PN-G is going to Africa!!


500+ Posts
Ok, I have to share this story because I'm just so proud of my little boy! A group of 25 from my church left for Kenya yesterday for a children's crusade and to help build a church. Friday evening my 6 year old said he wanted to send one of his purple footballs he got at a game with them to give to a little boy. Of course I thought that was a GREAT idea! So, Saturday evening we sat down and wrote a letter, and when I went to put he football in the bag, he says "But, they don't know how to play!" I told him not to worry because someone will show them. He says "I know what to do!" He grabs a paper and pencil and goes in his room. After a little bit he comes out and hands me this paper with circles and lines connecting them and says, "here, I wrote them a playbook!" ;D There wasn't much I could say to that! We brought the football and 2 bags full of hotwheels he wanted to give to the kids to the church Sunday morning! So, PN-G is going to Africa!! :clap:

Proud Band Mom

100+ Posts
That is remarkable! I don't know you or your family (at least I don't think so) or the Church group you are affiliated with traveling to Africa. However, I am so touched and proud of you guys. That's the spirit of our community and our kids that I love to see! We need to hear more good news like this - especially regarding our kids!

I don't know about you, but I have spent the weekend tearing up every time someone mentions Reggie Garrett. We had friends in attendance that night who are still devastated. Our child is the same age. I really really believe that from this point forward we need to get as much good news out about all of our kids as we can. Life is way too short to not let our kids and family - and our community - know how much we appreciate and celebrate what is good. Please hug your kiddo for me. Let him know that I am still smiling over his kindness and thank him for making my morning.

Great job Mom!

:clap: ;D :clap:


500+ Posts
What a blessing those cars and football will be to those children. My daughter had the opportunity to go on the last trip to Kenya, and her experiences there brought tears to ours eyes. These kids are dirt poor. They have nothing material except the ragged clothes on their backs. Each person on my daughter's group brought an extra suitcase filled with clothes, shoes, toys, candy and other stuff for these kids. She said it was like CHristmas X 1,000 when they were opened up. Your little one will be blessed for his kindness. Hopefully someone the trip will take pics of the Kenyan kids playing football and cars so you can share them.

Here is a pic of my daughter with her little Kenyan buddy:



100+ Posts
Wonderful news y'all! We are blessed to be living in Mid-County. We don't see the hunger & poverty in the rest of the world like our church mission groups do. It is wonderful that they share their experiences and to remind us how blessed we are! We are also reminded that with our many blessings, we are expected to share these blessings! It is so wonderful to hear our kids are getting this message at 6 years old! NDNMom91 and yankeedawg, you are raising wonderful examples for all of us. Thank you for sharing these awesome experiences!


500+ Posts
We need to send over a bunch of PN-G shirts and have everyone take a group picture - expand the tribe :)


1,000+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
What a blessing those cars and football will be to those children. My daughter had the opportunity to go on the last trip to Kenya, and her experiences there brought tears to ours eyes. These kids are dirt poor. They have nothing material except the ragged clothes on their backs. Each person on my daughter's group brought an extra suitcase filled with clothes, shoes, toys, candy and other stuff for these kids. She said it was like CHristmas X 1,000 when they were opened up. Your little one will be blessed for his kindness. Hopefully someone the trip will take pics of the Kenyan kids playing football and cars so you can share them.

Here is a pic of my daughter with her little Kenyan buddy:


That's awesome!


500+ Posts
Thanks to all of you for your kind comments! I am so proud of him for doing what he did! He prays for the kids over there and our group going to Africa everynight! I think he would have packed up ALL his toys and sent them if he could have, he said "I know I can get more, they can't!"

YankeeDawg...Thanks for sharing that pic, it brought tears to my eyes! What a blessing for her to experience that. I'm hoping my husband, daughter, and I will get to go next year, my 6 yr old may be a little too young to go, but he'll be the first to sign up when he's old enough! He's talked about going to Africa since he was 3! I know they said they would be taking lots of pictures of the kids playing with the stuff he sent, I can't wait to see his face when he sees them! I'll post some of the pics as soon as I get them! I think next time I'm gonna see if we can get PN-G to donate a bunch of those footballs to send over there! We'll have those kids bleeding purple before we know it!! He also sent his address so hopefully some of the kids can write to him.


500+ Posts
Thank you for sharing that great story with us. It is amazing how much our young children can relate to / and with the children of other cultures.

I have had the great fortune to travel to Kenya and be involved with different mission projects there. The Kenyan people are very humble,gracious,and proud. It was an honor to be able to serve them.The children there are wonderful and love to play games with you, especially soccer. Our group brought some footballs and taught some of them how to play--it was very special.

We did deliver a bunch of donated PN-G T-shirts to some children in an orphanage. I will try to get a copy of the group picture they took and post it here .


500+ Posts
Well, got an email yesterday that our team landed safely in Africa!! I was able to go on our church website and show him pictures of their Africa trip from last year. He was really excited to see pictures of some of the children that will be getting the things he sent! I hope we can continue to participate in things like this. It's such a great way to teach kids how to do for others less fortunate than us!


100+ Posts
Awesome post. Your son (and you) are to be commended. Who knows, one day there may be a boy from Kenya wanting to follow a dream and comes here to see where his purple football and playbook came from. Who knows, he may ask Coach if he can suit up and go out for the team.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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