PNG football camp


500+ Posts
These are the coaches after three session to go.


These are some hard working guys.


500+ Posts
For those who did not see any of the football camp, let my point some things out. At any one time, there would be 5 stations. One would be hand off and running drill, field goal kicking, snapping the ball, punting the ball and passing and catching. That means each kid went through each station. After a break for water, they would then go to another set of stations. At the camp, every phase of the game is covered and the kids go through them all. That allows the coaches to determine a players best position. So much is accomplished in a very short time frame. Just like the Indians practice, these kids love this system. That is why when we watched the first spring practice, we could not believe what was happening all over the field. This is something to see.


1,000+ Posts
Aww man, he would have LOVED that! I never heard a thing about it, or saw it advertised anywhere :( He'll be in Kindegarten next year and I'm sure we'll get flyers about stuff like that, oh well, I'm excited for those who got to participate, looked like they had a GREAT time :)!! Thanks for the info about football signup, I'll make sure and get him signed up!

NDNband69 said:
My initial post said approx. 250 enrolled. Coach told me today......280. There is some nice talent at every level. We have a lot to look forward to.
NDNmom91. I wish you would have known. The first group was 5, 6 and 7 years old. This is "The Program" which will only get better each year.


500+ Posts
PNGfan said:
Last sign up is this weekend I believe. Should be at the high school stadium on Saturday. Don't know times, but if you go mid morning they should be there.

I thought the one that ended Wednesday for the kids was it. PNGfan, can you let us know if there is more to come?


Old Cyberdude
I'm going to contact Coach Faircloth and make sure he knows the web site is available for posting events and news such at the football camp, etc.

The new web site will be released within the month.


1,000+ Posts
NDNband69 said:
PNGfan said:
Last sign up is this weekend I believe. Should be at the high school stadium on Saturday. Don't know times, but if you go mid morning they should be there.

I thought the one that ended Wednesday for the kids was it. PNGfan, can you let us know if there is more to come?

I think PNGFan was commenting on my question about Flag Football sign up, I'm pretty sure that was the only football camp to be held this Summer :(


1,000+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
NDNband69 said:
PNGfan said:
Last sign up is this weekend I believe. Should be at the high school stadium on Saturday. Don't know times, but if you go mid morning they should be there.

I thought the one that ended Wednesday for the kids was it. PNGfan, can you let us know if there is more to come?

I think PNGFan was commenting on my question about Flag Football sign up, I'm pretty sure that was the only football camp to be held this Summer :(

Goehlke is running his camp also. I think it has been extended to middle scholers.


1,000+ Posts
Ok, I got my little NDN signed up for Flag Football today... :clap: :clap: :clap:!! Thanks again for the info! I was wondering if any of you know what size football they use for the 5 and 6 year olds? My husband and I want to start working with him, but I forgot to ask about it today. I would think they would use one smaller than the regular size for the little guys, any info is greatly appreciated!


100+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Ok, I got my little NDN signed up for Flag Football today... :clap: :clap: :clap:!! Thanks again for the info! I was wondering if any of you know what size football they use for the 5 and 6 year olds? My husband and I want to start working with him, but I forgot to ask about it today. I would think they would use one smaller than the regular size for the little guys, any info is greatly appreciated!

Rule 1: Players
a. A game is played between two teams consisting of eleven (11) players each.
b. Each team roster shall have a maximum of twenty two (22) players.
c. The offensive team must have seven (7) players on the line and four (4) in the backfield.
d. The defensive team may choose any formation, but the players cannot line up in the gap.
1. If the players are lined up end to end, hands must be on knees with heads up, including ends.
2. The players can’t be lined up heads up on center, unless they are one (1) yard off of the ball.
3. If the players are lined up outside of the offensive end, they must be one (1) yard wide and one yard off of the line of scrimmage from the end - minimum.
e. Each participant must participate in a minimum of ten (10) plays in each game. All plays during the game shall count towards the 10-play minimum. (i.e. kicks, returns, extra points, reg. plays and penalties). In addition, prior to the first play of the fourth quarter, MPR Monitors and Head Official will meet at midfield to make final substitutions and facilitate MPR paperwork requirements. (i.e. substitutes who have not completed minimum play requirements will need to be monitored to make sure that they meet the requirement by the end of the fourth quarter). Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a forfeiture of contest by a score of 1-0.

