Playoff Outlook


500+ Posts
We are in control of our own destiny at this point. With three games to play, we have a 1 game lead on Vidor and Livingston. Here are the remaining schedules for the three teams.

Livingston: 4-7
Feb. 8 - @ Ozen*
Feb. 11 - LC-M*
Feb. 15 - @ Vidor*

PNG: 5-6
Feb. 8 - @ LC-M*
Feb. 11 - Vidor*
Feb. 14 - @ Central*

Vidor: 4-7
Feb. 8 - @ Central*
Feb. 11 - @ PN-G*
Feb. 15 - Livingston*

Since Vidor should win it's game with Livingston we will assume that happens for argument's sake. Also Neither us nor Vidor SHOULD win our game with Central. So, a win tonight by us against LCM would mean the Vidor game will either give us the outright posession of the playoff spot with a win. A loss would mean we would then be tied with Vidor on record if each of our last games turned out as predicted. If we were to end up in a tie for that playoff spot I don't know if it would go to our head to head or we would have to play a "play-in" game. It would seem to me we would be out because of the head to head record if Vidor won both games against us but who knows.
None the less the fact remains that we can secure a playoff birth this week with two wins! Step one is to go into the bear cave and come away with the W against an LCM team that can only get in through winning out. That means they will putting it all out there so we will have our work cut out for us!

Really, no matter how you look at it the Vidor game is pivotal to our success. We really have to beat them!

We are very very close to watching history made at the Reservation again this year! Two more wins and the 2010-2011 Indian rounballers will have accomplished what hasn't been done since 1989! Let's ALL give them 100% of our support and help get them over the hump!


500+ Posts
After Tonight here is the way things look. It's tight but a win for us on Friday is CRUCIAL!!!! If LCM wins out and we lose one then we end up tied and we would have to play a "play in" game because we split with them. If Livingston wins out and we lose one then we would still be in by my math because we swept them. We have to beat Vidor. That loss would make it impossible for the pirates to get in.

Bottom line is we have to win against Vidor Friday night. LCM and Liv play each other on Friday and one will get a BIG loss and the other a BIG win. We probably really want LCM to win against Livingston on Friday because their last game is Ned and they just can't win that one without guns and knives! Livingston does however stand a chance against Vidor so we want them to go ahead and get their "Playoff hopes ending loss" on Friday.

That's how I see it. Anybody see it otherwise? It is late and I may not be thinking too clearly but I believe this is correct.

LCM: 4-8 LCM has a chance of beating the lions but I really can't see them beating Ned no matter where they play that game. LCM finishes 5-9
Feb. 11 - @ Livingston*
Feb. 15 - Nederland*

Livingston: 4-8 Livingston may beat LCM but that would be an upset in my opinion at this point. I really don't see them winning against Vidor in the Pirate ship though. Livingston finishes 5-9 at best, more likely 4-10.
Feb. 11 - LC-M*
Feb. 15 - @ Vidor*

PNG: 5-7 I see us winning at home on friday but I have a hard time envisioning a win against Central on their court. PNG finishes 6-8
Feb. 11 - Vidor*
Feb. 14 - @ Central*

Vidor: 4-8 I believe Vidor loses to us on Friday night but wins on Tuesday. Vidor Finishes 5-9
Feb. 11 - @ PN-G*
Feb. 15 - Livingston*


500+ Posts
I was wrong!

I think we want Livingston to win against LCM on Friday. Because If we end up Tied with Livingston on record we would still go based on head to head.

I did say it was late didn't I?


500+ Posts
OK, I can't put this down until I feel I have made my point clear so here goes.

If we beat Vidor and Livingston Beats LCM, We are in! However if we beat Vidor and LCM beats Livingston then we need Ned to beat LCM on tuesday.

If we don't win against Vidor at home Friday Night then things will look pretty bleak With us needing no telling what to happen in addition to us having to win at Central.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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