Notice of Broadcast Changes


Staff member
NDN79 said:
I've held my tongue long enough. The changes that have been made to the PN-G football broadcasts are TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!
The quality (or lack there of) is horrendous!! As fans we are missing out on the opportunity to follow our team. Something needs to be done immediately!

There are always issues with the internet broadcast, it cuts in and out, or you can't make the internet connection at all.It is no better trying to use an android based mobil device either.
Whoever came up with this ridiculous idea needs to have their head examined. Too many loyal Indian fans are missing out on the chance to follow their beloved team.

Every week we are told---we are working on it, or we think we got the bugs worked out, etc... That's not good enough!! This needs to be fixed right away before the entire season gets by us.

I'm sure someone got an atta boy for saving a few dollars, but is it really worth it to alienate your loyal fan base and deprive them of the opportunity to listen to the Indians broadcast.

SOMEONE PLEASE HELP FIX THIS....the season is quickly slipping by.

I understand where you're coming from, but I think we need to remember who and what we're talking about here. Joe, Paul and Robert volunteer their time to do this free of charge. BASF doesn't have to sponsor the broadcasts and Joe certainly doesn't have to drive in from the other side of Austin every week to keep the sponsorship alive. All three eat the cost of travelling to and from the games, wherever they may be, on their own to do this fanbase a service.

The change was made with the best of intentions and one of the selling points was that the broadcast would be more reliable and more accessible. For the first game, that seemed to be the exact result; everyone here had nothing but positive comments to offer. Since then, there have been problems and I know for a fact that steps have been taken to correct them. I also know the only game where I've had serious problems was the Summer Creek game; all the others have been fairly smooth sailing and I didn't have any problems this past week during the Lumberton game.

If anyone has problems, I would suggest emailing Joe, Paul or Robert directly. They know this process far better than I do and are much more capable of answering questions. And please, try to remember that theirs is a mostly thankless job.


500+ Posts
I tried to listen to the game on Friday night, but it was just playing music (no game). Did it ever come on?


Staff member
bamakid said:
NDN79 said:
I've held my tongue long enough. The changes that have been made to the PN-G football broadcasts are TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!
The quality (or lack there of) is horrendous!! As fans we are missing out on the opportunity to follow our team. Something needs to be done immediately!

There are always issues with the internet broadcast, it cuts in and out, or you can't make the internet connection at all.It is no better trying to use an android based mobil device either.
Whoever came up with this ridiculous idea needs to have their head examined. Too many loyal Indian fans are missing out on the chance to follow their beloved team.

Every week we are told---we are working on it, or we think we got the bugs worked out, etc... That's not good enough!! This needs to be fixed right away before the entire season gets by us.

I'm sure someone got an atta boy for saving a few dollars, but is it really worth it to alienate your loyal fan base and deprive them of the opportunity to listen to the Indians broadcast.

SOMEONE PLEASE HELP FIX THIS....the season is quickly slipping by.

I understand where you're coming from, but I think we need to remember who and what we're talking about here. Joe, Paul and Robert volunteer their time to do this free of charge. BASF doesn't have to sponsor the broadcasts and Joe certainly doesn't have to drive in from the other side of Austin every week to keep the sponsorship alive. All three eat the cost of travelling to and from the games, wherever they may be, on their own to do this fanbase a service.

The change was made with the best of intentions and one of the selling points was that the broadcast would be more reliable and more accessible. For the first game, that seemed to be the exact result; everyone here had nothing but positive comments to offer. Since then, there have been problems and I know for a fact that steps have been taken to correct them. I also know the only game where I've had serious problems was the Summer Creek game; all the others have been fairly smooth sailing and I didn't have any problems this past week during the Lumberton game.

If anyone has problems, I would suggest emailing Joe, Paul or Robert directly. They know this process far better than I do and are much more capable of answering questions. And please, try to remember that theirs is a mostly thankless job.

