injury rumors


500+ Posts
Heard that 3 starters are out on the D side of the ball for MCM.
Heard Mangini, D end has a concussion and may be out, heard rumor Warlick may be out for season with a torn leg muscle, and Riley, nose guard out for 2 weeks with miniscus knee repair surgery. I know for sure Riley is out for 2 weeks. Just heard the other 2 may be out as well. Does anyone else know or can confirm this ?


Staff member
With three D starters out, we'll need to outscore Ned's offense, and against Nederland's defense... well, that's just not a good position to be in.

Here's hoping the Indians defy the odds Friday night. Scalp 'em.


500+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
Heard that 3 starters are out on the D side of the ball for MCM.
Heard Mangini, D end has a concussion and may be out, heard rumor Warlick may be out for season with a torn leg muscle, and Riley, nose guard out for 2 weeks with miniscus knee repair surgery. I know for sure Riley is out for 2 weeks. Just heard the other 2 may be out as well. Does anyone else know or can confirm this ?

That is accurate.


500+ Posts
heard they moved some folks around on D and moved up some JV players as well. Lets hope these changes and player movements make a difference.


100+ Posts
They also moved Ky Walker to CB to be able to play with his cast. They moved some up, just not sure on their names. Hope these boys do well! Go Indians!


Active Member
I hear Ben Ramirez at Linebacker, Blake Lane at H back, Ky Walker at cornerback. All are Sophomores. We have alot of underclassmen playing.


500+ Posts
Tuff week to be making your first Varsity appearance. Is Youngblood back? If so the Dawson can take Warlicks spot. Warlick will be missed, but Dawson has played well in Youngbloods absence.


Active Member
Warlick has not been confirmed to be out for the season. Only out for this Friday's game. The rest of the season is yet to be determined. Hope everyone with an injury makes 100% recovery. Go Indians! :punchingbag:


500+ Posts
Riley's surgery on his torn maniscus went well yesterday. Should be walking today and be back within 2 weeks.


500+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
Riley's surgery on his torn maniscus went well yesterday. Should be walking today and be back within 2 weeks.

Good luck to him. It is nice to be young and heal quickly. ;D. I hope he makes it back in time to finish out the year on a strong note.

I had the same surgery (complete tears on each side of my left knee plus removal of arthritis from kneecap) and it was 4 weeks before I was walking normal and 5 weeks before I could hit a golfball.


500+ Posts
His surgery, the doc cleaned up the miniscus and removed a little of it. Doc told me he would be good to go in 2 weeks to resume practice. Surgery only took 15 minutes. He has been walking on it with the help of a crutch today. Pain is there now that the meds have wore off inside of the knee. He should be able to walk on it tomorrow much better. The swelling is was down as compared to yesterday. bandages come off this afternoon.

png fan for life

Active Member
Im sorry I have not had a chance to see our jv. Our running back I hear has over 1200 yards this season. What is his name and is he one who is injured? Also how did we fare against Nederland?


500+ Posts
Not sure about long term, but Halfin did come out of Nederland game early in second half with a leg injury of some kind and didn't return.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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