Lumberton This Friday


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It's a new week Indians! Scalp those Raiders! Good Luck to all the players and hope for an injury-free game for ALL players.


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Re: Lumerton This Friday

I know Lumberton has had a few rough seasons, but I don't think those down years have caused them to drop the letter "b" from the town name of Lumberton. I guess if the Raiders are trying to find some new mojo, then dropping a letter from the town name and rolling with Lumerton is as good a plan as any.

Just joking NDN33...laughter is a good thing. The road to 7-3 and a playoff spot starts in Lumerton on Friday, October 7.

Go Indians. Peace.


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LOL! I stand corrected 1989NDN. I was in a hurry and wanted to post something positive for the guys for a change (there hasn't been much of that lately, unfortunately!) Thanks for letting me know. It's corrected.



500+ Posts
I know from what Coach Faircloth said is that Lumberton runs the same Offense as Livingston and Vidor, but they may pass a bit more. I know from yesterday that the team had one of their best practices all year. I look for our D to really step up and shut Lumberton down. The D is getting better every game. The O looked great yesterday as well. The adjustments on the O line looked like they were taking hold. Remember we now have 2 Sophomore's on the O line, a Junior and 2 Seniors. They are getting better and you have to give a thumbs up to Reasons for a job well done when they moved him to O tackle after Stasinos was injured. Lets all be positive and know things turn around starting this Friday night with a BIG WIN !!!


1,000+ Posts
pngmom4 said:
How is Nick Staznos (sp.)?
At the booster club meeting last night they said he was going to be fine and not out for the season. Thank you, God!! You know, if everyone went to the Booster club meetings, they would see why things were called a certain way and I am sure glad I was not bashing our coach on here. His reasoning was sound, but there's no guarantee in football anymore than in life. I like to believe that we are all on the same page===we ALL love the Indians regardless of having differing ideas at times. I know I've had my share of being bashed, too, and I'm also sure some of it was warranted. That said, I choose to support Coach Faircloth because I see how much he works to meet his personal goals, but most important I see how much he truly cares. How can you fault anyone who performs like that? Come to the Booster Club---you'd love it.


Active Member
Leave it all out there on the field guys and you will have nothing to be ashamed of! I live about 5 miles West of their stadium and love to wear my purple and white each week into town before each game. Make us proud Indians! SLAY THE RAIDERS!!!!!!!!!!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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