Not Loud Enough


Active Member
I was really disappointed in the opening on the scoreboard after the moment of silence. No offense to the kids that made it , but I was expecting something cool like Nederland has. It was pretty lame, and not loud enough. Also, We cannot hear the band in Section F. We are suppose to stand up for Cherokee, but we can't even hear it playing. Maybe they could play it through the intercom. It was a truely boring experience, and the fans in Scection F have NO spirit. Noone stands, sings, or barely even claps. I know everyone is going to say we just need to move our seats, but as everyone knows it's not that easy. I used to get chills at PNG games, last night I kept looking at the clock waiting for it to end. I guess you die hard PNG fans only get excited if we are in the playoffs. I didn't grad from here, but live here now and I have more pride in PNG than those of you who bleed it.


Active Member
I have said it all along...we were in sect. g and could not hear the band...i was repying to a post on the band site and somone said we couldn't hear because we were in section g...i graduated in 91 and it is a big difference now...the band was soooo loud back then you could be leaving the stadium before the game and still hear the band. i left early last night and couldn't hear them at the wife was thinking about maybe moving the band into the middle of the bleachers but that would mess the seating up...

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
You move the band into the middle of the bleachers and you'll have fans like myself raising all kinds of cain. These seats have been in my family for over 50 yrs. That's not a solution. Maybe putting microphones around the band might help. Something has to help. I sit in Sec. D and they could be louder there, too.


500+ Posts
I sat in section G also and could not here the band. Not sure if it was because the band is not loud enough, or if it was due to all the kids turned loose on general admission cussing, attempting to fight, and making out like it was a 70's swingers party. Isn't there a designated student section?


2,000+ Posts
akifan94 said:
I sat in section G also and could not here the band. Not sure if it was because the band is not loud enough, or if it was due to all the kids turned loose on general admission cussing, attempting to fight, and making out like it was a 70's swingers party. Isn't there a designated student section?

Trust me akifan94 I sit in section D and kids run like crazy there also, throwing popcorn everywhere and running up and down the stairs while there parent socilize with any and everyone and pay there children no attention as long as there bothering everyone else but not bothering them. When my kids where younger I didn't allow them to act this way.


1,000+ Posts
yeah, it is suppose to be on the other side of the band..

As for putting microphones on the band, probably not a good idea as far as overall sound. Because of the distance of the speakers from the crowd, there will be a noticeable delay. It might sound ok for those on the very far end of the stadium, but overall, it will sound bad. Not only that, it will be hard to mic the band properly. I don't know what the best resolution is to the problem, but I don't think putting mics on the band is the way to go. However, I do think that the easiest way to fix the problem is to play louder!


500+ Posts
91ndn said:
I have said it all along...we were in sect. g and could not hear the band...i was repying to a post on the band site and somone said we couldn't hear because we were in section g...i graduated in 91 and it is a big difference now...the band was soooo loud back then you could be leaving the stadium before the game and still hear the band. i left early last night and couldn't hear them at the wife was thinking about maybe moving the band into the middle of the bleachers but that would mess the seating up...

Like I said before...I graduated in '91 also and was in band, and I really think alot of it has to do with the fact that the band is WAY smaller now! Also, our style of playing and marching was different then...we pretty much blew the doors off the whole performance...the style they use now is more about the "artistry" of the music and the performance, and there is nothing wrong with that. They have some times when they get very loud, mainly to bring out the drama of the piece they are playing. I think that plays a big part in what has happened to's the way they are taught to play...less volume to preserve the quality of the sound. Do I agree with this in regards to our beloved fight song...NO! I feel that it's perfectly fine to exchange the volume for quality with the songs for the marching drill, but not with's a FIGHT song...supposed to make ya wanna fight not sleep :)!

For the record...I think it has improved since last year! I parked over behind the visitor side and could hear it fine. I do agree with putting microphones around the band, it would be a good compromise if Mr. Wells is just totally against pumping up the volume. Ha...what you wanna bet if someone played Coach Faircloth a recording of Cherokee from the 80's and 90's, and one from now...then asked him to choose which version he likes...I bet he'd choose the 80's-early 90's version hands down. I'm sure if he requested Mr. Wells to spruce it up a little we might see some results...idk...just a thought!


1,000+ Posts
Mmmmm.....sounds like something the Booster Club could do for the overall football program. Talk to the great Indian Chief Fairclothe, board members and anyone else who will listen.


500+ Posts
itybityndn said:
I was really disappointed in the opening on the scoreboard after the moment of silence. No offense to the kids that made it , but I was expecting something cool like Nederland has. It was pretty lame, and not loud enough. Also, We cannot hear the band in Section F. We are suppose to stand up for Cherokee, but we can't even hear it playing. Maybe they could play it through the intercom. It was a truely boring experience, and the fans in Scection F have NO spirit. Noone stands, sings, or barely even claps. I know everyone is going to say we just need to move our seats, but as everyone knows it's not that easy. I used to get chills at PNG games, last night I kept looking at the clock waiting for it to end. I guess you die hard PNG fans only get excited if we are in the playoffs. I didn't grad from here, but live here now and I have more pride in PNG than those of you who bleed it.

ok........... Folks, I was PISSED at section F. Downright PISSED. I stood up EVERY SINGLE time for Cherokee. Yes, it was hard to hear and barely audible. But come on............ I made my family stand up and so it's pretty darn obvious that we are about 6 of 15 people standing for Cherokee. Friggin RIDICULOUS folks. I stood and turned and looked at people several times..... and they just sat there and stared like "what??" :huh: If you're wearing a purple shirt and CARE, get of your a**.

