Yeah I have 1 daughter who is trying out for softball at the HS. Another who plays select and league ball if they have it this year in PN. My son is doing power-lifting and track. Trust me with 6 kids we stay very busy. We only have 3 in school, 2 in high school and 1 in middle school. The other 3, one is at Lamar and the other 2 are working and one is going into the Police academy the other is working and going to go back to college to get a business degree. Sad thing is the 3 oldest still live at home for now. But being the dad I am, I want em around for a while longer. Empty nest syndrome, my wife says she can't wait. But who knows. Atleast the older ones are working hard at what they want to do. Every meal at our table is something interesting. I should video it and put it on youtube. I think we spend more time laughing than eating.
My wife got me a sign for my birthday this year, says "We interrupt this marriage for the PNG football season" She said its fitting for me. Seen those for the NFL etc..... but not for PNG. Funny. Gotta love her. During football season she tells me she knows were to find me when I'm done working for the day. At the stadium watching football practice.