PN-G vs. Central


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

Just tuned in to the game online. Apparently the game ended with a bench clearing brawl with police officers stopping the game. What a terrible ending to a less than memorable season.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

I just got a phone call saying the same thing. I had left at the start of the 4th. My daughter has an 8:00 soccer game and I had to get her and my 1 year old home. From what I was told, a large portion of the fans were involved also. Can anyone verify this?


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

Whoa, I left with about 5 minutes to go in the 4th.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

I was next to the field watching my daughter in the 3rd quarter perform with the cheerleaders and the Central players were doing some talking.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

I'm sure we'll hear a lot about what happened once some folks make it home.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

Anyone know what happened?


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

What I was told was that Tatum threw a pick in the endzone with less than a minute left. Instead of kneeling the guy tried to run it out. Then Central lateraled the ball around trying to score. Some players took exception to it and a fight broke out. Probably not 100% accurate, but close enough to get an idea.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

I was there. I don't recall any laterals - just the same player running the ball back. We had a player clothes-lined with no flag, then two illegal blocks that were flagged. Soon afterwards, the brawl happened. I don't think out players started it from what I saw. saw a Central player put one of our players on the ground, and two other join him. Then I saw our players move to help him. There are still many things I heard that I cannot verify.

I have heard that (but cannot verify):
1. A central player punched Burnett in the face.
2. Josh Wright manhandled a Central player after it got started until someone pulled him off.
(Not trying to start rumors, just trying to see if someone actually saw the above.)

I know that the coaches sent our players to the locker room, then they were sent back to the field while central players were sent directly to the bus. After this, the ref signaled the end of the game. Central was given the win, however I read all the Central playrs boarding the bus with out players on the field as the entire Central team being ejected. Am I wrong here?


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

What they took exception to was the two personal fouls - close-lined McLinn, cheap shots at during the lateral pass and the ref's didn't throw the flag quick enough and it escalated from there....the WHOLE TEAM was on the field - both teams, coaches, cops - it was a free for all.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

I think I saw Chuck Norris run down and kick someone from Central :punchingbag: :punchingbag: :punchingbag: :punchingbag: O0 O0 O0


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

MightyNDNS said:
I did see a cop jump the fence...

There is a fireman that sits on 46 near us. I swear he made it down all 46 rows in about 30 seconds. He jumped the fence and got on the field.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

Horrible ending, I was there. I think the cops escorted Central out in record times. It was a very uneasy situation that if it wasn't handled as fast as it was by the cops, it could've gotten real ugly because there were Central fans getting onto the track. I think Port Neches cops did a good job controling a situation that almost turned into a riot.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

Our football team outnumbered Central at least 2 to 1, and our fans probably outnumbered central by 100 to 1. It would have been nasty for central if the police had not been so effective.

It is a bad ending to cap off this particular season. Something I have not been able to grasp yet is who started it. Did we start it because of the missed calls? Did central start it along with their showboating at the end of the game?

It was so big that you couldn't watch everything. I didn't even realize that central had lateralled. I saw the runback, and I saw some Central players put one of our players on the ground while some of ours ran to help him. From there it continued to grow. There is much more I missed.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

Pesonnally, I think it was a fitting ending to a very frustrating season - the boys had had enough.


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Re: PN-G vs. Central Game Updates **Listen live on **

Surely you don't mean that, please show some class, that whole Pride Honor Tradition thing... don't fit this ending.


100+ Posts
Frustration took over, is what I mean. It happens, they are kids. Was it PNG? No, it wasn't. Actually, if the flags had been thrown a little sooner, it might not have happened at all and we could have avoided the whole unpleasant situation.


500+ Posts
For what it's worth:

It's unfortunate that it ended this way.

NDN fan 4ever

100+ Posts
An observant coach would have pulled obviously frustrated players out of the game and let others play while they cooled off. With so little time left in the game (3:00+ minutes) why weren't we already swapping out seniors so they would have a final chance to play as a NDN?

BTW, most of our 40+ seniors never played one play on the new field this season much less at any other stadium. Is this what's happened to our Honor, Pride, Tradition?


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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