New Drum Majors and Twirlers for 2009-2010


100+ Posts
Heard they would be announcing new drum majors and twirlers today, does anyone know the outcome?


Staff member
Casey Dean, Jaclyn McKey, & Melody Jordan

Congratulations to our new, '09-'10 drum majors.
New Drum Majors and Twirlers for 2009-2010

CONGRATS TO OUR NEW DRUM MAJORS for 2009 - 2010 school year!

Casey Dean, Melody Jordan, and Jaclyn McKey

also CONGRATS to our new twirler line and


Have a GREAAT Sr year!!



Staff member
These all sound like great choices. I'm glad to hear that we had such a great pool of candidates to work with. I see great things ahead in the '09 marching season.
New Drum Majors and Twirlers for 2009-2010

I agree w/you bandkid! I definitely for see a GREAT Sr year for our upcoming Seniors! It's a marching State year! Our upcoming Seniors made a 1 their Freshman year and they are wanting to take the Purple Pride Band to State this upcoming year.

Wish all the band members the bestest of luck next year!



100+ Posts
Question (not trying to be ugly)...Why do we now have three drum majors? We use to only have two for boo coo years and the band was larger. Now we have three and the band is smaller?? :crazy: I guess it makes sense to me (not).


1,000+ Posts
EX79NDN said:
Question (not trying to be ugly)...Why do we now have three drum majors? We use to only have two for boo coo years and the band was larger. Now we have three and the band is smaller?? :crazy: I guess it makes sense to me (not).
You know, I hadn't thought about it, but that's a good question. Also, why so many Indianette officers and cheerleaders compared to the size of the lines?


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Well way back when when everything was military style the tempo pretty much stayed at 120 bpm, commands were given by whistle and really once the march was started the band could march itself (assume you had good drummers).

Transitioning through milicorps and now to corps style, the band plays music of varying tempo and sometimes will be facing away from the home side. With the band spread out it helps to have three drum majors to place a strategic locations during the show.


Staff member
Justafan said:
Just like the current goverment. Big goverment=more officers....

:angel: :angel: :angel:

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Not quite. Band officers don't cost as much. ;D


1,000+ Posts
bandkid said:
Justafan said:
Just like the current goverment. Big goverment=more officers....

:angel: :angel: :angel:

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Not quite. Band officers don't cost as much. ;D
I don't recall PNG ever having a military style band and I've had tickets since 1958. I sure like more drums and sharper moves, though.


got to get the kids involved in band at the middle school level and they need to march at the middle school games and have uniform . get that and they will come


Staff member
Justafan said:
I just wished more kids were interested in the band.

Luckily, the band directors are expecting a large increase in the size of the band next year. I understand the increase to be in the 20-25 member range, bringing the band's total size from approximately 155 students to approximately 175-180 students.

This is due largely in part to new, stable leadership that was set up in the GMS band just last year, something that had not been there for nearly 3 years. The new band director, Mr. Pallone, is very enthusiastic and very dedicated, and I'm proud to say that his leadership has turned the GMS band around. The gain at the high school level is expected to grow with each coming year.


100+ Posts
My daughter plays in the band at GMS. Mr. Palone has done a wonderful job with them. She is in beginner band, first year saxophone, and she had her concert last week. Each section played a song and for beginners they were great. Mr. Wells has also been going over to GMS and teaching saxophone. Kudos to both of these men! Their enthusiasm shows and the kids loves them.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
squaw said:
bandkid said:
Justafan said:
Just like the current goverment. Big goverment=more officers....

:angel: :angel: :angel:

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Not quite. Band officers don't cost as much. ;D
I don't recall PNG ever having a military style band and I've had tickets since 1958. I sure like more drums and sharper moves, though.

Largely military style through much of the seventies, before that I wasn't around.


Staff member
allstarmom said:
My daughter plays in the band at GMS. Mr. Palone has done a wonderful job with them. She is in beginner band, first year saxophone, and she had her concert last week. Each section played a song and for beginners they were great. Mr. Wells has also been going over to GMS and teaching saxophone. Kudos to both of these men! Their enthusiasm shows and the kids loves them.

Both high school band directors assist the middle schools with their morning classes, with Mr. Wells at Groves and Ms. Beckcom at Port Neches. Both do tremendous jobs with the middle school band students.


100+ Posts
IndianFan said:
I remember the military style from earlier years. I only go back to 1970 though.

Early 80's we were just starting to cross the line into "show band"...


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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