New Cheerleaders


Staff member
ndncheerer said:
Who can change the rule about having Varsity cheerleaders tryout each year? Seems to me that there are more that disagrees with the rule than agrees with it. Did not hear anyone complain about cheerleaders in the 70's or 80's. They did not have to tryout twice. I don't think any parent went to the board either to have their child added. The sponsor was totally in charge (Yay Mrs. Barnett). She expected a lot from her girls and held them accountable for their actions whether they were in uniforms or not! They cheered the entire game and when they were not cheering, they had to be watching the game and aware of what was going on! No one questioned her decisions.

Maybe back then we actually had a good football team and the crowd was watching them instead of the cheerleaders. ;D

Sorry. I didn't mean anything by that, but I just couldn't help myself. :angel: I truly believe the cheerleading squads do and have done a great job, regardless of the tryout methods.


1,000+ Posts
ndncheerer said:
Who can change the rule about having Varsity cheerleaders tryout each year? Seems to me that there are more that disagrees with the rule than agrees with it. Did not hear anyone complain about cheerleaders in the 70's or 80's. They did not have to tryout twice. I don't think any parent went to the board either to have their child added. The sponsor was totally in charge (Yay Mrs. Barnett). She expected a lot from her girls and held them accountable for their actions whether they were in uniforms or not! They cheered the entire game and when they were not cheering, they had to be watching the game and aware of what was going on! No one questioned her decisions.

You would have to start by getting yourself on the board agenda and making a formal presentation to them.


Staff member
littleindian said:
Would they be more successful if they had several people on the agenda supporting the same rule change?

I would think so, but it probably depends on how those speakers present their argument and how they define what, specifically, they want changed.


1,000+ Posts
littleindian said:
Would they be more successful if they had several people on the agenda supporting the same rule change?

I would think so. Typically, in any government proceeding, one person is not heard very well. As bandkid also said, qualit of presentation and reasons for change are paramount.


500+ Posts
Tryout for judges are on 4/23 after school or when the judges get in town. It is my understanding that the Freshman will tryout first. Student body for the JV is on 4/24 around 9 AM.


100+ Posts
ndnette2oo9 said:
The girls who tried out for cheerleader and didnt make it all tried out for ndnettes. They all made it.. :)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: that is great! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


1,000+ Posts
NDN X said:
ndnette2oo9 said:
The girls who tried out for cheerleader and didnt make it all tried out for ndnettes. They all made it.. :)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: that is great! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
That's great@!!!! I still don't think they should have to tryout every year once they make varsity, but at least they get to perform.


Staff member
squaw said:
NDN X said:
ndnette2oo9 said:
The girls who tried out for cheerleader and didnt make it all tried out for ndnettes. They all made it.. :)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: that is great! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
That's great@!!!! I still don't think they should have to tryout every year once they make varsity, but at least they get to perform.

The fact that they didn't make cheerleader but still wanted to represent the school really demonstrates that "Purple Pride."


500+ Posts
ndnette2oo9 said:
The girls who tried out for cheerleader and didnt make it all tried out for ndnettes. They all made it.. :)

There was one girl that didn't make cheerleader and didn't tryout for ndnettes.


Staff member
Cheermom4 said:
ndnette2oo9 said:
The girls who tried out for cheerleader and didnt make it all tried out for ndnettes. They all made it.. :)

There was one girl that didn't make cheerleader and didn't tryout for ndnettes.

I didn't know that. If you don't mind my asking, who was it?


Active Member
not trying to be a bad seed, but I was a v-cheerleader when you did not have to try out every year. So I am speaking from experience. It takes alot to be a v-cheer. lots of times girls don't realize all of it. If you make it the end of your soph. year and you are a cheer the rest of high school you take it for granted. It is easy to stop going to gymnastics, working on your jumps, and yes working out it takes alot of strength to do those stunts. This can hurt the entire squad as it did my Senior year. One of the girls that made it the end of her soph. year by the time we were Seniors did not care and it reflected on all of us. I know twirlers and ndn-ettes do not retry-out ,but cheerleaders do alot more activities then they do. ( not talking bad about them it is just a fact) All of your sports once you earn a starting position you have to re try out for say. Just because you are a starter this year does not mean you are one next year. This being said I feel it is good for the girls to retry-out each year it keeps them having to work hard.Yes I do feel sorry for the ones who don't remake it, but it is all part of it. It is also sad for someone to bee there for 2 years and not care for 1 of them if someone did not make it and would care.


500+ Posts
bandkid said:
Cheermom4 said:
ndnette2oo9 said:
The girls who tried out for cheerleader and didnt make it all tried out for ndnettes. They all made it.. :)

There was one girl that didn't make cheerleader and didn't tryout for ndnettes.

I didn't know that. If you don't mind my asking, who was it?

I think her name is Taylor Schatanier or something like that.


500+ Posts
NDN CREW said:
not trying to be a bad seed, but I was a v-cheerleader when you did not have to try out every year. So I am speaking from experience. It takes alot to be a v-cheer. lots of times girls don't realize all of it. If you make it the end of your soph. year and you are a cheer the rest of high school you take it for granted. It is easy to stop going to gymnastics, working on your jumps, and yes working out it takes alot of strength to do those stunts. This can hurt the entire squad as it did my Senior year. One of the girls that made it the end of her soph. year by the time we were Seniors did not care and it reflected on all of us. I know twirlers and ndn-ettes do not retry-out ,but cheerleaders do alot more activities then they do. ( not talking bad about them it is just a fact) All of your sports once you earn a starting position you have to re try out for say. Just because you are a starter this year does not mean you are one next year. This being said I feel it is good for the girls to retry-out each year it keeps them having to work hard.Yes I do feel sorry for the ones who don't remake it, but it is all part of it. It is also sad for someone to bee there for 2 years and not care for 1 of them if someone did not make it and would care.

I have to agree with you on this. I know girls who only go to gymnastics the month before cheer tryouts and then drop it once they make it. To be a good cheerleader you have to practice all year long not just before tryouts. JMO


Staff member
Cheermom4 said:
bandkid said:
Cheermom4 said:
ndnette2oo9 said:
The girls who tried out for cheerleader and didnt make it all tried out for ndnettes. They all made it.. :)

There was one girl that didn't make cheerleader and didn't tryout for ndnettes.

I didn't know that. If you don't mind my asking, who was it?

I think her name is Taylor Schatanier or something like that.

Thanks for the info.


Active Member
Well, I feel if the cheerleader can't meet the qualifications for the stunt or cheer routine, then it is the sponsor's duty to have the girl sit out until she can bring herself back up to performance level. Just as indianettes do if they can't split or dance their routine correctly. They are NOT removed from the squad, they just don't perform. Then if the cheerleader still doesn't meet the qualifications for the next year they should have to re- tryout; however if you meet the requirements NO re -tryout should be called for. The student body and fans know which ones are slackers! You have girls that are very showy and do great in front of judges and then do absolutely nothing to help promote spirit or add anything positive to the squad.


500+ Posts
Freshman and JV Cheerleader tryouts for the judges will be tomorrow after school. The JV will have student body tryouts on Friday morning, I think the time is 9.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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