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500+ Posts
Looking for someone to pass the torch to! As most on this board know my son is graduating this year and while I will continue to have a strong interest in PNG Basketball, I will not continue to use some of the priviliges of position at work to be at all the games. I will also be traveling as much as possible to follow the Aggie Track team. ;D This being said, I would like someone, maybe a parent of a player who will be at ALL of the games possible to keep this board busy with news and schedules and such from PNG Basketball. Coach Able is very co-operative on this front and will provide you with most anything you ask for.

Don't get me wrong, now that I have been back in the PNG Gym so often for so long I will continue to be at MANY of the Games. I am however pretty sure I won't be at the freshman or JV games anymore on a regular basis. I will continue to post on here and from time to time I will probably make an enemy or two because I have a tendency to allow my love of PNG Basketball and the tradition of the school to get my mouth going on things i probably should just leave alone. I want the kids of that school to shine. I am a product of PNG myself and was a year round basketball kid under Don Bryson. I understand the program. I will help in any way I can but beginning next season I will need some help from somebody.

If you want to do this but are not sure of how to do some things with the board just shoot me a message. I will pass on any knowledge I have that will help. I am a Moderator in the Basketball forum so I have a few permissions most of you don't have but if you ever need something done I can help you with it.

I believe everyone has enjoyed the activity on this board over the past few years even though 90% of the posts are just me talking, and I KNOW the kids get on here and read from time to time. It may actually help to provide motivation for them in some way. I hope so.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts

As one of your followers, I realized I needed to say thank you for keeping us up to date. Today as I was cooking dinner, I was running to the computer to follow the scores. I really appreciate you taking the time and the interest so the rest of us could follow what our wonderful team is doing.

I hope your sweet son has a wonderful time at A&M. He's earned it!

Grape Ape

Active Member
I don't post much on here but I have enjoyed following basketball through your posting all of the results and stuff. Thank you for that. Good luck to your son at A&M! I'm sure he will do just fine.


100+ Posts
carzan said:
Nope, just wanting to do well this season then do well in college.
If your the dad of the boy I'm thinking of then I would like to congradulate you on a fine job of parenting. That boy of yours is a fine young man. I've met thousands of kids over the years and yours sticks out. He dedicates several hours of the week to coach one of my boys youth basketball team, and he's great with kids. My son always talks about him and I'm at most practices and have even played some games with him on the court. I talk to your son quite a bit at basketball practice and he's very polite and well mannered. I just hope all three of my boys act and present themselves the way yours does when they get to HS. I could go on and on about your son. I just wanted you to know. Since my wife is an Aggie graduate, that helps too. ;D


500+ Posts

Thank you for the wonderful words about my son. He owes it all to his mother! ;) He really is a good kid and is very well rounded and has a pretty good head on his shoulders. He really loves working with his little dribblers team! He says he has the best group of kids in the whole program. He is also a peer tutor at Taft Elementary for the same teacher he had for first grade himself. He really enjoys that and has found it to be very rewarding. I am very proud of him and my daughter both! Again, thanks for noticing!


500+ Posts
Carzan, Dylan is a GREAT peer tutor my youngest daughter just loves him. :rocks: :rocks: My second to the oldest daughter is in the same grade as Dylan and was in his 1st grade class also.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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