Mr. Wells speaks on the tempo of Cherokee.......


1,000+ Posts
Here is the reply that I received from Mr. Wells concerning the speed and tempo of Cherokee.....

I appreciate your kind comments and will make sure to pass them along to the band. We really appreciate the support that our community gives the band!

Regarding Cherokee: The tempo at which we set Cherokee is dictated by our twirlers and Indian Spirit. If it’s too fast, those students can’t perform their routine properly. When I accepted this job, I was aware of the importance and tradition involved in our fight song, so I contacted the previous two very successful band directors (Mr. Wadenpfuhl and Mr. Almany) and made sure that I conformed to the tempo and tradition established before me. The “perfect” Cherokee tempo is between 112 & 120 beats per minute according to them, and I believe that we generally have stayed within that range. If we have been slow on occasion I apologize, but I assure you the sole purpose for us being slow is so that our students can perform to their best ability without being hindered by the band taking the fight song too fast.

Thank you so much for your interest, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. Again, we thank you for your continued support!


Alex Wells

PN-G HS Band Director


500+ Posts
Ok, I really respect him for his timely response, BUT, something does not sound right. Cherokee is MUCH slower than when I was in band, and Mr. Almany and Mr. W were my band directors. Also, we never set the tempo by what the twirlers and I-Spirit wanted, we played it a certain way and they learned to perform at that speed, not the other way around. Now, occasionally we would speed it up or slow it down unintentionally and we would hear from them about it because it wasn't at the speed they learned it, and that I can understand, trust me, they would get aggitated if we played it too slow, they said it was easier to perform with it I'm really not satisfied with that response. I will join in and email them myself with my complaints because I don't think it's right to complain if your not willing to do say something.


100+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Ok, I really respect him for his timely response, BUT, something does not sound right. Cherokee is MUCH slower than when I was in band, and Mr. Almany and Mr. W were my band directors. Also, we never set the tempo by what the twirlers and I-Spirit wanted, we played it a certain way and they learned to perform at that speed, not the other way around. Now, occasionally we would speed it up or slow it down unintentionally and we would hear from them about it because it wasn't at the speed they learned it, and that I can understand, trust me, they would get aggitated if we played it too slow, they said it was easier to perform with it I'm really not satisfied with that response. I will join in and email them myself with my complaints because I don't think it's right to complain if your not willing to do say something.
NDNmom91, I totally agree with you. I have never heard of the band catering to the twirlers and Indian Spirit. Let's see their are how many twirlers and how many Indian Spirits vs. how many students in the band? The twirlers and Indian Spirit had no problem keeping up with Cherokee in the past what is the problem now? .....and then I ask myself, as a Band Director, is it fair to blame it on the students (twirlers and Indian Spirit)? I mean who is in charge here? The students or the Band Director. Now do not get me wrong. I do applaud his fast response and understanding of our concerns, but if you listen to the two different recordings you can definitely tell the difference in the speed. Even I can tell that and I wasn't in the band. Now I did take 18 yrs. of dancing, so I do know something about beats and counts.


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Staff member
Tempos based on YouTube Video..

1984 Indian Band, Post Marching Contest ~ 144 bpm. In reality too fast, ok for playing in stands, probably too fast to march to. We were excited so we rushed it and the playing was sloppy.

1999 Indian Band, Brazosport Playoff Game ~ 132 bpm.

2008 Indian Band, Nederland Game ~ 120 bpm.

120 bpm is considered standard march tempo. (Think "Stars & Stripes Forever", "March Grandioso" etc.)

I think Mr A went with a little faster tempo than Mr. W. I think W slowed down a bit when he took over the reigns in the late 90's.


Staff member
If the tempo must be slowed down for the field performances, does that mean it can't be faster and louder in the stands? That's where the majority of play is. And when the band can really charge up the atmosphere during the entire game.


500+ Posts
PNG NDN Fan said:
Tempos based on YouTube Video..

1984 Indian Band, Post Marching Contest ~ 144 bpm. In reality too fast, ok for playing in stands, probably too fast to march to. We were excited so we rushed it and the playing was sloppy.

1999 Indian Band, Brazosport Playoff Game ~ 132 bpm.

2008 Indian Band, Nederland Game ~ 120 bpm.

120 bpm is considered standard march tempo. (Think "Stars & Stripes Forever", "March Grandioso" etc.)

I think Mr A went with a little faster tempo than Mr. W. I think W slowed down a bit when he took over the reigns in the late 90's.

You're right, I noticed the slower tempo starting around the time Mr. W took over. I was in band in the late 80's early 90's and we played it around 130-135, I think that is a perfect tempo for cherokee. I also have noticed the band is holding the beginning notes longer and I think that makes it sound even slower. It seems like Mr. Wells is open to our comments so I think the main things that need to be mentioned is maybe speeding it up just a tad, maybe to 125 or 130bpm, shortening the beginning notes, and bringing back the powerful drum beats, along with increasing the volume ALOT. I feel if those things are tweeked then we could have a good version of Cherokee that the fans, students, and players, will be happy with.
:clap: :clap: :clap:


100+ Posts
PNG NDN Fan said:
Tempos based on YouTube Video..

