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can't confirm that but I work at Lamar and that is the rumor. We were told that it's undetermined at this time but a possibility, this just tells me that they are prolly holding out for an annoucement ;D


1,000+ Posts
nelndnfan said:
Oh and that the final scrimmage is on Nov. 9th
Sure hope they're paying us enough money to ensure that the Indians get to play in the Alamodome next year!


1,000+ Posts
NDNette: It's still up in the air! Funds have to be made available and the football team has to stay overnight and must eat, too. The board hasn't approved anything yet.


Staff member
The last time I asked about it, the debate wasn't so much about whether we would be going or not, but rather about how the limited funds would be spent. The two options are:

  • Take charter busses and not spend the night in San Antonio.
  • Take school busses and spend the night in San Antonio.

Personally, I prefer the option with the hotel stay. Charter busses may have toilets, but they don't have showers or beds. We can stop every now and then for bathroom breaks.


1,000+ Posts
bandkid said:
The last time I asked about it, the debate wasn't so much about whether we would be going or not, but rather about how the limited funds would be spent. The two options are:

  • Take charter busses and not spend the night in San Antonio.
  • Take school busses and spend the night in San Antonio.

Personally, I prefer the option with the hotel stay. Charter busses may have toilets, but they don't have showers or beds. We can stop every now and then for bathroom breaks.
I was told everyone would be on charter buses, but team has to go on Friday while other groups such as band and Indianettes can go early Saturday and return after the game like was done in the 70's.


Staff member
squaw said:
bandkid said:
The last time I asked about it, the debate wasn't so much about whether we would be going or not, but rather about how the limited funds would be spent. The two options are:

  • Take charter busses and not spend the night in San Antonio.
  • Take school busses and spend the night in San Antonio.

Personally, I prefer the option with the hotel stay. Charter busses may have toilets, but they don't have showers or beds. We can stop every now and then for bathroom breaks.
I was told everyone would be on charter buses, but team has to go on Friday while other groups such as band and Indianettes can go early Saturday and return after the game like was done in the 70's.

They may have decided since the last time I inquired about it.


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Is there a UIL rule/regulation in place that would prevent PN-G Alumni or perhaps the PN-G ABC from setting up a fund and then having local residents, fans, and alumni contribute to the fund? Then, the money raised could be distributed to the football team, the band, the Indianettes, and other student groups that need a charter bus and overnight hotel stay. If the word gets out that money needs to be raised, I'm sure the funds would be donated ... or, at least some of the funds could be donated to help the PN-GISD offset the expenses. Just asking. Like everyone else, I would enjoy seeing PN-G play an early season road game in the Alamodome. The more exposure our school gets, the better. Our tradition, history, and the rise of our program back to the top needs to be displayed on a statewide basis. Just my 0.02 cents.

Go Indians. Peace.


Staff member
Attention is great, as long as the rest of that state keeps their hands off the coaching staff. :guns:


1,000+ Posts
I agree with you, IndianFan! I heard that all the new coaches have only a one year contract!!! I don't know who decided that, but I bet they're sorry. I say give them all new 5 year contracts NOW. BTW, did I forget to comment that if we play in the Alamodome that it would make the record books as being in the game where the teams are the from communities the farthest apart? Personally, I think its an honor to be asked to go and the community can support the team by getting up charter buses for the fans who can't/won't drive that far and bringing as many fans to this game as we can. I know we will drive and make a "mini" vacation out of the weekend. IMHO, I think it will happen--hope so, anyway!


All new teachers at PN-G get a one year contract. The coaches are no different and SHOULDN'T be any different. Great teachers aren't given five year contracts so that we can keep them. Focus, focus, focus. We need to more TOWARD an equitable situation with regard to academics and athletics...not further from equitable.


100+ Posts
NDNTransplant..thanks for your holier than thou post. This is a football post that is directed towards trying to keep our football coaches.There are other forums that address educational issues. Most on this board are very supportive of our teachers and want a quality education for our children.You have misrepresented the spirit of this post. PNG has shown that we can be successful in academics and athletics. Bandkid has stated several times how well we have done in both areas in his previous posts. Not trying to ruffle your feathers but please don't twist others words into something they are not.


1,000+ Posts
NDNTransplant--I was and still am a teacher, and there ARE FEW differences between coaching and teaching. Students learn valuable life-long lessons from participation in extracurricular sports and it does no one any justice if we all "nit pick" which activity students participate in. All students should participate in the activity of their choice along with their academic studies. IMO, teaching a student character is as important as academics. Coaches do put in longer hours than most teachers and deserve being compensated for it. It costs money to run an effective football program, but it can pay for itself if successful. Again, I think we made a mistake initially by only offering a one year contract to these coaches. Do you honestly think they will sign again for the same money after winning this year????


Staff member
Winning football/atheltics program will put money in the coffers. But even more inportantly, look at the pride and excitement that it brings to the kids and communities. (Bandkid who represents students well can elaborate on the student aspect.) And it presents a great image to outlying areas.

Academics are vital. (My wife is a teacher and I myself have benefited greatly from a decent education, so don't label me as a sports fanatic. :laugh: )

Athletics are an important part of our culture at any level. So nothing wrong with wanting to keep great coaches.


Staff member
While I do believe that these coaches have played a big part in the "revitalization" of PN-G, I agree that the coaches, as well as all teachers, should have a one year contract for probationary reasons (not "equality" as NDNtransplant put it).

Let's remove the new coaching staff's success from the equation for a moment. I admit that I, as well as many PN-G fans and students, had confidence in Coach Faircloth and his team from day one, but let's say for a moment that they hadn't succeeded in rebuilding the athletics department and that PN-G was in worse shape now than it was last December. We (or at least some among us) would probably favor the replacement of the coaches, wouldn't we? If they were under a five year contract, it would be hard to remove them, but with a one year contract, the district is capable of examining the progress of the coaches after just one year rather than five and addressing issues that may have risen in that first year - an ability that they wouldn't have or one that would be very limited under a five year contract.

Now, that being said, Coach Faircloth and his staff have done an outstanding job in their few months here, but the point stands. The district had no way of knowing for sure that they would be met with success in their first year and took precautions accordingly. This is the same dilemma the district faces every time a new teacher is hired and the end result is always the same: a one year, probationary contract. It's standard procedure at PN-G, as well as many other districts, and I believe it was the right move and will continue to be the right move in the future with new employees.

Now that the coaches have been successful, the district will likely offer extended contracts with better benefits when this first year is up (just as they would with a successful new teacher), and PN-G will continue with a very bright future.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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