Indian Band


1,000+ Posts
Two things stand out IMO this year.

Cherokee is played way too slow and many fans have complained that you can not hear the band in the stands when they are playing.

My buddy called me after the Vidor game a few weeks ago and said the band sounded like they were on valium when they played Cherokee. He said, "I've never heard that slow version in the 30 years that I have listened to that fight song of yours.... what gives?". From what I heard, I guess the band director has slowed Cherokee down to sound "like it was originally written"?

Unfortunately, it seems like many people were disappointed with many of the extra curricular activities this year from the band, Indianettes and even the football team. It's a shame for the kids. They work so hard and have so much pride in being an Indian. But one drawback on having such respected extra curricular programs over the years is that when you have an off year... many fans, alumni, parents & students are quick to point out that the performances are not up to expectations or performances in years past. Is that fair? Probably not.... but I think that is part of the Pride, Honor & Tradition that is expressed by every PN-G alumni.

But, PN-G always seems to bounce back. I mean I would challenge anyone here to take a hard look at themselves and ask, “have you never had a bad day…..or week…..” I think it’s only human to answer “yes”.

I think it’s important to also keep in mind….these are teenagers.

So to sum it up, no matter how you look at it - there are not many high school graduates in this country that can boast that they played, marched and or performed in front of 5-10,000 fans every Friday night during their football season (even when the team was having an “off year”).

Congrats to all the players, band members, Indianettes, cheerleaders & students! We will "always be faithful to purple & white!” ;D ;D


100+ Posts
Cherokee is played way too slow and many fans have complained that you can not hear the band in the stands when they are playing.

My buddy called me after the Vidor game a few weeks ago and said the band sounded like they were on valium when they played Cherokee. He said, "I've never heard that slow version in the 30 years that I have listened to that fight song of yours.... what gives?". From what I heard, I guess the band director has slowed Cherokee down to sound "like it was originally written"?

We discussed this in the live game updates. The version of Cherokee they play on the radio broadcast is so much better than what we have been hearing lately. Someone commented that it was the 1988 Wind Ensemble. Wish they would play it while the kids are on their break!!


100+ Posts
I mentioned something to a parent on the band action committee about the level of sound. she said she would bring it up at the next meeting. I noticed they played a jazz version of it on the field against Lumberton, maybe the director slowed everyone down due to practicing this version?


500+ Posts
PNGIndianFan06 said:
Cherokee is played way too slow and many fans have complained that you can not hear the band in the stands when they are playing.

My buddy called me after the Vidor game a few weeks ago and said the band sounded like they were on valium when they played Cherokee. He said, "I've never heard that slow version in the 30 years that I have listened to that fight song of yours.... what gives?". From what I heard, I guess the band director has slowed Cherokee down to sound "like it was originally written"?

We discussed this in the live game updates. The version of Cherokee they play on the radio broadcast is so much better than what we have been hearing lately. Someone commented that it was the 1988 Wind Ensemble. Wish they would play it while the kids are on their break!!

Yes, the version of Cherokee that is played on the radio is the 1988 Wind Ensemble. I was in the Wind Ensemble that recorded that, we recorded it to be played on the radio because fans said that they could not hear Cherokee very well over the radio. Now, I think that speaks alot for how Cherokee used to be played if people could actually hear it over the radio, even if they couldn't hear it well! We were taught to play that song LOUD and with lots of energy. I don't know what has happened, but you can barely hear it when your actually at the game, much less over the radio, hence the reason they are still using that tape! ??? It's sad when other bands completely drown out Cherokee when their teams run in! It used to be the other way around! I have had people I work with ask me what has happened to our band? We used to be the band every other band wanted to be like. I had a former NDN band member that graduated 3 or 4 years ago tell me the new band directors are focusing on the quality of the music, and they don't want the quality to suffer just to be loud, but I know you can teach kids to play loud and still sound good, we did! If nothing else, please play the fight song like it used to be played...afterall it is a "Fight" song and I can't imagine anyone getting in the mood to fight the way it is played now.

