Looks like the Honeymoon is Over


2,000+ Posts
Mar 06, 2012 (Kerrville Daily Times - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) -- Before the interview process even began, Kerrville Independent School District superintendent Dan Troxell knew about David Jones' character.

He just didn't expect Jones to blow away the rest of interview committee the way he did.

"I've done this a lot," Troxell said. "But, I've never seen anyone separate themselves from the field like coach Jones did. As you could see today (at the board meeting) many of them, if they could, were in attendance to show how much they truly support their decision."

Jones along with the other finalists were interviewed by the eight-person committee on Saturday. The other finalists were current Tivy offensive coordinator Julius Scott, Port Neches-Groves head coach Brandon Faircloth and Chapel Hills defensive coordinator Jason Holmann. "It was very impressive, Dr. Troxell had a great organized plan," Jones said. "I feel he had a great feel for what the community wanted and had representatives from all the areas needed for the right hire."

Jones has worked under Troxell before. When he served as offensive coordinator at Allen High School and Jersey Village High School, Troxell was the principal.

"I met him for the first time in 1995, so it's been more than 15 years," Troxell said. "I even knew him before he and his wife were married."

The same character that Jones displayed in the mid-90s carried on to his six years at Cypress Woods, where he was the school's first athletic director, and helped him land the job at Tivy.

At Cypress Woods, Jones would work through his position coaches to help at-risk kids individually and help them achieve academically. He also organized after-school tutoring programs that were run by the coaches.

"We really wanted a man of high character," Troxell said. "If you talk to his current and past players, or current and past parents, it's clear this man is one of high character."

Jones, who has twin preschool boys and a fifth-grad daughter, also landed the job because of his commitment to Kerrville.

"It's an opportunity to raise my family in a great community," Jones said. "I think the football part will be fine, but I'm really excited about getting to raise my family in a community that is a little bit smaller. We're going to be closer to family and my kids will get to see their grandparents more."

With all the connections Jones will be making in Kerrville, Troxell is confident he won't be conducting interviews for another coach anytime soon.

"He's going to be with us for quite sometime as his kids go through the (KISD) system," Troxell said. "If he wanted to play in 15,000-seat stadiums he could have stayed at Cypress Woods. But, he's coming here because of the Kerrville experience."

___ (c)2012 the Kerrville Daily Times (Kerrville, Texas) Visit the Kerrville
Daily Times (Kerrville, Texas) at www.dailytimes.com Distributed by MCT
Information Services


500+ Posts
Justafan said:
Mar 06, 2012 (Kerrville Daily Times - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) -- Before the interview process even began, Kerrville Independent School District superintendent Dan Troxell knew about David Jones' character.

He just didn't expect Jones to blow away the rest of interview committee the way he did.

"I've done this a lot," Troxell said. "But, I've never seen anyone separate themselves from the field like coach Jones did. As you could see today (at the board meeting) many of them, if they could, were in attendance to show how much they truly support their decision."

Jones along with the other finalists were interviewed by the eight-person committee on Saturday. The other finalists were current Tivy offensive coordinator Julius Scott, Port Neches-Groves head coach Brandon Faircloth and Chapel Hills defensive coordinator Jason Holmann. "It was very impressive, Dr. Troxell had a great organized plan," Jones said. "I feel he had a great feel for what the community wanted and had representatives from all the areas needed for the right hire."

Jones has worked under Troxell before. When he served as offensive coordinator at Allen High School and Jersey Village High School, Troxell was the principal.

"I met him for the first time in 1995, so it's been more than 15 years," Troxell said. "I even knew him before he and his wife were married."

The same character that Jones displayed in the mid-90s carried on to his six years at Cypress Woods, where he was the school's first athletic director, and helped him land the job at Tivy.

At Cypress Woods, Jones would work through his position coaches to help at-risk kids individually and help them achieve academically. He also organized after-school tutoring programs that were run by the coaches.

"We really wanted a man of high character," Troxell said. "If you talk to his current and past players, or current and past parents, it's clear this man is one of high character."

Jones, who has twin preschool boys and a fifth-grad daughter, also landed the job because of his commitment to Kerrville.

