick as well.


1,000+ Posts
From an old lady's viewpoint and one who has seen almost every game since 1971, I have to give credit where credit is due. I think this is the biggest offensive line we've ever had. Dustin was a great QB--he could plant his feel flat on the turf and throw a 60 or 70 yard pass and make it look easy. However, Doty is great at finding his receivers and he moves around better than Long did. Long did not scramble at all. Both QB's were/are accurate. Due to the fact that Doty can scramble if need be, I give Doty the accolades here.


100+ Posts
I think Long was more consistant then Doty, but I don't know completion rates etc. They are both QBS though. The 99 team was special, but if this years team can get into the playoffs, who knows. It could be another long playoff run.


1,000+ Posts
PNGfan said:
I think Long was more consistant then Doty, but I don't know completion rates etc. They are both QBS though. The 99 team was special, but if this years team can get into the playoffs, who knows. It could be another long playoff run.
I agree. Pre-season I predicted we'd be state champions. Its not too late. We should be un- defeated but preseason games don't count and we've improved so we may get the chance to prove how great these Indians are!

png tribe

100+ Posts
We're getting way ahead of ourselves, we need to beat Vidor first. They run the same offense that Livingston run's. Our offense is very good but sooner or later someone will slow it down and then the defense will have to step up. It is going to be a interesting matchup against Central's defense next week. We have to get to the playoff's first before we can make some noise. I think we will but anything can happen.


100+ Posts
I kind of hate it when we compare one year's team to a team of the past and when we compare the offense to the defense. This is this years "T E A M". No "O" or "D" in the word "T E A M". When the offense can't score the defense better be ready to keep the other team from scoring and possibly even score themselves. When the defense can't keep the other team from scoring, the offense better be ready to put some points on the board to counter the opposing score. It's all about TEAMWORK and I believe that with the adjustments that have been made on both sides of the ball we have the TEAM to take us to wins over Vidor and Central and on to the playoffs. GO INDIANS !! WOOOO WHOOOO !!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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