Now, I love the NDN band and still think they are the best looking band anywhere in the state, hands down! I am not putting any of the blame on the kids, this is all a result of what they are being taught. So, I don't think our coaching staff is the only thing that needs to be changed at PN-G! I will always support the band and football team, no matter what, and I don't expect things to be "like it was when I was in school". Change is good, but some things have changed for the worse, and that is not good. I think PN-G will bounce back in all areas, and I will be right there wearing my Purple and White, and standing for Cherokee, even if you can't hear it...LOL! ;D


500+ Posts
Crazy Indian Fan said:
With cherokee sounding loud in 1988, wasn't the band MUCH larger 20 years ago?

I wouldn't say the band was that much bigger then, but yes, it was bigger. I think the main point is that our band is being drowned out by much smaller bands, mainly when they play their fight song. They are just not playing it with near as much energy as they used to. Our band was much smaller 10 years ago than it was in 1988 and Cherokee sounded the same and just as loud. They've changed the volume and tempo drastically over the past few years, not sure why, but I still love the song no matter what!


100+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Crazy Indian Fan said:
With cherokee sounding loud in 1988, wasn't the band MUCH larger 20 years ago?

I wouldn't say the band was that much bigger then, but yes, it was bigger. I think the main point is that our band is being drowned out by much smaller bands, mainly when they play their fight song. They are just not playing it with near as much energy as they used to. Our band was much smaller 10 years ago than it was in 1988 and Cherokee sounded the same and just as loud. They've changed the volume and tempo drastically over the past few years, not sure why, but I still love the song no matter what!

I sat very close to the band this time than I usually do and I could not tell when Cherokee was being played!!! The band on the other side is always going to appear to being louder because they are facing us and the sound carries across the field. But if you want to know why people is sections F & G are not standing for Cherokee - it because they can not hear it being played. Is it possible for the band to angle their instruments toward the rest of the crowd when they play Cherokee so that it can be heard? I don't know, is why I am asking.


Staff member
Too bad the end zone seating couldn't have remained. That would have been the perfect spot for the band and Indianettes. They would have been loud and clear the entire game.


2,000+ Posts
Then the mommies and daddies could not sit by them. But would be great for us that actually go to watch the game and stay for the entire game. They could've built seats for the band parents.


Staff member
The end zone section seated 800. Would have been plenty for the band members and a couple of parents for each.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
As a former drummer (the last yr. that PNG won state) [OK, now you know my age], What I hear when I hear Cherokee now, is that the changed up drum tempo has also changed the whole "feel" of the song. They've incorporated more of the temp-toms, and they're accenting on the "UP" beats instead of the "down beats". I don't like that sound, at all .
And, yes, the horns COULD turn and face the crowd more, I know that we used to do it alot.
I, too, sit one section over from the band, and I can brely hear them too.
Indian Band and Indianettes

I've been told some PNG organizations get chartered buses to Livingston game and some don't ???????? Something is majorly wrong with this !!!!! :flaming:


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
yankeedawg said:
Have you read George Orwell's "Animal Farm" ??

"All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others"....but "If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right" ;)


1,000+ Posts
PNG Proud said:
As a former drummer (the last yr. that PNG won state) [OK, now you know my age], What I hear when I hear Cherokee now, is that the changed up drum tempo has also changed the whole "feel" of the song. They've incorporated more of the temp-toms, and they're accenting on the "UP" beats instead of the "down beats". I don't like that sound, at all .
And, yes, the horns COULD turn and face the crowd more, I know that we used to do it alot.
I, too, sit one section over from the band, and I can brely hear them too. I also agree and get tired of being slammed by band kids/parents over this.


1,000+ Posts
Don't know what happened when I just posted, but what I was saying is that I got "slammed" by band students and parents when I said the exact same thing you are saying--Cherokee version "stinks" and you can't hear the band." This is not to say WHO is at fault, but to ask "why can't these issues be fixed?" AND I do support the students--they are being told what to do.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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