Just heard some info.......(coach related)

while at work someone that normally gives reliable info told me that the PNGISD school board would love to announce Mike Long as the new HC on Tuesday night but cant because I dont think the job is officially posted yet. IM NOT SAYING THIS IS CORRECT or TRUE just something I heard and you know how rumors are.

If this is the case and a REAL search does not happen I will be more than disgusted. Long may come in and do a fine job its not about him, its about not making a well thought out decision. What this team needs is change from the top down. IMO Long has been here and we've seen what he's done w/o Dustin. He wouldn't bring the new blood this program needs. Ive seen names on this board that at least deserve the courtesy of an interview in they are indeed interested. Go through the process the right way then make an informed decision.

Id go so far to say that if this does go down this way Id cancel my season tickets. I love the Indians but this would be the last straw for me, seriously.


500+ Posts
Honor Pride Tradition said:
while at work someone that normally gives reliable info told me that the PNGISD would loveto announce Mike Long as the new HC on Tuesday night. IM NOT SAYING THIS IS CORRECT or TRUE just something I heard and you know how rumors are.

If this is the case and a REAL search does not happen I will be more than disgusted. Long may come in and do a fine job its not about him, its about not making a well thought out decision. What this team needs is change from the top down. IMO Long has been here and we've seen what he's done w/o Dustin. He wouldn't bring the new blood this program needs. Ive seen names on this board that at least deserve the courtesy of an interview in they are indeed interested. Go through the process the right way then make an informed decision.

Id go so far to say that if this does go down this way Id cancel my season tickets. I love the Indians but this would be the last straw for me, seriously.

I talked to a kid that started for Kelly this past year and he claims the general consensus is that Long will be getting the PN-G job. I have always thought that this would be a move I would like, but the more I think about it the more I would like for the district to run through the process and see what is available. I have also heard from people on the inside that this was in the works before Burnett even stepped down. Like you said, these are all just rumors until an announcement is made.
akifan94 said:
Honor Pride Tradition said:
while at work someone that normally gives reliable info told me that the PNGISD would loveto announce Mike Long as the new HC on Tuesday night. IM NOT SAYING THIS IS CORRECT or TRUE just something I heard and you know how rumors are.

If this is the case and a REAL search does not happen I will be more than disgusted. Long may come in and do a fine job its not about him, its about not making a well thought out decision. What this team needs is change from the top down. IMO Long has been here and we've seen what he's done w/o Dustin. He wouldn't bring the new blood this program needs. Ive seen names on this board that at least deserve the courtesy of an interview in they are indeed interested. Go through the process the right way then make an informed decision.

Id go so far to say that if this does go down this way Id cancel my season tickets. I love the Indians but this would be the last straw for me, seriously.

I talked to a kid that started for Kelly this past year and he claims the general consensus is that Long will be getting the PN-G job. I have always thought that this would be a move I would like, but the more I think about it the more I would like for the district to run through the process and see what is available. I have also heard from people on the inside that this was in the works before Burnett even stepped down. Like you said, these are all just rumors until an announcement is made.


If this is true get ready for the same ol, same ol because nothing will change. They might as well have let Coach Burnett make to his retirement and hired Long back as OC until then.


Active Member
If this is true, I really question the votes that I put in for the board. A couple didnt get in, but other than that, most who I wanted in, got in. If they are just jumping on Long, they should be questioned by someone. Bad judgement.


Active Member
Everyone needs to call and e-mail and voice their concerns and make sure they do the legit process and take serious looks at ALL candidates and even allow that there will be TRUE candadites. Not just names put on paper with someone already pegged. A position like this deserves to be opened nationwide and may the best man win regardless of anything else.

E-mail the Superintendant here - lrandall@pngisd.org

call @ 722-4244 ext 1722

voice your concerns..it is our children we have voted them in to deal with and they deserve the best man for the job.


Active Member
If it ends up being true, it wouldn't surprise me. Typical B.S. Come on let go of the politics, we added more Indianette officers to appease some and added cheerleaders. Its time to do something right, give these kids a chance for the best.

