PN-G athletics get financial support


2,000+ Posts
The Port Arthur News

It hasn’t even been two weeks since new Port Neches-Groves Indians Head Coach and Athletic Director Brandon Faircloth stepped into the mix.

Monday night, the newly appointed “chief of the tribe” strolled into the PN-GISD board room, donning the Indians’ colors, to ask trustees for the funding approval of technology equipment and athletic personnel appointments.

“In order to meet the needs of the athletic department, new technology equipment and software is needed,” Superintendent Lani Randall said, prior to the vote.

The new technology requested comes in the form of: video editing software ($12,700), 1 Server for the field house ($8,000), and 2 laptop computers ($2,400). $23,100.

Several members of the board, including President Rusty Brittain questioned Faircloth as to the nature of the equipment and whether it would supplement existing software already in place.

“We’re trying to create a program that’s going to give our kids the best chance to be successful,” Faircloth said. “We’re not concerned with how anyone else is doing things — we’re concerned with how we’re doing things and what we feel is right.”

Faircloth told the trustees current software and hardware in place for video editing only allows one coach to work on one desktop computer at a time. With the additional equipment, coaches would be able to work on the software off of a network server, specific to the athletic department, with the mobile versatility that laptop computers provide.

“It helps with a lot of the coaches being able to work on laptops, to work on video editing,” Faircloth explained. “It helps when you separate into position meetings to be able to take a laptop into there and be very position specific on does and don’ts. We’ll be able to let the kids watch themselves and have it cut up that way so our kids not only can be active learners, but visual learners as well.”

Faircloth also requested funds for several athletics position. The request positions were for two new coordinator positions for the remainder of the 08-09 school year, two new varsity assistant coach/teaching positions for the 08-09 school year, and an athletics secretary that would serve the needs of both boys and girls athletics.

“Additionally, it is recommended that two new middle school assistant coach positions would be added for the 2009-2010 school year.”

The board voted unanimously in favor of both proposals. Posting for the new positions will begin immediately.


1,000+ Posts
Justafan said:
“We’re trying to create a program that’s going to give our kids the best chance to be successful,” Faircloth said. “We’re not concerned with how anyone else is doing things — we’re concerned with how we’re doing things and what we feel is right.”

This is the passage that stands out to me the most in this article. What do you guys and girls think?


1,000+ Posts
Justafan---at the risk of agreeing with you too many times ( :eek:), I have to agree again. I don't think we have to worry about anyone else but us. They need to worry about US! Our football program, no-our athletic programs, can take care of themselves.


wheree is the money coming from to buy all this stuff? Tickets sales, stadium rental? or taxes?


Active Member
WHAT A SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


500+ Posts
PNGfan said:
Teachers probably won't see a raise next year :'(

Is that a fact, or just your opinion? Are the two in any way related? I am just curious if you are trying to loop these two things together.


2,000+ Posts

Click on latest list.

Port Neches Groves ISD will receive 1.3 million from the federal stimulus package


500+ Posts
There should be some extra money for the Athletics department next year raised by the Athletic Department next year through the use of the Reservation for a few extra early round Playoff games from local teams. Say what you want, but the bottom line is HS Football is a business. You invest in that business and it rewards you in return with greater profit!

lu cards

100+ Posts
this is why we need an athletic booster club.the booster club can provide the "extras" for athletics so the board can use extra money for teachers and academics.


1,000+ Posts
How many of you complaining about this money were also complaining about our record last year? This is what it takes to win.

Do any of you know how many kids quit football because of the state of the program? As many others have eluded, this will also keep kids off the streets.


100+ Posts
akifan94 said:
PNGfan said:
Teachers probably won't see a raise next year :'(

Is that a fact, or just your opinion? Are the two in any way related? I am just curious if you are trying to loop these two things together.

I admit it's not fact, but when you add in all the new expenses, new job created for MB at 82K, two more coaches positions at another I guess 90K, new technology for football 23K. It starts adding up and eventually there is nothing left for the teachers pay raises. We're already one of the lower paying districts. We're lucky that most of the teachers are from here, if it wasn't for that PNG would have a hard time finding teachers because the pay is so low.


