I saw a fight in the stands tonight


Port Neches, TEXAS
what i heard was the a kid (teen) was talking bad about the head coach and the other man told him to shut up and the kid did not and he took a swing at the kid and the kid dad got involved.

100% false, I was sitting 5 rows in front of the incident.


1,000+ Posts
I heard that the Cavemen were in attendance when Dr. Randall announced that Geico had donated money for the new scoreboard. The fight then ensued. :punchingbag: :machinegun: :duel: :whiteflag:


500+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
I may have to get my CSI people on this. I want facts...and I want them NOW!!! :shout: ;D ;D ;D ;D

I just received the following graphic of the subject altercation in the stands. Please be advised that it is extremely violent and is intended for mature posters only!!



Port Neches, TEXAS
This is an accurate account of what happened:

"A woman was being mouthy and degrading the players and coaches. A guy two rows down had enough and told her to quiet it down due to kids and coaches family members in the area they were sitting. He then followed that up by telling her she did not know what she was talking about anyways. Her husband decides to get involved and stands up to say a few things. A guy between them tries to calm it down. The husband takes a swing at the guy two rows down, but hits the guy in the middle. The guy in the middle protects himself and unleashes about 3 to 5 shots to the husbands face. Cops come and escort the husband and middle man out. After sorting through it the middle guy is allowed back in after explaining he was trying to play peace maker and only defending himself."

again, this is exactally what happened except they let both gentlemen back into the game. I was sitting right in front of it.


500+ Posts
Did the lady who started this whole mess leave too?? Sounds like there may been beverages other than coke involved... ;D


Active Member
It never ceases to amaze me how dumb some folks in the stands can be...it happens in Nederland too (without the fights so far)...I listen every week to people make comments that are about as unintelligent as they can be...when adults start going to blows over HS football, it is really time to grow up!


500+ Posts
Razor said:
It never ceases to amaze me how dumb some folks in the stands can be...it happens in Nederland too (without the fights so far)...I listen every week to people make comments that are about as unintelligent as they can be...when adults start going to blows over HS football, it is really time to grow up!

My sentiments exactly. I have heard people in the stands talking about players and not good things and the coaches. It is sad.
I remember one year PNG was playing in Memorial's stadium and someone started talking bad about Coach B. and his wife and family were sitting a couple of rows from him. The man spotted his wife and started screaming stuff at her and the police came and escorted him out of the stadium to fans cheering. I think it might have been the '99 season but I am not positive. People are crazy.


Active Member
A friend of mine told me it was one of the <DELETED> kids and their father

Edited by pngfan93: Let's leave names, especially of kids, out of this.


500+ Posts
14PNG said:
A friend of mine told me it was one of the <DELETED> kids and their father

I don't think names should be named, but for clarification I think that is not entirely accurate.


Active Member
I heard that part of Gov Palin's 150 grand wardrobe was a PNG Football shirt, the rest of the 1000 bucks was spent on a couple of suits and shoes. So it was Todd Palin in the stands when he saw the lady down at Dilliards for over charging for the suits and shoes.


1,000+ Posts
I heard that part of Gov Palin's 150 grand wardrobe was a PNG Football shirt, the rest of the 1000 bucks was spent on a couple of suits and shoes. So it was Todd Palin in the stands when he saw the lady down at Dilliards for over charging for the suits and shoes.
:woohoo: :woot: ;D


1,000+ Posts
First, I was very proud of the Indians last night. They played with class. I was watching through binoculars at the end and they reacted to strong unsportsmanlike conduct from Central. From what others tell me, when Nederland played them they barely got out of game==they had to leave for the busses (no handshakes, etc.) before the game ended to protect their players. Our sidelines did NOT empty-sideline coaches would not allow them to go to the brawl, while the entire side for Central (including the water boys) ran to jump into the fray. Coach Burnett was really hit on and thrown around by Central players. If this is how Central acts, I think we (and every other school in 4A) should remove them from their rosters next year. Their coaches were doing little to stop the brawl. Great thing is, we are so proud of the Indians. They all did their best this week and it showed. They performed like true Indians. I don't care if they don't win when they try their best like they did last last. Keep those heads up, Indians! The fans were proud of you both on and off the field last night.


Staff member
If Burnett was actually assaulted, it's inexcusable and raises this issue to another level. I'll leave my comments at that. :flaming:


100+ Posts
Last night was an emabaraassment. PNG kids did leave the sideline to fight. There was blame on both sides, let's not pin this on Central. There were illegal blocks on the return, but that happens a lot when you have defensive players blocking on a return. Central had no reason to start a fight with us, they kicked our butts all night. Our kids were frustrated and let that get the best of them. I hope the coaches from PNG and Central gave their teams a good butt chewing and made it clear that what happened is not acceptable behavior. Also, the fans who cheered after the brawl should be ashamed of themselves. That was not a moment to be proud of. I saw Coach Burnett getting in the middle of the brawl and trying to break it up. I am sure if he was knocked down, it was the result of getting between young, strong boys and not Central players intentionally going after our head coach.

NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
ndnsrock44 said:
Last night was an emabaraassment. PNG kids did leave the sideline to fight. There was blame on both sides, let's not pin this on Central. There were illegal blocks on the return, but that happens a lot when you have defensive players blocking on a return. Central had no reason to start a fight with us, they kicked our butts all night. Our kids were frustrated and let that get the best of them. I hope the coaches from PNG and Central gave their teams a good butt chewing and made it clear that what happened is no acceptable

Thanks for a great post. We were sitting around a lot of players' parents and they were saying the same thing!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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