Nice PAN article


500+ Posts
Even in losing, your kids and coaches show real very proud of them...I know I am :clap:


100+ Posts
Even though you guys came up a little short of your goal, we couldn't be prouder of you if you had won the state championship! This 2009 team will forever be known as the team that brought Pride, Honor, and Tradition back to the Reservation. Good luck to the seniors. What you have learned (how to win graciously AND lose with class) will take you far in life. To the coaches that moved here, I hope you are settling in, cause we don't intend to let you go any time soon. To the coaches that were already here, great job adapting to the new coach and we love you too!

Ok, now let's get ready for some basketball, baseball, softball, track, academic, and whatever other victories we can get! Football and volleyball started us off right this year. Let's keep the pride and winning tradition going!


500+ Posts
Great post Allstarmom, I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks, players and coaches for a wonderful year of PNG football. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Staff member
Thanks to the PA News for both those articles and covering PNG football all year.

And special thanks to Tom Halliburton on writing a positive piece on the Indians.


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Thanks to the PA News for both those articles and covering PNG football all year.

And special thanks to Tom Halliburton on writing a positive piece on the Indians.

Yes, it was a great article.


500+ Posts
OK guys, read the article in the Brenham Banner. Some of our fans gave the Cubs plenty of bulletin board materiel and help inspired them. Maybe we all should be careful what we say about our opponents from now on. I have never liked a PNG fan talking smack and sinking to a low level.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
Wherever it came from, the internet helps news to travel fast. We, as stewards of this team, need to remember this.


Active Member
You are right IndianFan..some of the people talking trash were not even from PNG. One guy was from Caney Creek. :crazy: I don't know why he even cared. Most PNG fans were respectful..some of the trash talked was directed to some jerk from Friendswood who bad-mouthed everything about PNG. I try not to frequent that site much, because there is some real trash on that site.I doubt it really made a difference in the game..if you need more motivation than advancing in the playoffs and continuing your season, something is wrong.


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Thanks to the PA News for both those articles and covering PNG football all year.

And special thanks to Tom Halliburton on writing a positive piece on the Indians.

I the past his articles usually conveyed , in my opinion, an unwarranted negative-type spin when he was covering PNG and a more positive spin on Nederland. He's entitled to his own opinion but he, like all reporters/writers, should be un-biased when publishing material for the public's's called professionalism. I was pleased that both of these articles represented a more professional minded viewpoint. My intial post was intended to include BOTH of his articles...guess I was still half asleep when I posted.. :zzz:

Anyway, CONGRATS on an awesome was really great to see the Indians make such positive strides this year :rocks:


Staff member
I would like to re-emphasize that we don't condone smack on this message board. The other 'big' message boards live by it. Sure there may be some talk of being the best. But any team's fan base does that because they all believe in their teams. But any pure smack can be attributed to overzealous fans on other message boards.

But I have an issue with what the Brenham players said in that article. PN-G was and is 'all that'. A talented, undefeated, #5 ranked team with great fan support. For some reason other teams and fans choose to ridicule the support when in fact they all want it.

The PN-G players didn't disrespect that team. We all know that they prepared for them just like any other good team. But there was no reason to expect not to win. The second half was a true indication that the Indians could have beat Brenham on a better day. Last night was not that day.


100+ Posts
OldEagle said:
OK guys, read the article in the Brenham Banner. Some of our fans gave the Cubs plenty of bulletin board materiel and help inspired them. Maybe we all should be careful what we say about our opponents from now on. I have never liked a PNG fan talking smack and sinking to a low level.

I don't get it... I have read (over the past week) just about every post about the Brenham v. PNG game, and I really didn't see alot of 'smack talk.' Did I miss something???? Most of the posts (on that other site) only expressed confidence in our team, or were curious about Brenham's playing style. There were a bunch of 'outsiders' who made some rash comments, but I do think the PNG posters minded their manners this go 'round. Like I said, I may have missed something.

Either way, I hope this 'incident' inspires those who post over there to be a little more level-headed when they say something about our Indians.

Oh and for the record, I don't like the smack talking either. :nono:


Staff member
OldEagle said:
OK guys, read the article in the Brenham Banner. Some of our fans gave the Cubs plenty of bulletin board materiel and help inspired them. Maybe we all should be careful what we say about our opponents from now on. I have never liked a PNG fan talking smack and sinking to a low level.

That works both ways. At the pep rally yesterday, Coach Kroeker used a comment made on a messageboard (I believe it was one Friendswood Fan made - no surprise there - on SETXSports) about all of us Indians being "country hicks" to fire up the crowd.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
I would like to re-emphasize that we don't condone smack on this message board. The other 'big' message boards live by it. Sure there may be some talk of being the best. But any team's fan base does that because they all believe in their teams. But any pure smack can be attributed to overzealous fans on other message boards.

But I have an issue with what the Brenham players said in that article. PN-G was and is 'all that'. A talented, undefeated, #5 ranked team with great fan support. For some reason other teams and fans choose to ridicule the support when in fact they all want it.

The PN-G players didn't disrespect that team. We all know that they prepared for them just like any other good team. But there was no reason to expect not to win. The second half was a true indication that the Indians could have beat Brenham on a better day. Last night was not that day.

I agree 100%.

I'm sure I will get heat for saying this.... but nothing would make me happier than seeing Brenham get spanked next week by Angleton.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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