1984 Indian Band, Post Marching Contest ~ 144 bpm. In reality too fast, ok for playing in stands, probably too fast to march to. We were excited so we rushed it and the playing was sloppy.

1999 Indian Band, Brazosport Playoff Game ~ 132 bpm.

2008 Indian Band, Nederland Game ~ 120 bpm.

120 bpm is considered standard march tempo. (Think "Stars & Stripes Forever", "March Grandioso" etc.)

I think Mr A went with a little faster tempo than Mr. W. I think W slowed down a bit when he took over the reigns in the late 90's.
I would really like to know at what bpm was Cherokee played during Mr. Long's time period. Does anyone know? :huh:


Staff member
It could probably be sped up in the stands. We'll just have to wait until the spring pep rally to see if it is.


1,000+ Posts
bandkid said:
It could probably be sped up in the stands. We'll just have to wait until the spring pep rally to see if it is.

Well..... we now have our answer..........

Still slow................................

:zzz: :zzz: :faint: :faint: :angry: :angry: :flaming: :flaming:


Staff member
bandkid said:
It could probably be sped up in the stands. We'll just have to wait until the spring pep rally to see if it is.

Well..... we now have our answer..........

Still slow................................

:zzz: :zzz: :faint: :faint: :angry: :angry: :flaming: :flaming:

It was faster at the Indian Spirit Tryouts. Read my post under the "Big Spring Events You May Want To Attend" thread.


Staff member
New stadium, new coaches, and a bright new athletics future.

Now we need the fight song to be played the way it was intended.


Active Member
I am all for tradition BUT Mr. Wells nor this band are the people that were around in the 80's or 90's. Why shoot down what is being done now. I am pretty sure when he was hired to do his job he was informed and learned of what his job requirements where and playing Cherokee too slow or too fast is so very minor to the bigger issues and requirements that he has. Be happy that this school has a band and a director that still play at events and have not gone through budget cuts that don't allow them to do so. So what if it is slower then WHEN YOU WERE in school, take change and go with it and be grateful for what is there and not the way you think it should be. Let the man do his job. Pretty sure his contract doesn't say play Cherokee at a certain tempo.

I in no way am trying to be rude, but there are such bigger issues in our schools, city, county, state and country then how slow or fast a song is played.
:clap: Thank you sooo much for your post! I agree that Mr Wells has brought our kids to competitions to do extremely well and make TOP scores! Cherokee is TRADITION and always will be! Our Purple Pride Band also plays pop tunes and the awesome half time performances and you dont hear any CUDOS for all the music they play. I feel our kids need to know that the fans are there at the football games for the band as well as the football game. Not only for Cherokee !

There are way too many issues at hand at each and every school in the district that are in much needed HELP and corrections, to be worrying about the tempo of CHEROKEE!

Thank you Mr Wells for all you do for our band kids!


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
pngsup said:
I am all for tradition BUT Mr. Wells nor this band are the people that were around in the 80's or 90's. Why shoot down what is being done now. I am pretty sure when he was hired to do his job he was informed and learned of what his job requirements where and playing Cherokee too slow or too fast is so very minor to the bigger issues and requirements that he has. Be happy that this school has a band and a director that still play at events and have not gone through budget cuts that don't allow them to do so. So what if it is slower then WHEN YOU WERE in school, take change and go with it and be grateful for what is there and not the way you think it should be. Let the man do his job. Pretty sure his contract doesn't say play Cherokee at a certain tempo.

I in no way am trying to be rude, but there are such bigger issues in our schools, city, county, state and country then how slow or fast a song is played.

I'm all for supporting the band director and the great kids in the PN-G band, but, the fight song is something that needs to inspire, motivate, and carry on tradition. It's not chamber music, a funeral march, or a picnic melody. There is a reason we have 50+ years of tradition that is envied by others across the State of Texas. Cherokee goes back ... way back ... much more than the 1980s or 1990s. I'm all for helping kids practice and play the correct tempo, following correct counts, and preparing kids to play flawless music during concert season, but, please consider making an exception to the rule of "perfect" music and just play Cherokee at a fast pace, loudly, and often. The fans and alumni are not being critical of Mr. Wells, how he does his job, how he requires perfection, how he refines and improves the skills of the boys and girls in the band, or how the kids perform during halftime or during the many shows and concerts performed throughout the year. We just want Cherokee to be played faster, louder and more often.

Thanks to Mr. Wells and all the kids working hard in the Purple Pride Indian Band.

Go Indians. Peace.


Staff member
As I said earlier, I think last night's incident had more to do with the drum majors then it did Mr. Wells.


1,000+ Posts
Hmmm....if I remember right Mr. Wells' response is exactly the one he had posted on here last year when fans were complaining. Could it be that he saved in on his computer and reposted the same letter? Could it be he has a blatant disregard for the fans and also the traditions of this school district? I am sorry if I am stepping on anyone's toes, but the way our fight song is played is vitally important to the school district and community. People in other districts always voted that we had the best fans, mascot and fight song and why should anyone try to take this away? If a teacher does not do their job correctly, we replace them. Why should it be different for the band director? I agree with others who say it is wrong to blame it (the wrong tempo) on anyone else. Just play it right and there'd be no problems. Play it faster and louder, drat it!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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