"It's an opportunity to raise my family in a great community," Jones said. "I think the football part will be fine, but I'm really excited about getting to raise my family in a community that is a little bit smaller. We're going to be closer to family and my kids will get to see their grandparents more."

With all the connections Jones will be making in Kerrville, Troxell is confident he won't be conducting interviews for another coach anytime soon.

"He's going to be with us for quite sometime as his kids go through the (KISD) system," Troxell said. "If he wanted to play in 15,000-seat stadiums he could have stayed at Cypress Woods. But, he's coming here because of the Kerrville experience."

___ (c)2012 the Kerrville Daily Times (Kerrville, Texas) Visit the Kerrville
Daily Times (Kerrville, Texas) at www.dailytimes.com Distributed by MCT
Information Services

Wonder if Jones will receive the kind of petty harrassment from the Kerrville ISD board that Faircloth has had from Parker, Balsamo, Walters, and Miller?


1,000+ Posts
Do the people that oppose Faircloth actually think we'll bring the old regime back? Some people just don't appreciate success. I wish different board members were up for election this time around.


500+ Posts
Well I would hate to have BF leave us after the success he has had since his arrival. I'm sure that numerous head coaches put in for jobs at other schools often. I think it helps them decide if they are in the right place or not. also it gives them an idea of salaries across the state as well. I truly think that at some time in the future BF will get a AD/HC job at a recognized 5A program, or even be recruited to the college ranks. BF is very talented and well loved by the players. It would be hard to replace him. But one day he will move on to another program, hate to say it, but it will happen.
As for the board, if these elected people want to make his job more difficult then we will lose him sooner. Maybe new blood on the board is what is needed. I think there should be a term limit for school boards anyway. New idea's and fresh thinking helps any organization.
Coach we need you still ! hang in there ! we appreciate you and all your hard work !


2,000+ Posts
I could understand him wanting to go to a bigger school (5A) or even college, but he applied at another 4A school. Just makes me wonder whats going on, esp with all the assistants leaving. I know they took promotions....but........ Looks like the good ole boys are alive and kicking here at PNG!!


500+ Posts
Something that I thought I would throw out here as well. I read and hear alot of people complain about board members alot. My thoughts, do you go too the board meetings to voice your opinions or concerns or confront the board about your perceptions ? IE: Hold them accountable to their duty and roles ? Do you voice your opinion at board meetings regarding the treatment of District employee's ? Have you called and left a message with a member about a issue and how you feel ? also has anyone called and left a message for Coach Faircloth and told him how much you appreciate him and what he is doing and what he has done with the athletics department ?

I have, I have voiced my opinion to some board members in person and let them know what my position is on issues. I also see coach BF and the other coaches often and I do tell them thank you and I do tell them that I appreciate all their hard work. I tell them they are great coaches and that they do make a difference in the lives of each student athlete.

If coach BF is putting in aps for AD/HC positions around the state then something is happening or something is up that is putting him in the position to do so.

If the board is on a head hunt and it happens to be BF, which I hope is not true, then not only will we lose a great coach, but we will probably lose alot of other great coaches who are here with him to begin with. I think it would be hard for the board to fight against the voters if we all started to attend the meetings and voice our opinions and concerns. It sends a great signal that personal agenda's will not be tolerated and that their term on the board could be short lived. No one hires the board members, they are voted in. They are to be held accountable by the voters. Accountability doesn't happen when there is just an election. If the communities want to keep Coach Faircloth then the board needs to hear it !

On another note: When is BF's contract up ?
If BF does move on Coach Cary would be a great head coach in my opinion.

When PNG was looking for a new AD/HC how many of the finalist were already HC at other high profile schools ? How many applied from other schools ? I truly think from my reading that this is a common practice. You cannot site a HC for wanting to move up in the rankings of schools and their size.


500+ Posts
Justafan said:
I could understand him wanting to go to a bigger school (5A) or even college, but he applied at another 4A school. Just makes me wonder whats going on, esp with all the assistants leaving. I know they took promotions....but........ Looks like the good ole boys are alive and kicking here at PNG!!
Well if the good ol boy syndrome is kicking and the board is involved then maybe some community support for BF would be in order. Letting the board members know your feelings and that you support BF would send a message to them too back off ! But it would take alot more than just a few people.