I am REALLY excited about the season. The difference between me and 97% of section F...? I fly my family in and WE SHOW that we are excited.


Active Member
Are people really that bored and anal that yall want to start a thread about how the band isn't loud enough? Give me a break. These kids work their butts off and because its not as louds as YOU would prefer you going to gripe. Goodness. I guess people can always find something to gripe at. Nothing is ever good enough. The band does a great job in my opinion. And honestly i don't think Coach Faircloth cares if the band could be a little louder. Just a guess but I am sure he has other things on his mind.


Active Member
itybityndn said:
I was really disappointed in the opening on the scoreboard after the moment of silence. No offense to the kids that made it , but I was expecting something cool like Nederland has. It was pretty lame, and not loud enough. Also, We cannot hear the band in Section F. We are suppose to stand up for Cherokee, but we can't even hear it playing. Maybe they could play it through the intercom. It was a truely boring experience, and the fans in Scection F have NO spirit. Noone stands, sings, or barely even claps. I know everyone is going to say we just need to move our seats, but as everyone knows it's not that easy. I used to get chills at PNG games, last night I kept looking at the clock waiting for it to end. I guess you die hard PNG fans only get excited if we are in the playoffs. I didn't grad from here, but live here now and I have more pride in PNG than those of you who bleed it.

I happen to agree with everything. "WE" spend all that money on the the scoreboard and sound system, and have nothing to use it for but replays. One of the main reasons I was looking forward to this week was because I thought there would be something special on the jumbotron pregame. And as far as Cherokee goes, I am in Section E, and can hardly clap because we cant here it. Come on students and faculty....your community has given you support by purchasing things to make your homefield really special.....step out of the box and give us chills. Take a look at A&M's and UT's pregame video....its awesome....step it up....I know you have some technical gurus that can make something for everyone to be proud of.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
O M G Some of you folks just can NOT be pleased. You've now got the finest facility in these parts of the state, and all I'm reading is GRIPE, GRIPE, GRIPE!(and I'm being really nice here). Give me a break! I'm sure Jerry Jones did some things wrong too, and that place cost over $1B. This is pathetic. So what if you can't hear the band, your coffee's cold, your cokes are hot, your hamburger makes money for the school, the PNG logo on the field is off color, the goal post is tilted, we can't get on the field...YADA, YADA, YADA!

GIVE IT A REST! It's football, not the Hyatt Regency. Everything about the entire experience could be improved upon, but it's still the best PNG sports I've ever been a part of, and I'm proud to call it home. Yes, it could be better, but unless you're willing to provide a plausible remidy for the problem, how about we just curtail the griping until these problems can be worked out. Just enjoy the game, or, if it's all that miserable to ya, STAY HOME!


Active Member
PNG Proud said:
O M G Some of you folks just can NOT be pleased. You've now got the finest facility in these parts of the state, and all I'm reading is GRIPE, GRIPE, GRIPE!(and I'm being really nice here). Give me a break! I'm sure Jerry Jones did some things wrong too, and that place cost over $1B. This is pathetic. So what if you can't hear the band, your coffee's cold, your cokes are hot, your hamburger makes money for the school, the PNG logo on the field is off color, the goal post is tilted, we can't get on the field...YADA, YADA, YADA!

GIVE IT A REST! It's football, not the Hyatt Regency. Everything about the entire experience could be improved upon, but it's still the best PNG sports I've ever been a part of, and I'm proud to call it home. Yes, it could be better, but unless you're willing to provide a plausible remidy for the problem, how about we just curtail the griping until these problems can be worked out. Just enjoy the game, or, if it's all that miserable to ya, STAY HOME!

True fans are the biggest critics of all.....sorry. I do the same thing to the Aggies and the Cowboys. We know that it will get better and they have things to work out.....Above are some ideas to help out along the way if the right people read it. A wishlist if you will.


1,000+ Posts
Proud, you know I luv ya, but I think you may have misunderstood why people are griping. Us die-hard fans want Cherokee played the way it used to be because ALL the fans got involved and excited. Not so with this band. And, yes, the money from concessions should go to the student activity fund. I am going to email this to the superintendent. I've already discussed this with some board members. I, and many others, do care about the Reservation and everything going on. It's the people who care who complain when they see things that are not right.