You hit the nail on the head. Everyone who likes having PN-G broadcast needs to be very appreciative of Joe Arnold and the effort he has made traveling to the games. Not many teams have someone like him with a media background. Be thankful for what we have while we have it.


Active Member
Nobody is ripping Joe and crew, we all appreciate what they do. BUT THE BROADCAST STINKS! The radio part of it is a joke. No reception at all. Again, I will talk about my parents ,both in their eighties, with no computer or smartphones to work with. They have not been able to listen to a game all year and I'm sure hey are not the only ones. I agree with NDN79 was saving a few bucks worth losing the fan base because they are unable to listen.


500+ Posts
I did not say anything about Joe,Paul, or Robert. I appreciate what they do. I said the quality (mechanical,computer, or anything else) of the broadcasts was terrible. Not the individuals doing the broadcasts, but the broadcast medium itself. I have never been able to pick up the games on either one of those AM stations.

Being a nice guy and volunteering to do the broadcasts is great, but there needs to be a RELIABLE way to get the broadcast signal out to everyone. The Indians have the largest fan base bar none, I would think there are other avenues and radio stations available to do this. I know that there are plenty of local businesses willing to get on board to sponsor PN-G football with the large audience that is out there.

As far as I'm concerned settling for what we have is NOT AN OPTION.


Staff member
Folks, the broadcast numbers are up this year and are still five times the numbers for the average high school broadcast. We haven't "lost the fanbase."

I don't think anyone here intends to insult anyone else, but when statements like the following are made:

NDN79 said:
Whoever came up with this ridiculous idea needs to have their head examined. Too many loyal Indian fans are missing out on the chance to follow their beloved team.

Every week we are told---we are working on it, or we think we got the bugs worked out, etc... That's not good enough!! This needs to be fixed right away before the entire season gets by us.

I'm sure someone got an atta boy for saving a few dollars, but is it really worth it to alienate your loyal fan base and deprive them of the opportunity to listen to the Indians broadcast.

... it's easy to see how it might come across as such.

Nobody can deny that there are problems this year, but I can assure you steps have been taken to correct them. I haven't been in a position to check the radio broadcast this year, but I will be home this weekend and if I have the time I fully intend to test the range of 1450 AM and 1550 AM. In the meantime, the link below will take you to a site that projects the signal strength of various stations in a given ZIP code. 1450 AM shows strong signal strength in all three Mid-County communities (not surprising since the station is in Beaumont).

Again, I am going to urge anyone who has experienced problems to contact the broadcast crew directly (contact information was provided earlier in this thread). I would also suggest giving a specific account of the problems and your location. And keep in mind that broadcast problems aren't always problems with the broadcast itself. I have had very few problems this year, but last year I found that problems with the broadcast through a cell phone app have come more often because of poor 3G signal than anything else.

png fan for life

Active Member
I think enough people agree on this. AM has not worked well this year. My suggestion is voice your concerns in a kind way and hopefully we will see a change for the better.


500+ Posts
I did not say anything in an unkind way. I merely said that the poor quality of the Indian football broadcasts needs desperately to improve.I never said that we have lost the fan base (bamakid), I said that some of the fans are being deprived of the opportunity to follow their Indians. No one disputes that we have the largest following of loyal fans (I didn't say that either). The poor quality of the AM broadcasts, and the technical problems that some are having with the internet signal and android applications is making it difficult for some to tune in the games. There are a lot of people that like to listen to the radio, don't have a computer or are not computer savy and can't follow on the internet. If 1 person misses out then that's too many.There is nothing mean spirited or judgmental towards anyone(check all of my pasts posts), I just think that it is a shame that a program with the tremendous following and rich tradition that we have, has to settle for something that falls short of what we need. :)