2,000+ Posts
I do attend Board Meetings. I have tried to discuss issues with a couple board members, but get smoke blown up my ***!!! You have a couple board members who think the Football program is a waste of $$$ and we need to make cuts.


500+ Posts
yeah I know. I can't believe their stories at times. Football is a big money maker for the district. I supports numerous groups. The BClub shares money with other groups that help out. Just alot of folks with personal agenda's who think they can do better. Kinda like some of the folks in Washington, they get elected and promise things but their only concern is their own agenda alot of the times. Politicians have very sensitive feet and ego's. Not all, but several, you step on their feet or prove to them they are wrong and all Hell breaks loose. I know, I was involved with politicians for over a decade. Politicians for some reason seem to like to hold grudges against people. Just like in Washington, the good Ol' Boy syndrome happens everywhere. Look at Nederland, they have it worse than we do most of the time. It cost the district money to find a new AD/HC. BF is doing great for all the sports programs. He is involved in the BC. Look at what the BC has done for all the sports programs. The BC fills in the budget as they can.


500+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
Something that I thought I would throw out here as well. I read and hear alot of people complain about board members alot. My thoughts, do you go too the board meetings to voice your opinions or concerns or confront the board about your perceptions ? IE: Hold them accountable to their duty and roles ? Do you voice your opinion at board meetings regarding the treatment of District employee's ? Have you called and left a message with a member about a issue and how you feel ? also has anyone called and left a message for Coach Faircloth and told him how much you appreciate him and what he is doing and what he has done with the athletics department ?

I have, I have voiced my opinion to some board members in person and let them know what my position is on issues. I also see coach BF and the other coaches often and I do tell them thank you and I do tell them that I appreciate all their hard work. I tell them they are great coaches and that they do make a difference in the lives of each student athlete.

If coach BF is putting in aps for AD/HC positions around the state then something is happening or something is up that is putting him in the position to do so.

If the board is on a head hunt and it happens to be BF, which I hope is not true, then not only will we lose a great coach, but we will probably lose alot of other great coaches who are here with him to begin with. I think it would be hard for the board to fight against the voters if we all started to attend the meetings and voice our opinions and concerns. It sends a great signal that personal agenda's will not be tolerated and that their term on the board could be short lived. No one hires the board members, they are voted in. They are to be held accountable by the voters. Accountability doesn't happen when there is just an election. If the communities want to keep Coach Faircloth then the board needs to hear it !

On another note: When is BF's contract up ?
If BF does move on Coach Cary would be a great head coach in my opinion.

When PNG was looking for a new AD/HC how many of the finalist were already HC at other high profile schools ? How many applied from other schools ? I truly think from my reading that this is a common practice. You cannot site a HC for wanting to move up in the rankings of schools and their size.
True that it is natural that a coach would want to move to larger school and/or a high classification. However, Tivy is a 4A school with a smaller enrollment than PNG.


Active Member
I say that it's high time that elected officials represent the "majority" of their constituents. The majority of the PNG community fully support Coach Faircloth and his assistant coaches. If any board member(s) so much as hints that they are not satisfied with our coaches, a recall election should be held at the earliest available time to send that member packing. I, for one, would spend alot of money on that cause.


500+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
yeah I know. I can't believe their stories at times. Football is a big money maker for the district. I supports numerous groups. The BClub shares money with other groups that help out. Just alot of folks with personal agenda's who think they can do better. Kinda like some of the folks in Washington, they get elected and promise things but their only concern is their own agenda alot of the times. Politicians have very sensitive feet and ego's. Not all, but several, you step on their feet or prove to them they are wrong and all Hell breaks loose. I know, I was involved with politicians for over a decade. Politicians for some reason seem to like to hold grudges against people. Just like in Washington, the good Ol' Boy syndrome happens everywhere. Look at Nederland, they have it worse than we do most of the time. It cost the district money to find a new AD/HC. BF is doing great for all the sports programs. He is involved in the BC. Look at what the BC has done for all the sports programs. The BC fills in the budget as they can.

