Pics from Inside the Press Box


I don't remember b--ching? I have just never seen an $850 fricking chair. Lifetime warranties on mechanical parts of chairs are very important, especially compared to the crappy warranty that we are getting on the roofs of the buildings. Now, I'm bi--hing!!!!!!!

Something wrong with this there anything wrong with $300 chairs? That I could see, having priced them I would like to see what a $300 trash can looks like.

I tell you what, when you that increased tax bill in your hand in the near future, we will see who is bi--ing then. Mark my words.


Justafan said:
IndianFan said:
Look at it his way. An $850 chair with a lifetime warranty will last a long time. Anyone ever buy one of those cheap $100-200 chairs at Office Depot or Office Max? They don't last. You get what you pay for.

Correct IndianFan. My employees used to buy the 150.00 office max chairs and we would have to replace every year. We started purchasing the more expeinsive chairs the past 4 yrs and we haven't replaced one yet.

You cannot make some understand or ever understand business logistics.

Maybe you should have bought the ones that I have in my office, they were inexpensive and have been there for 10yrs or mare and still work just fine. I just bought another one for 99 dollars and it ilooks just as good as the press box if not better.


100+ Posts
Pretty stupid if you ask me. No wonder we have a deficit budget again this year. I realize that this was bond money and doesn't come out of the general fund but it is still stupid. If this is any indication of our normal purchasing procedures, we will be bankrupt before we know it. They could have gotten nice recliners for the price of those chairs. Did we really need "Lifetime Warranties" since they are only used a few hours a week during home games? My office chair cost $140 and I use it 8 hours a day 5 days a week and it has lasted for years.


1,000+ Posts
The point is you sit in this chair regularly and take care of it. Those visiting the press box will sit in the chair once a year probably and not take care of it as such. The chair needs to be prepared to take some punishment. I was told the chair I sit in at work was $1200 for the record. I believe it is called an 18 hour chair, or something like that.


100+ Posts
If the problem is that visiting coaches will not take care of them, then why not spend $7 and get a metal folding chair. These are pretty indestructible and they only have to sit in it a few hours. Heck, they are coaches they should be able to handle not sitting in the lap of luxury for a few hours. Don't get me wrong I love PNG football but I think that our district is making bad choices on purchases and the superintendent nor the Board are doing anything to try and fix the budget deficit. This is a serious matter and getting the best chairs that money can by is not the right thing to do at this time.


Old Cyberdude
My company pays $750-1000 per chair which is common for a commercial quality chair. Also keep in mind that those $100-200 chairs will not stand up to any kind of abuse. Especially the occasions where a large person uses it (sportswriters, coaches, etc).

Like anything else, valid points can be made for any decision. There is no point in going back and forth about the cost. It's done and the district has a top notch press box that should be state of the art for years to come.


1,000+ Posts
The bond money has NOTHING to do with the budget deficit. Bond money CAN NOT be spent on maintenance and operations -- that is daily district business. Comparing money spent on items in the bond to the budget deficit will do absolutely no good other than to satisfy some peoples' desire to complain at will.


100+ Posts
If you would have read my previous post, I stated that this was BOND money. I was just trying to make the point about our purchasing decisions. I agree that what is done is done. I just hope that we will use better rationale in the future on all purchases. The fact is everyone has just got or will soon get their tax bill and it continues to rise. We are paying more in taxes, have a budget deficit, talking about layoffs, etc. and not thinking twice about purchases. Well, I think I have said enough and I'm starting to drift off of the topic.


100+ Posts
Another issue was brought to my attention on this matter. Since this was bond money it could have been moved to cover other issues. Prime example is the roof repairs on the high school that is an additional ~$27,000. Heck, we could have paid for that with what we paid for the chairs and still had money left for the baseball and softball fields.


pngfan93 said:
The bond money has NOTHING to do with the budget deficit. Bond money CAN NOT be spent on maintenance and operations -- that is daily district business. Comparing money spent on items in the bond to the budget deficit will do absolutely no good other than to satisfy some peoples' desire to complain at will.

I know bond money cannot be used for M & O but guess what, if we have money left over, we can use it to pay down the bond amount!!! Y'all do know that the bond money has to be paid back, right? Whatcha going to pay it with when you have a deficit budget? So, finding a happy medium on purchases made with bond money is the point here, and in my opinion, $850 chairs are not a happy medium, - lifetime warranty on $10.00 casters -not a selling point for me, sorry.

NDNfan#1 - just so you know, the board is trying to find ways to help this budget crisis and will be holding workshops to try and come up with ways to tackle this problem, so lets not sell them short just yet, we have 4 years to try and fix it...


1,000+ Posts
The money to pay the bond back comes from different taxes. Once again, nothing to do with the deficit budget.
pngfan93 said:
The money to pay the bond back comes from different taxes. Once again, nothing to do with the deficit budget.

Different taxes ??? What /which taxes ?? Our property taxes for the school district ??
My school property taxes are at point of being HIGHER than my homeowners insurance !!!


pngfan93 said:
The money to pay the bond back comes from different taxes. Once again, nothing to do with the deficit budget.

