PN-G vs. Livingston Game Updates: PN-G wins 30-7!


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Re: PN-G vs. Livingston Game Updates

WAY TO GO INDIANS!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


1,000+ Posts
Re: PN-G vs. Livingston Game Updates

yep...livingston had 93 total yards this game after averaging over 400+ yds per game. The NDN Defense definitely put it on them tonight! Congrats NDNS!


Staff member
Just got into San Antonio and just updated web site. Great, great win. Thanks to PNG1992 and his Twitter updates, I was able to keep up with the game while driving down I-10.

Also saw that Crosby smoked Dayton 28-0. Looks like the Indians have played someone after all.

This Indian team is for real. :helmet:

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
The Indians looked fantastic tonight! Few wet ball drops/jitters, but the D played lights out! And that big O line really took it to them in the 2nd half.
A great night to be an INDIAN!!!


500+ Posts
A simply AWESOME game by the INDIANS! What a game! Our crowd was into this game. All that made the drive had a great time. I love it when our fans are that vocal.


500+ Posts
Pics from the jungle.

It's a little damp. That's us on the right.

Run thru sign to begin 2nd half.

The 2nd half kickoff.


500+ Posts
Pics from the jungle cont.

Doty hands the ball off to Harmon.......TOUCHDOWN! The last one of the game.

Indians celebrate the 30 to 7 win over Livingston.


Active Member
great pics.. wish i could have been there tonight.. had to work... how was the crowd tonight for us? were we nice and loud? :shout: :clap: :band:


Active Member
This was our BEST game this year,both Team and Fans.EVERYONE in the stands were very LOUD and into every play! We had twice as many fans as Livington did, and after the 1st half, Our Wonderful Team and Fans stopped that Lady announcer she didn't have much to say in the 2nd Half. Also I really enjoyed both Bands taking turns at halftime playing songs. When one band played, the the other band moved their instruments back and forth to the music along with drill teams doing their routines to the other bands music, and would loudly cheer after each song.Both Bands showed a lot of class!!!!! Thru the Rain, wind and cold, it was a was a game I'm glad I went, I had the BEST time at this game so far this year!! Only the Diehard fans would drive 2 hours in a downpour to be there hours before a game, what a pleasure to see the fans lined up at the gate in the rain with umbrellas, hours before kickoff. We began to fill the stands when the gates opened,and sat in the pouring rain, wind and cold for an hour before I saw The first 2 Livington fans finally appear on the other side. Ever eaten a chili dog in the rain?


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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