The Booster Club has given over $100,000 dollars to PNG athletics in the past 3 years.


1,000+ Posts
I think the unfortunate thing is that Coaches throughout the state...talk. When someone or a group of people make it difficult for coaches and staff, that kind of thing is discussed behind the scenes and will somewhat put a dark cloud over the school district or school. These actions could potentially prevent qualified candidates from applying and or wanting to be involved with a program that has "back seat drivers".
I certainly hope that is not what is developing here. That would certainly be very, very sad and unfortunate for this program.


1,000+ Posts
Torino said:
pngfan66 said:
Something that I thought I would throw out here as well. I read and hear alot of people complain about board members alot. My thoughts, do you go too the board meetings to voice your opinions or concerns or confront the board about your perceptions ? IE: Hold them accountable to their duty and roles ? Do you voice your opinion at board meetings regarding the treatment of District employee's ? Have you called and left a message with a member about a issue and how you feel ? also has anyone called and left a message for Coach Faircloth and told him how much you appreciate him and what he is doing and what he has done with the athletics department ?

I have, I have voiced my opinion to some board members in person and let them know what my position is on issues. I also see coach BF and the other coaches often and I do tell them thank you and I do tell them that I appreciate all their hard work. I tell them they are great coaches and that they do make a difference in the lives of each student athlete.

If coach BF is putting in aps for AD/HC positions around the state then something is happening or something is up that is putting him in the position to do so.

If the board is on a head hunt and it happens to be BF, which I hope is not true, then not only will we lose a great coach, but we will probably lose alot of other great coaches who are here with him to begin with. I think it would be hard for the board to fight against the voters if we all started to attend the meetings and voice our opinions and concerns. It sends a great signal that personal agenda's will not be tolerated and that their term on the board could be short lived. No one hires the board members, they are voted in. They are to be held accountable by the voters. Accountability doesn't happen when there is just an election. If the communities want to keep Coach Faircloth then the board needs to hear it !

On another note: When is BF's contract up ?
If BF does move on Coach Cary would be a great head coach in my opinion.

When PNG was looking for a new AD/HC how many of the finalist were already HC at other high profile schools ? How many applied from other schools ? I truly think from my reading that this is a common practice. You cannot site a HC for wanting to move up in the rankings of schools and their size.
True that it is natural that a coach would want to move to larger school and/or a high classification. However, Tivy is a 4A school with a smaller enrollment than PNG.
Faircloth obvioulsy is not happy here or he would not be appling who knows were all. In a way we have failed in not providing the VERY best i.e. indoor practice faciliy, at Southlake Carroll they have weekly Suppers with the Boosters, banners sold around the stadium for $ and Dodge was treated like a God - kind of like Ethridge was here.

I sure hope he stays -but if he is not happy maybe someone else would be better suited at this point


500+ Posts
I posted about this back in May 2010 and stirred all kind of crap but I can tell you what I was told back then was legit and looks like the struggle is still going on if BF looking around is any indication.

On the other hand it is possible he might just want to move on. If I could live out in the hill country I would.


500+ Posts
ARRRRGHHHHH - .................THIS IS BULL****** :angry: I need to move back down there and go all extremist on those causing this. I sure hope this isn't true. This has RUINED my day. RUINED IT.


1,000+ Posts
akifan94 said:
I posted about this back in May 2010 and stirred all kind of crap but I can tell you what I was told back then was legit and looks like the struggle is still going on if BF looking around is any indication.

On the other hand it is possible he might just want to move on. If I could live out in the hill country I would.
May 28, 2010 at 8:14 you said it. Push to get Burnett and his group back. I guess it has happened before -somewhere?

As far as the assistants - the 6am meetings, Summer camp, mandatory attendence to MS events, etc... many coaches don't like it and the pay is the same - base plus stipend. I don't know who all has left the HS I am sure someone can list them. Having 3 brother in laws that are coaches (Spring, Dallas and Tyler) that is exactly what they tell me. For what it is worth.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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