PNG - Brenham Football only!


1,000+ Posts
pngfan66 said:
pngfan93 said:
For the sake of keeping things as secret as possible, please do not post what you see happening in practice. I'm sure Faircloth and staff would greatly appreciate it.
I never gave any specifics ! Just stated lots of hard work with a few new kinks thrown in.

I just didn't want discussion of what happens at practice to get out of hand. That's why I didn't feel a need to modify your post.


100+ Posts
I had a class in Houston today and a coworker from Brenham was at the class. He said there sure is a lot of talk about the game. For what its worth, he said their district was week this year. Of course they had one loss by one point. I'm not real sure how much he follows their team, but he seems to think that PNG will win. I tried to be humble and wished them luck. I told him that it should be a good game and the weather will probably be a factor. He said he had heard about our fans. So obviously our reputation is well known. SO COME ON FANS LETS SHOW THE MAN JUST WHAT KIND OF FANS WE ARE. STAND STRONG, LOUD AND LONG!


500+ Posts
Sure is funny how PNG #1 FAN hasn't been back on here. Maybe we truly have uncovered a deception--just to be sure I think we should put agent Jack Bauer on the case to find out. Nobody messes with Jack Bauer!! LOL :pistols:

Bob S.

Active Member
Nobody has mentioned the weather (hardly). Looks like this could be a game where the run game might determine the outcome. Rain is almost a certainty. If conditions are wet the NDN's pass game, which I think puts the Tribe in a little stronger offensive position, is then nulified. I am worried about this because they can then stack the box against Harmon. Error free ball is a must along with playing with fire in their gut!

Scalp 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :helmet: :thumbsup:


1,000+ Posts
Bob S. said:
Nobody has mentioned the weather (hardly). Looks like this could be a game where the run game might determine the outcome. Rain is almost a certainty. If conditions are wet the NDN's pass game, which I think puts the Tribe in a little stronger offensive position, is then nulified. I am worried about this because they can then stack the box against Harmon. Error free ball is a must along with playing with fire in their gut!

Scalp 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :helmet: :thumbsup:

Does the run game not play to our advantage? Our leading back with 1800+. There's is below 600. We can definitely give multiple looks when running the ball with a multitude of backs that can carry the rock.


100+ Posts
If I remember correctly, we also passed a little in the Livingston game (rainy and cold like tonight) and nothing terrible happened. All you worry warts need to calm down, the INDIANS have got this!

Let's go INDIANS! Scalp 'Em!


500+ Posts
:clap:Its Friday and our NDN's are ready to make it to the next round !!! Getting the little ones out of school at 1 and teenagers home after pep rally. Heading out at 2:15. Everyone please be safe. Is there anywere everyone is meeting to eat at ?


100+ Posts
i havent heard of a certain place i thought i would stop in baytown cause its not that far away and plus they have some pretty good restaurants there


Staff member
The passing game might have been a no show in past seasons with the rain. But PNG 2009 can still operate an effective short passing game.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
The passing game might have been a no show in past seasons with the rain. But PNG 2009 can still operate an effective short passing game.

This is true. Short passes with very good down-field blocking receivers. I like the combo. Deron is a very good blocking receiver (in case you haven't noticed lol).


500+ Posts
Spoken for can't rely solely on the run, otherwise they are going to stack the box and that eliminates any edge you might have had there. The threat of a passing game is what opens up the run (and visa versa). That all said, this goes for both teams. I think they will be hurt more than us since, from what I can tell, they rely more on the pass than the run with their big TE. They seem to spread the ball around rushing wise with no dominant rb. Tonight can't come soon enough...I only wish I could be there.


Staff member
The Indians will burn Brenham on the flats and on the edges if they get too overzealous in defending the run. This is PN-G AF. (after Faircloth). :cheesy:


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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