Staff member
NDN79 said:
I did not say anything in an unkind way. I merely said that the poor quality of the Indian football broadcasts needs desperately to improve.I never said that we have lost the fan base (bamakid), I said that some of the fans are being deprived of the opportunity to follow their Indians. No one disputes that we have the largest following of loyal fans (I didn't say that either). The poor quality of the AM broadcasts, and the technical problems that some are having with the internet signal and android applications is making it difficult for some to tune in the games. There are a lot of people that like to listen to the radio, don't have a computer or are not computer savy and can't follow on the internet. If 1 person misses out then that's too many.There is nothing mean spirited or judgmental towards anyone(check all of my pasts posts), I just think that it is a shame that a program with the tremendous following and rich tradition that we have, has to settle for something that falls short of what we need. :)

I'm not going to get into an argument over what has or has not been said when it's quoted in black and white. Intent is one thing and perception is another, and people can decide for themselves what the two are. In the meantime, I've made my suggestion, and I stand by it. The people who make sure we get any broadcast at all made changes in an attempt to increase accessibility and convenience. If someone is having problems, the best thing to do is contact them directly.


500+ Posts
This board is for healthy discussion of topics related to PN-G Indian football (this has been affirmed on numerous occasions by the moderator). The broadcast quality of the PN-G football games certainly is a topic relevant to this board. I have never said that I had not contacted the people responsible for the weekly broadcasts of PN-G football games. I have only shared my opinion that the broadcast quality is not up to par, and certainly not as good or accessible as it has been in the past. I am not the only person disappointed with the new choices for the broadcasts of the game, others have voiced their displeasure too.
I do appreciate the fact that someone is trying,but it is definitely not up to par, and not nearly as good as what we have come to expect in the past. I'm sorry if someone is taking this personally, or if you are connected in some way to those that are providing the friday night broadcasts, again I mean no disrespect. I'm merely stating my opinion as how it relates to the football broadcasts, which is a topic that relates to this board.
My only wish is that the situation can be rectified, and the PN-G fans all over the world will be able to follow their Indians with a clear broadcast that they can enjoy. :)


Active Member
Well said 79 it is far from where it was and what we had. Start nights tonight going to give am another try but will
Have my phone ready


1,000+ Posts
I have to say that I agree with NDN79 - I think the "connectivity" and "clear reception" of the broadcasts are not where they have been in years past.

I completely respect the decision to change to perhaps give more people the chance to listen to the PNG games on different devices. I support any effort that may be involved in getting the broadcasts heard by as many people that want to listen.

Joe, Paul and Robert do a wonderful job week end and week out. Although I have never met any of them, I do feel like we know each other from listening to their great assessments year after year of PN-G and their opponents.

I think some of the frustration expressed is not directed towards any one person or entity; only a short fuse blowing up after you have waited all week long to hear the broadcast; only to hear commercials and continuous cut outs from the action being broadcast at the game. What can I say? I'm not going to apologize for being upset that I cannot hear my PN-G Indians! :)

I certainly hope the glitches will be worked out soon so that all of us "out of towners" can continue to huddle by our mobile devices, computers and radios to support the Port Neches-Groves Indians



Active Member
Reception on 1450 getting bleedover from another station, 1550 will not come in at all. I am in the middle of Pt. Neches. Have to disagree with you on the signal strength Bamakid. It is terrible! Fans are out of luck listening on radio.


500+ Posts
My husband got it in crystal clear when he changed the dial to either just past 1550 or right before it. I would ask him but exactly but he isn't answering his cell so he must be busy at work.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
HELP! I'm working out of town (Sandy) and I need to connect to the game. What is the best way? I tried the 1450am link, but no worky. Tried the Legacy, but computer doesn't recognize the program.
Can someone direct me, or sends a link that works?


1,000+ Posts
Legacy internet broadcast is terrible tonight. Constant buzzing that is as loud as the play-by-play. Same problem the previous two weeks but not quite as bad as tonight. Never had any problem similar to this in previous seasons, although I had different problems occassionaly like the broadcast dropping out for awhile.

Anyone have the same problem with the legacy broadcast?

Seems like in the past when problems have occurred someone has reported it and the problem got fixed during the broadcast, but not this year.:flaming: :flaming:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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