PN-GISD vows to keep coach applicants secret


EX79NDN said:
NDNS81 said:
EX79NDN said:
NDNS81 said:
PNGIndianFan06 said:
I don't see why it could not be arranged the way EX79NDN explained it is done at his school district; nice thought but not sure if it would ever happen. See his post in Community Concerns.

I saw her post and that is what I was getting at. I like the idea and will try make the suggestion. I really hope they consider it. I realize it could make for a lengthy meeting that is why I suggested a separate meeting for voicing concerns and open forum.
Not any longer than some other meetings are. I failed to also post that they limit it to the first five people on the list. Knowing that a person who wants to speak makes sure they get there early and get their name on the list early. If only two people show up, that only extended the meeting an extra 20 minutes. A small price to pay or should I say time frame when you are being kind enough to listen to the communities concerns and the people you serve! I know our (the school board in my area) school board would stay all night long listening to the community if that is what it took. I understand that PNGISD is a larger school district, but if I was on a school board I would want to hear what my neighbors and the people I work for have to say.

It is also very comman to see various school board members at various extracurricular activies supporting the students. Let's you feel like the school board is really in their postion for the students and not the glamour, glory or money.

I wish it was this way here...

I love the community I was raised in and the school district I graduated from. I truly bleed purple and white, hold season tickets to the games and try to support PNG in every way I can but I would not trade the community I live in now or the school board we have for anything in the world. Even though a smaller school district, it reminds me of how the PNG school district use to be when I went to school there. Everybody knows everybody, all parents know all the kids and alot of the parents work for the school district in some form or another. Our Superintendent lives just down the street from me. During Rita and Ike we were back and fourth between each others house sharing what supplies we each had. When the government supplies came in (MRE'S, Ice and water) the collection point for the community was at the high school. The community pitched in on different days and helped with the distributing of the supplies. Also alot of the various high school clubs helped out. I know that the FFA help several days and the FFA teachers used it as a service event and the students that showed up and helped got extra credit. Yes, some people might say we are kind of clannish, but we all like it that way and do not want it to change. O and did I also mention that we also just passed a bond election for a new high school, expand the elementary and revamp the current high school to become the Jr. high. When the school board was in the planning stages for this, they held several community school board meetings to keep the community advised on the progress and to also get feed back from the community, since it was "Our schools", not the school boards schools.

Well, there is a novel idea - involving the community. Glad you are happy there. Even with some of our "concerns" I will not leave here until my kids graduate, if I leave at all. We still have the best there is when it comes to education and traditions. I'm in my 40's and still get goose bumps when I hear Cherokee and even a small tear once in a while.


100+ Posts
Here's my take on the situation (for what it's worth)... I have experienced in the past that nothing irks the media more than someone trying to buck them on an FOI request. This really seems to push their buttons. Now I feel that this is turning into more of a pi$$ing match than anything else. Many people are curious as to whose names are on that list, I am one of the curious. But, I have to feel that there is a rhyme or reason to this madness. I also feel that if we as Indian fans are patient, then we will get a better coach because of it. I think we will learn in the near future why the Board chose to " go this route". I know that it is never a good idea to "take the law into your own hands", so to speak, but all that I care about as an Indian is getting the best possible coach to bring this program to an elite level. In no way is this a dig at Coop or any media members that post here, it's just one unimportant opinion.


100+ Posts
NDNS81 said:
EX79NDN said:
NDNS81 said:
EX79NDN said:
NDNS81 said:
PNGIndianFan06 said:
I don't see why it could not be arranged the way EX79NDN explained it is done at his school district; nice thought but not sure if it would ever happen. See his post in Community Concerns.

I saw her post and that is what I was getting at. I like the idea and will try make the suggestion. I really hope they consider it. I realize it could make for a lengthy meeting that is why I suggested a separate meeting for voicing concerns and open forum.
Not any longer than some other meetings are. I failed to also post that they limit it to the first five people on the list. Knowing that a person who wants to speak makes sure they get there early and get their name on the list early. If only two people show up, that only extended the meeting an extra 20 minutes. A small price to pay or should I say time frame when you are being kind enough to listen to the communities concerns and the people you serve! I know our (the school board in my area) school board would stay all night long listening to the community if that is what it took. I understand that PNGISD is a larger school district, but if I was on a school board I would want to hear what my neighbors and the people I work for have to say.

It is also very comman to see various school board members at various extracurricular activies supporting the students. Let's you feel like the school board is really in their postion for the students and not the glamour, glory or money.

I wish it was this way here...

I love the community I was raised in and the school district I graduated from. I truly bleed purple and white, hold season tickets to the games and try to support PNG in every way I can but I would not trade the community I live in now or the school board we have for anything in the world. Even though a smaller school district, it reminds me of how the PNG school district use to be when I went to school there. Everybody knows everybody, all parents know all the kids and alto of the parents work for the school district in some form or another. Our Superintendent lives just down the street from me. During Rita and Ike we were back and fourth between each others house sharing what supplies we each had. When the government supplies came in (MRE'S, Ice and water) the collection point for the community was at the high school. The community pitched in on different days and helped with the distributing of the supplies. Also alot of the various high school clubs helped out. I know that the FFA help several days and the FFA teachers used it as a service event and the students that showed up and helped got extra credit. Yes, some people might say we are kind of clannish, but we all like it that way and do not want it to change. O and did I also mention that we also just passed a bond election for a new high school, expand the elementary and revamp the current high school to become the Jr. high. When the school board was in the planning stages for this, they held several community school board meetings to keep the community advised on the progress and to also get feed back from the community, since it was "Our schools", not the school boards schools.

Well, there is a novel idea - involving the community. Glad you are happy there. Even with some of our "concerns" I will not leave here until my kids graduate, if I leave at all. We still have the best there is when it comes to education and traditions. I'm in my 40's and still get goose bumps when I hear Cherokee and even a small tear once in a while.
I understand what you are saying and agree. If it was not for here, my second choice would be where I came from. PNG!!! :clap: As a matter of fact, my middle daughter graduated from PNG in 2000. :woot: And yes, Cherokee still gives me goose bumps and gets me excited everytime I hear it. But here (in my current school district) I get the best of both worlds. A outstanding school board, a school like PNG was in the 60's and 70's, and during the football season I get to hear Cherokee when I go to the PNG games or when I go to my current school districts games. Which was every Friday when my youngest daughter was a Varsity Cheerleader. See the school mascot here is a Warrior and their fight song is non other than "Cherokee". As a matter of fact, the Cheerleader Sponsor is an ex PNG Varsity cheerleader that graduated the year before me. Her and I use to talk all the time when my daughter was in school about the two schools and school districts. Talk about hard to do after many years of singing I-N-D-I-A-N-S Scalp em Indians Scalp em to W-A-R-R-I-O-R Scalp em Warriors Scalp em. My daughter finally told me not to sing when we were at a Warrior game because most of the times when Cherokee was playing I would stand, start clapping and start singing I-N-D-I-A-N-S.... :cheesy: OOPS, my bad I would tell her. Old habits are hard to change. Sure was glad when her school years where over. I-N-D-I-A-N-S sounded so much better. :band: But even at a Warrior game the first time I would hear the beginning drums to Cherokee I would get teary eyed and goose bumps! :rocks:


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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