I'd like to take a little attention away from football...


Staff member
to honor our veterans. Today is the USMC's birthday and tomorrow is Veteran's Day.

Thanks to all who have served. A community like this would not exist if it weren't for the contributions of our men and women in uniform.


500+ Posts
God Bless all of the veterans - thank you for all you do and have done for us who take it for granted sometimes.


500+ Posts
Happy Birthday Devil Dogs...OohRah!
Thank you to all those that have served this great country! :unclesam:


Chief Touch The Clouds
SEMPER-FI Marines and thank you Veterans! You are the reason we can support our communities as we want and live freely.


500+ Posts
Thank you and God Bless You to all of our veterans. Your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated!!

Red Raider Mom

Active Member
Happy Veterans Day to my nephew. It's his first veterans day in the US for many years. He has been serving our country in Korea, Germany, Iraq, and Afganistian as a MP in the Army. He is now stationed in Georgia and we look forward to seeing him soon. We love you and are very proud of the man that you have become.


1,000+ Posts
Adams said:

USAF 1998-2009 SSgt

Thank You Vets!!!!
I was USAF 1964-1968 WAF SSgt Viet Nam Era Vet
Father was a decorated WWII veteran in Army-Air Corp. His plane carried the A-bomb.
Brother was in the Army, Infantry, in Viet Nam in 1965. Purple Heart recipient


Active Member
To past and present Veterans: God bless you and your families for the sacrifices you make for our Freedom and Safety!!! I pray for your safety everyday not just your designated day@


Active Member
Happy Veterans Day and thanks to all the men and women past and present for your service in the military


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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