What different taxes? Still our money...or are strangers going to pay our bond off for us? What do you mean different taxes....educate me, please. If we don't use the whole amount, we can give it back, this reduces the amount that has to be paid back. This is why the expenditures are causing a stink..that and the fact that teachers, aides and staff may lose their jobs, do you not understand that as many as 50 teachers may not have a job next year? That was the first number that has been thrown out - may not end up being that many, but there will be lost jobs unless by some miracle this issue is resolved. There are things that can be done to reduce the number of jobs lost. I want you to understand that I know the difference between what bond money can and cannot be used for. Items that were set forth in the bond, per campus are what these funds can be used for. I get it. If we don't use all of these funds, we can return the unused portion, thus reducing our debt. Now, I also want you to understand that I realize that the deficit budget was not caused by the bond. Alot of it has to do with the revenue in the form of taxes that we were to receive from the refineries, but due to the reduction that the refineries filed for, our revenue has been reduced, yet we continued to spend like there was no tomorrow even though we have known for 2 yrs that this was probably coming. Also, we had some lost revenue from investment income, not with in our control, this is an economy issue. But the bond and the deficit do go hand in hand because above all else that bond has to be re-paid and everything else be damned...

So you tell me where these other tax monies are coming from and that all our teachers jobs are safe and I will drop the subject...


1,000+ Posts
NDNfan#1 said:
If the problem is that visiting coaches will not take care of them, then why not spend $7 and get a metal folding chair. These are pretty indestructible and they only have to sit in it a few hours. Heck, they are coaches they should be able to handle not sitting in the lap of luxury for a few hours. Don't get me wrong I love PNG football but I think that our district is making bad choices on purchases and the superintendent nor the Board are doing anything to try and fix the budget deficit. This is a serious matter and getting the best chairs that money can by is not the right thing to do at this time.
Just realized I overlooked this--some on the board DID question this-the new board members, anyway. The admin needs to oversee money better or we'll be broke. We have a 5 million dollar deficit now.


500+ Posts
NDNfan#1 said:
If the problem is that visiting coaches will not take care of them, then why not spend $7 and get a metal folding chair. These are pretty indestructible and they only have to sit in it a few hours. Heck, they are coaches they should be able to handle not sitting in the lap of luxury for a few hours. Don't get me wrong I love PNG football but I think that our district is making bad choices on purchases and the superintendent nor the Board are doing anything to try and fix the budget deficit. This is a serious matter and getting the best chairs that money can by is not the right thing to do at this time.

Putting a $7 chair into that beautiful press box is like putting Big Lots furniture into a new $350,000 home you just had built. It just dont look good!! Things HAVE to look good and be impressive, regardless of what the expense is. ;) So what that ya have to eat Ramen noodles and Spam for the next 20 have a beautiful home to eat it in. :cheesy:


yankeedawg said:
NDNfan#1 said:
If the problem is that visiting coaches will not take care of them, then why not spend $7 and get a metal folding chair. These are pretty indestructible and they only have to sit in it a few hours. Heck, they are coaches they should be able to handle not sitting in the lap of luxury for a few hours. Don't get me wrong I love PNG football but I think that our district is making bad choices on purchases and the superintendent nor the Board are doing anything to try and fix the budget deficit. This is a serious matter and getting the best chairs that money can by is not the right thing to do at this time.

Putting a $7 chair into that beautiful press box is like putting Big Lots furniture into a new $350,000 home you just had built. It just dont look good!! Things HAVE to look good and be impressive, regardless of what the expense is. ;) So what that ya have to eat Ramen noodles and Spam for the next 20 have a beautiful home to eat it in. :cheesy:

This is a happy medium out there somewhere - $300 chairs, maybe? And squaw, you are correct, the board did question it, after the chairs had been bought and used, ONLY because that is when they found out about it. Had they known before hand, I don't think that would have been approved...


100+ Posts
NDNS81 said:
yankeedawg said:
NDNfan#1 said:
If the problem is that visiting coaches will not take care of them, then why not spend $7 and get a metal folding chair. These are pretty indestructible and they only have to sit in it a few hours. Heck, they are coaches they should be able to handle not sitting in the lap of luxury for a few hours. Don't get me wrong I love PNG football but I think that our district is making bad choices on purchases and the superintendent nor the Board are doing anything to try and fix the budget deficit. This is a serious matter and getting the best chairs that money can by is not the right thing to do at this time.

Putting a $7 chair into that beautiful press box is like putting Big Lots furniture into a new $350,000 home you just had built. It just dont look good!! Things HAVE to look good and be impressive, regardless of what the expense is. ;) So what that ya have to eat Ramen noodles and Spam for the next 20 have a beautiful home to eat it in. :cheesy:

This is a happy medium out there somewhere - $300 chairs, maybe? And squaw, you are correct, the board did question it, after the chairs had been bought and used, ONLY because that is when they found out about it. Had they known before hand, I don't think that would have been approved...
Your right, the board was surprised by this and actually held a special meeting last Wednesday to discuss it. There were 16 chairs purchased at around $875 and somewhere around 50 purchased at $475 among other crazy expenses. This was done through the administration without the board knowing about it. It just happened to be mentioned at the previous board meeting. I am glad to see that the board was addressing the purchasing practices by the administration.


Old Cyberdude
I'll sponsor a chair if it will eventually stop the complaints. Who else is with me? Call it the 'Adopt A Chair' program.


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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