Livingston's Stadium


Active Member
Didn't know if anyone else saw this today...should make it interesting for when we play there on October 9th.
(Article taken from

If you're a Lumberton Raider fan expecting to make the trip to Livingston in the next 36 hours to watch the L-train begin their quest for a third straight district title, you better have your tickets in hand.

On Wednesday afternoon, Lumberton Athletic Director and head football coach Alvin Credeur received a fax from Randy Rowe and the Lion's athletics office.

The fax stated that only 1,500 tickets are available for Raider fans this Friday night, and anyone beyond that number who shows up to the stadium will be turned away at the gate due to fire codes.

This was a shocker for Lumberton which has sold nearly 6,000 home tickets for every game at Raider Stadium since Coach Credeur took over a couple of seasons ago.

The team's recent success on the field has also increased road attendance over the past few seasons.

KFDM called Livingston Fire Marshal Mark Taylor early Thursday afternoon to confirm the message from Coach Rowe to Coach Credeur.

Taylor said the stadium is very old and small and they did what they could to accommodate for schools like Lumberton, Port Neches-Groves, Nederland, and Central in 2009 since all four schools will be traveling travel to Lion Stadium.

Taylor said the International Fire Code considers every 18 inches of a row in the stands enough room to seat one person. The visitors stands in Livingston can hold 1407 people.

Overall, the stadium holds about 4,000 fans. That includes temporary bleachers set up in both the home and visitor's end zones.

Lumberton's ticket office told KFDM the 1,500 number is really a stretch considering the 300 members of the Raider Band and award winning Raiderettes need tickets as well.

That leaves the school with 1,200 tickets to sell to the parents, students, and the alumni.

So if your planning on making the two hour drive to watch the Raiders this week, you better purchase your tickets Friday morning at the high school because chances are there will be no seats available after the first quarter.


500+ Posts
That stinks if you have a great fan following like the Indians do, but it really works in livingston's favor. Keeps the opposing crowd down so that they can't influence the game. I wonder if there is any chance of playing them on a neutral field? Just a thought--I hope someone in PN-G admin. is at least looking into this.


1,000+ Posts
Looks like only about 10% of us will be making the trip. Don't forget that season ticket holders had the opportunity to buy away tickets when they renewed. Boy am I wishing I would have bought Livingston tickets then.


500+ Posts
Hopefully next year we wont have to worry about this anymore. Having Livingston and not BH in this district is ridiculous or even having a 7 team district!


Port Neches, TEXAS
badndn said:
Hopefully next year we wont have to worry about this anymore. Having Livingston and not BH in this district is ridiculous or even having a 7 team district!

agreed, and if PAM would ever drop in classification the problem would really be solved.


Active Member
Does anyone know if they would allow standing or is 1400 visitors (including Band, Indianetts, ect...) all they will let in? If fact I'm going to try and contact Levingston and ask.


Active Member

I just talked to Livingston ISD Athletic Dept.936-328-2262 and the AD secretary told me that the numbers are 500 for drill team, band etc... and 1,000 for fans. When I asked her about a standing only ticket she laughed at me and said there is no parking either and the head coach, Rowe, was loving it and was going to use it for firing up the team during the pep rally today against Lumberton. She really seemed to enjoy it.


Active Member
The UIL needs to consider this situation. Jasper stadium is too small to accomidate PN-G, NED, and Lumberton in thier district too.

If these smaller 4A schools want to play with the big boys, they need to enlarge thier stadiums, or be required to schedule the larger schools at a neutral site.


1,000+ Posts
The few fans that get to go need to bring very loud noise makers to play at the most inopportune times against them.


100+ Posts
pngfan93 said:
The few fans that get to go need to bring very loud noise makers to play at the most inopportune times against them.

I read on yesterday that if you did not already have a ticket for the Livingston game, to not even bother making the trip, that you would be turned away at the gate. :sorry:


Active Member
It is one thing to have subpar facilities, blame their School Board and voting tax payers for that, BUT when the Athletic Dept. is basking in the fact that they know great programs like Ned. Lumberton and PNG get ticked off at not being able to see their child participate-I have an Indianette Officer- IT IS NOT AMUSING TO US!

Hopefully, our Sup and AD can work out at least a standing room only type ticket. But, I am telling you I talked with the AD office and they gave the impression of really thinking it is funny. LISD AD phone # 963-328-2262

Again, thank your School Board and Sup for our wonderful facilities, they are absolutely awesome.


500+ Posts
Well said fan! Hopefully some kind of arrangement can be made before we play them. If not , then we should just surround the stadium (isn't that what the Indians of old did? ;))!


Active Member
Ya know that crossed my mind if we could start a "caravan" of fans and literally stand at the fence and everyone bring a airhorn and really show our spirit!!!


1,000+ Posts
fan said:
Ya know that crossed my mind if we could start a "caravan" of fans and literally stand at the fence and everyone bring a airhorn and really show our spirit!!!

I like this idea! Maybe get one of those big ones that sits on a tank.


Active Member
This should be a consideration when scheduling home and away games.......everyone from PNG should just line the streets in there town and listen to it from outside the gates ...if i don't get in to see my son play they had better call the law.. :pistols: :pistols: :flaming: :flaming: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Bob S.

Active Member
Just a thought for some of those with comments cutting Livingston down for their small stadium ... actually 2 thoughts:

1 . There is a much smaller tax base in the Pineywoods so the buck$ may not be there to improve the stadium.

2 . Their heart is not into football, sports are not near as important up here in the woods as in the Golden Triangle.

I would think that its actually a combination of the 2.

I was going to give y'all a couple of shortcuts for the drive ... guess that won't be needed now!


1,000+ Posts
The problem is that they are reveling in only allowing a small percentage of fans into their stadium and they are refusing to allow standing tickets. This is the first I have ever heard of this. I have stood for games at Lumberton, LCM and Vidor. The situation is totally uncalled for. As a result, I think the comments are appropriate.

I think we should bring every fan that is willing to go and have a nice, early tailgate party that lasts the whole game. We can plug up all their parking that way. If the police say anything, we can say that we are waiting to be able to enter the stadium.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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