Bleed Purple

Active Member
I agree that the process should be opened up to resumes from around the state and around the nation. However, I also believe that Coach Long may be a great fit for PNG. I know for a fact that coach Long was restrained by MB from opening up the offense. A long time teacher at PNG who is a close friend of Coach Long told me of several key plays in key games that Coach Long called, only to be changed by MB on the field. The year that MB stated that we would go to a spread offense, I talked with Coach Long about it and he was extremely excited. However, MB scraped it early in the season. Go to setxsports.com and look at the kelly-ST. Thomas playoff game and you will see a wide open offensive attack.

Some pluses for coach Long are that he does bleed purple and loves PNG. He does know how to put together a great passing attack and how to develop quarterbacks. I believe he understands better than anyone, the frustration that the fans have faced from an offense with no imagination and will bring excitement back to the reservation.

I understand that this process should be open to look at anyone who applies, but I would be comfortable if after considering others, Coach Long is our new coach.


I dont think the source is reliable.....And I dont think a hire will come anytime in 2008...Too many good coaches out there still playing in the playoffs...Not meaning HD coaches but OC/DC's from big 5A schools still in the race...Yes I am sure he will be a candidate....But he will get blown out of the water by some of the applicants applying for the job...

I call the source to be "all talk"


Port Neches, TEXAS
Bleed Purple said:
I agree that the process should be opened up to resumes from around the state and around the nation. However, I also believe that Coach Long may be a great fit for PNG. I know for a fact that coach Long was restrained by MB from opening up the offense. A long time teacher at PNG who is a close friend of Coach Long told me of several key plays in key games that Coach Long called, only to be changed by MB on the field. The year that MB stated that we would go to a spread offense, I talked with Coach Long about it and he was extremely excited. However, MB scraped it early in the season. Go to setxsports.com and look at the kelly-ST. Thomas playoff game and you will see a wide open offensive attack.

Some pluses for coach Long are that he does bleed purple and loves PNG. He does know how to put together a great passing attack and how to develop quarterbacks. I believe he understands better than anyone, the frustration that the fans have faced from an offense with no imagination and will bring excitement back to the reservation.

I understand that this process should be open to look at anyone who applies, but I would be comfortable if after considering others, Coach Long is our new coach.

I can agree with this but it doesn't need to be predetermined before the process plays itself out. The school board and sup need to go into this with open minds IMO.


I agree 92....Making the decision they did on MB implies a process will be inthe works for the hiring of the new head coach....

I would even think a committee would be put together....


Active Member
I wanted to post this again....i just heard yesterday from a very reliable source that the png head coach position hasn't even been posted. Nobody has been chosen and nobody is in mind. When it is posted - it will be posted for 30 days and then the board will decide who their first round interviews are. Everything is speculation until that time. The 30 days hasn't even ran yet. Resumes and applications are being submitted at this time but it has not been posted nor has the first round interview prospects even been chosen. Everything at this point is PURE speculation.


Active Member
I heard that today from an intrested source...it hasnt been posted yet and should be posted to be wide open.

May the best man win.

Satcher for President


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
PNGISD I hope will open this up. I was told Coach M Long was seen leaving the High School recently. The person said they were only having and coaching views discussion. Who knows what that means. This person is a retired admin and alumni.


Active Member
Satcher was also spotted at the school around thanksgiving...im sure we'll hear of a few intrested parties being spotted at or around the reservation here in the near future. Im real curious on the time frame this will all take place..... when Malone was hired he was at school and running his program by the end of the school year....as a matter of fact he showed up not to long after Christmas...Im thinking this process and decision will be made sooner rather than later.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I hope you are right cherokee I hope it gets rolling so we can begin to implement the new system


Active Member
I can't believe ANY of you are remotely surprised at the Long speculation. These are the times that make me glad I live so far away. If this is true, and it probably is, it would be a slap in the face for the more than qualified coaches to get their due process. Long getting the nod without a TRUE due diligence process is just another day in the Good 'Ole Boy Club.



Active Member
Hey Vegas..I know you and you know me...well I might add unless In totally mistaken...arent you in the real estate business in Vegas??? If it's who i think it is....me and prepballfan will start a booster club and you can be a 'special" advisory chair person from right there in vegas baby.


I think PNG needs a Quarteback Club....Can you imagine the men that would show up for a little game film shown by the Head coach or an OC/DC on a Tuesday night roundtable.....

Tell me how many guys would ante up a big membership fee to be apart of that....


Active Member
i'd like to be involved...if ya have any info private me i'd like to help anyway i can and know a few others who would be more than willing to help.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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