PN-G Indian Band's 2009 Concert & Sightreading Results


Staff member
Wind Ensemble:

Concert: 1 1 1 - 1st Division
Sightreading: 1 1 1 - 1st Division

Concert Music:
1. El Capitan
2. Scarborough Fair
3. Prelude, Siciliano, and Rondo

Symphonic Band:

Concert: 1 2 2 - 2nd Division
Sightreading: 1 1 1 - 1st Division

Concert Music:
1. Coast Guards
2. Whispers from the Heart
3. Blue Mountain Saga

Congratulations to the band directors and participating members for their hard work and superior ratings.


100+ Posts
PurplePrideBandRulez said:
CONGRATS to Wind Ensemble !! They made 1 1 1 for concert and 1 1 1 sight reading. WAY TO GO KIDS and MR WELLS!


WAY TO GO PURPLE PRIDE!! :clap: :clap: :clap:


1,000+ Posts
Way to go PNG band!!! Does this mean that they moved contest to the spring and we won't have to watch the same performance at every football game?? Not being ugly--I really don't know. I thought contest was in the fall, not spring.


Staff member
NDN X said:
PurplePrideBandRulez said:
CONGRATS to Wind Ensemble !! They made 1 1 1 for concert and 1 1 1 sight reading. WAY TO GO KIDS and MR WELLS!


WAY TO GO PURPLE PRIDE!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

You know, it's funny that you mention purple pride. Nederland's football team was practicing on the field behind the Performance Arts Center when the band left. Now that I think about it, it would've been the perfect time to play Cherokee.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
squaw said:
Way to go PNG band!!! Does this mean that they moved contest to the spring and we won't have to watch the same performance at every football game?? Not being ugly--I really don't know. I thought contest was in the fall, not spring.

No, they are referring to concert and sightreading contest (where they sit on stage and play music in an auditorium). This is held in the Spring. Marching contest on the field is held in the Fall.

Concert competition involves playing three (I think) pieces for judging panel.

In sight reading competition, the band is given a piece of music that they have never seen before and plays it for the judges one time.

With respect watching the same marching drill throughout the football season, the complexity of the drills that are required to make the band competitive require that they work on one show throughout the year. Back when I was in school (80s) we could get away with about 3 shows a year, but even those three usually had a lot shared elements to help with the marching contest drill.


Staff member
PNG NDN Fan said:
squaw said:
Way to go PNG band!!! Does this mean that they moved contest to the spring and we won't have to watch the same performance at every football game?? Not being ugly--I really don't know. I thought contest was in the fall, not spring.

No, they are referring to concert and sightreading contest (where they sit on stage and play music in an auditorium). This is held in the Spring. Marching contest on the field is held in the Fall.

Concert competition involves playing three (I think) pieces for judging panel.

In sight reading competition, the band is given a piece of music that they have never seen before and plays it for the judges one time.

With respect watching the same marching drill throughout the football season, the complexity of the drills that are required to make the band competitive require that they work on one show throughout the year. Back when I was in school (80s) we could get away with about 3 shows a year, but even those three usually had a lot shared elements to help with the marching contest drill.

Most high school bands only do one show. The only band I can think of that doesn't is Vidor, and that's because they do a special homecoming show (like the one we saw at their homecoming last year, with the fireworks).

In addition to those two contests, we also have Solo & Ensemble Competition in February and All-Region Competition in January. Solo & Ensemble is where each band member plays individually (solo) or in a group of 3-5 band members (ensemble) for a judge. They pick a song from their school's music library (ours is extensive) or can buy one from a music shop (normally Swicegood's in Beaumont for students from this area). Each student can enter no more than twice (solo-solo, solo-ensemble, or ensemble-ensemble). All-Region is a competition where each student auditions for the All-Region band. Our region is basically Southeast Texas, some of East Texas, and Houston.

At PN-G, every eligible (not failing any class) member is required to participate in Marching Competition and Solo & Ensemble Competition. The Wind Ensemble (top band) students are also required to participate in All-Region and Concert & Sightreading competitions, and the Symphonic Band (2nd Band) is required to participate in Concert & Sightreading. Every student is encouraged to compete in a contest they are not required to compete in.

The Indian Band also holds several concerts throughout the year, which are listed below:

1. Christmas Concert - December - All three bands (Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, and Concert) perform two pieces of music separately and then play one piece of music in unison. This concert has a Christmas theme (obviously).

2. Pops Concert - February - All three bands play three pieces of music separately. The bands nominate pieces of music in their classes at the beginning of January, and then vote. Each member is allowed one vote, and each band plays the top three selections from their respective classes. Typically, each song is something recognizable to the audience, such as the theme to a movie or a popular song.

3. Spring Concert - May - All three bands play three pieces of music separately. The band directors select each piece of music for their respective classes. Normally, the directors pick something lively as to symbolize the beginning of summer, but this is not always the case.

The middle school bands also have their own versions of the Concert & Sightreading, All-Region, and Solo & Ensemble contests. Only their top bands (Symphonic) are required to participate in all three. Both levels of the two middle school bands (Symphonic and Concert) have a Christmas concert (3 pieces of music per band) and a Spring concert (3 pieces per band).

The middle school Concert & Sightreading Competition for our region normally takes place at our high school. However, this year it took place in Jasper due to the lack of parking caused by the construction.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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