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
Quote from: squaw on Today at 07:39:28 AM
OK, Bandkid, you asked for it. We've sat on the 30 yd line (by choice) for almost 40 years and we are still in the same area. I did get goosebumps when the drums began and I could hear them, but that changed quickly when the rest of the fight song began. It was slow and low. Not many people standing where we were. I used to get goosebumps the first few times I heard Cherokee, but haven't in several years now. The band during the glory days (the 70's) was absolutely awesome. Personally, a lot of fans don't care if the band gets a 1 or a zero at contest--we want to be proud of them every week at the game. We enjoyed watching a different performance at every game, too. Now all we see is the same thing time after time.

Posted on: Today at 03:58:16 PMPosted by: squaw
Proud, you know I luv ya, but I think you may have misunderstood why people are griping. Us die-hard fans want Cherokee played the way it used to be because ALL the fans got involved and excited. Not so with this band. And, yes, the money from concessions should go to the student activity fund. I am going to email this to the superintendent. I've already discussed this with some board members. I, and many others, do care about the Reservation and everything going on. It's the people who care who complain when they see things that are not right.

I copied this from my response on the Indian Band thread. I believe it is appropriate here as well...................

I vehemently disagree with Squaw's comments about the fans not caring if the band gets a 1 or 0 at contest, but only their performance at the games. Please understand that my child is in band. I am biased. However, the number of fans from our Church, work, school staff, and community whom are so supportive is amazing and validates my opinion! Squaw, I do not believe, or do not choose to believe, that you are correct. I think many PNG fans are happy anytime our Indian students are successful. They are not callous people, but care about all of the many successes representative from our students and district. I know I am thrilled when a youth exceeds in UIL, soccer, Relflections contests, HOSA, theater, etc. Their success also reflects the caring staff, the district, the community as a whole and not just the football game. I think most people feel that way.

I'm sorry that this isn't reflective of your glory days of the 70's but this is their glory days. We can all be proud of this band in all they do........and for much more than the games! If you are that upset because things aren't done the way that is was done in the 1970's, that is regretable for you.

That said - keep up the good work band! Bring home 1's from contest and scream Cherokee at the games. Many of us are proud of our band! Don't let the detractors from inside this district or outside take away your joy!


500+ Posts
Well said band mom...I am a former NDN band member myself and I personally know how hard these kids work, so we as fans, need to support them on and OFF the field!! Trust me, the band is trying to accomplish many goals at the game, and yes, pleasing the fans is one of them, but so is pumping up our football team, cheerleaders, and NDN-Spirit, along with trying to perfect their contest performance. Halftime is a practice of sorts for their ultimate goal of success contest! I'm sure there are many fans that don't follow the band at contest, but there are more that do, so to say the fans don't care whether they get a 1 or 0(which doesn't exist btw), at contest is a very bold statement!

Like our football program is doing now, the band has gone through a big transition over the past several years. They have adopted a totally different style than in years past, and that takes quite a while to adjust to, for us the fans and the band members. I will admit that I did not like it at all when the change was made to the "corp" style, but it has grown on me and I thought they looked beautiful Fri night and sounded great for the first performance of the year! I am sure that Mr. Wells really cares what the fans think of Cherokee, but with all the band is trying to accomplish in a short amount of time, it is hard to make a big change overnight, but he is working on it, you can tell. Cherokee is faster...I counted it out myself at the pep-rally and it came out about 3-5 bpm faster than last year. Now, it is not consistent, sometimes they play it much slower...but again, they are trying to adjust to the change as well.

Like I said on another thread...good luck to the band at the games AND at competition this year....yall make me proud to be an INDIAN!!

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
NDNmom91, thank you so very, very much! :clap:

Our band kids and their parents read these boards too! There are many out here who don't care for the mean spiritedness of some of the posters. It has hurt the feelings of some of the kids. In an era where the band is trying to rebuild as well, it is important to know that there are community members who support them and their efforts too! Let's build our kids up and not tear them down! They do care!

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
squaw said:
Proud, you know I luv ya, but I think you may have misunderstood why people are griping. Us die-hard fans want Cherokee played the way it used to be because ALL the fans got involved and excited. Not so with this band. And, yes, the money from concessions should go to the student activity fund. I am going to email this to the superintendent. I've already discussed this with some board members. I, and many others, do care about the Reservation and everything going on. It's the people who care who complain when they see things that are not right.

Squaw, I DO understand where the griping is coming from, but after a while it just gets old. Instead of counting our blessings, we're complaining about how good it COULD be. Maybe I'm different than some. I'm just so excited about how far we've come, and I hate to hear "fans" who complain about trivial things.


500+ Posts
You are so welcome band mom! You tell them, from me, not to worry about the stuff that is said on here, some people have nothing better to do but complain. Heck, I can't say a lot, last year, I too was very vocal about the way Cherokee was being played, but I can see that things are changing and that's enough for me! You tell them, that all their hard work is paying off...they look and sound just beautiful!

I graduated in '91 and my Sophomore year we were ranked 1st in prelims at State, then finished 5th overall ....and yet some people still complained about how we "screwed" up and lost!! I mean, come on, we certainly didn't feel like we lost anything...we were overjoyed to be ranked the state of TEXAS people!! So, yes, some things never change. With that being said, I have NO doubt our Purple Pride Band will make it to "The Big Dance" again and I will be there to cheer them on...even if they do come in!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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