100+ Posts
pngfan93 said:
How many of you complaining about this money were also complaining about our record last year? This is what it takes to win.

Do any of you know how many kids quit football because of the state of the program? As many others have eluded, this will also keep kids off the streets.

I don't buy into that. If a kid quits that's on him, I don't care how bad your team is, if you quit now, you'll quit later. I have no feelings for someone that quits. Don't make excuses for them. You can't blame lack of technology or money or bad team on someone that quits. It's called lack of heart and determination. Last time I checked, we didn't have a problem with too many kids on the streets, and I know believe me.


1,000+ Posts
PNGfan said:
pngfan93 said:
How many of you complaining about this money were also complaining about our record last year? This is what it takes to win.

Do any of you know how many kids quit football because of the state of the program? As many others have eluded, this will also keep kids off the streets.

I don't buy into that. If a kid quits that's on him, I don't care how bad your team is, if you quit now, you'll quit later. I have no feelings for someone that quits. Don't make excuses for them. You can't blame lack of technology or money or bad team on someone that quits. It's called lack of heart and determination. Last time I checked, we didn't have a problem with too many kids on the streets, and I know believe me.

So you work with kids? How many hours of child psychology do you have?

"On the streets" does not necessarily refer to kids wandering the streets. It refers to kids partaking in things that they would not be doing if their time was tied up with something else like football. Stats also show that things like a strong football team keep kids from dropping out of school and keep community support strong.

But I guess you already know that.

By the way, you never answered my question about if you complained about the state of the program.


PNGfan said:
akifan94 said:
PNGfan said:
Teachers probably won't see a raise next year :'(

Is that a fact, or just your opinion? Are the two in any way related? I am just curious if you are trying to loop these two things together.

I admit it's not fact, but when you add in all the new expenses, new job created for MB at 82K, two more coaches positions at another I guess 90K, new technology for football 23K. It starts adding up and eventually there is nothing left for the teachers pay raises. We're already one of the lower paying districts. We're lucky that most of the teachers are from here, if it wasn't for that PNG would have a hard time finding teachers because the pay is so low.

You forgot that we have to raise the principal's salary by close to 20 (maybe 15 grand)+ 1.00 because the HC/AD cannot make more than the principal.....


Active Member
Do any of you know how many kids quit football because of the state of the program?

Name me 5 kids that quit football last year. :)


2,000+ Posts
Some of you complain just to freakin complain........geeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Purple Rain

Active Member
NDNS81 said:
PNGfan said:
akifan94 said:
PNGfan said:
Teachers probably won't see a raise next year :'(

Is that a fact, or just your opinion? Are the two in any way related? I am just curious if you are trying to loop these two things together.

I admit it's not fact, but when you add in all the new expenses, new job created for MB at 82K, two more coaches positions at another I guess 90K, new technology for football 23K. It starts adding up and eventually there is nothing left for the teachers pay raises. We're already one of the lower paying districts. We're lucky that most of the teachers are from here, if it wasn't for that PNG would have a hard time finding teachers because the pay is so low.

You forgot that we have to raise the principal's salary by close to 20 (maybe 15 grand)+ 1.00 because the HC/AD cannot make more than the principal.....
I think when people start throwing figure$ around this board, I think they first need to know what they're talking about! So far - Not even CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


500+ Posts
Can we have an "Air It Out" Forum where people can just go and make baseless complaints and b*tch amongst each other?

First, there will be no asst. coaches making 90k a year when the head coach does not make that much.

Second, where have you read Burnett was given a raise? i was sure he made somewhere in the 78k range.

If he was making 82k and the new coach is making 82.5k, then the principal did not get a 20k raise. People throwing around numbers that are not based in fact need to leave their ill will at the door and come post something concrete if they have a complaint. Posting messages to flame the fire when there is no truth to it is crap.

What is even better is that people will come on here and gripe when we are losing, then turn around and gripe when changes and upgrades are made. :flaming:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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