Rule 2: Playing Fields
a. A one hundred (100) yard field may be used as well as an eighty (80) yard field.
b. The following field equipment will be used:
c. A regulation set of ten (10) yard chains and a down marker to indicate the down will be used.

Rule 3: Equipment
A. Game Ball:
a. The Wilson K2 or its equivalent shall be used.
B. Flags
b. All flags will be the pop type flags, no Velcro flags.
c. Each player must wear a belt with either 2 or 3 flags.
d. The flags will be attached to a belt and extend or hang from each side of the player’s body.
e. When using three (3) flags the third will hang from the rear of the player’s body.
f. Flags will be 14-20 inches long and a minimum of 2 inches wide.
g. Jerseys cannot be worn over flags.
h. If a player’s flag is inadvertently lost, he is ineligible to handle the ball.
C. Lip/Mouth Guards
a. All Flag players must at all times during play have a mouth guard in place that covers lips and teeth. If one is not worn, the player may not play.

Rule 4: Prohibited Equipment
a. Spiked or street shoes (only sneakers or non-detachable, rubber-cleated shoes are allowed)
b. Padding of any kind, including hard surface padding such as shoulder pads, hip pads, and helmets
c. Any equipment in the opinion of the referee that will endanger or confuse players.

Rule 5: The Rules of the Game (Most UIL rules will apply)
A. Coaches:
a. Two (2) coaches for each team will be permitted on the field
B. Time:
a. The game will consist of two (2) twenty five (25) minute halves. The clock shall be a running clock, stopping only during official timeouts and team timeouts.
b. Each team will have one (1) time out per half.
c. Ten (10) minutes between halves.
d. There will be a 45 second play clock, if the ball is not snapped at the 45 second
mark, there will be a 5 yard delay of game penalty. If the official determines that delays are be used to end the game or waste time, he may call an official time out. A game or half cannot end on a delay of game penalty by the offense.
e. The official is the only person that can stop the clock for serious injuries or issues

C. Kickoffs and punts:
a. There shall be no onside kickoffs permitted, and the kicking team shall not be permitted to recover the kickoff under any condition.
b. A punt is always a free kick. Punting intentions are announced to the referee by the coach.
c. Rushing the punter is prohibited. No offensive or defensive player may move across the line of scrimmage until the ball has been kicked or thrown at offensive players’ option.

D. Downs (First down and ten to go):
a. Each team will have four (4) consecutive downs to advance the ball. First downs are achieved as per UIL rules.

E. De-Flagging:

a. When the ball carrier is tackled, the referee will determine if it was incidental contact or a deliberate tackle, if he determines it was a deliberate tackle he will assess a 15 yard personal foul and automatic first down from the spot of the foul.
b. There shall be no tackling of the ball carrier. The ball carrier is down when the flag is removed from his waist (de-flagging).
c. The defensive player cannot hold or push the ball carrier to remove his flag. An accidental touch of the body or shoulder while reaching for the flag shall not be considered a violation; however, touching of the head or face shall be considered a violation.

F. Blocking
a. A blocker must be on his feet at all times while blocking. All linemen, except the center must not assume the three-point stance or otherwise spring from a coiled or crouching start. Instead, they must simply stand at the line of scrimmage and await the snap. The center though crouching, if he is to block, must first stand straight up.
b. All defensive linemen must line head up with hands on knees and await the snap. Defense may not line up in the gap.
c. Cross body and role blocking are not permitted.
d. A blocker may use his hands as per UIL rules.
e. A defensive player will be restricted in the use of his hands to the blocker’s body and shoulders.

G. Ball Carrier
a. The ball carrier cannot use his hands or arms to protect his flags (flag guarding).
b. The ball carrier cannot lower his head to drive or run into a defensive player.
c. Stiff-arming by the ball carrier is illegal.
d. The ball carrier cannot hurdle to prevent a defensive player from removing his flags.

H. Passing
a. Only backfield men are eligible passers.

I. Receiving
a. Only backfield personnel or receivers are eligible to take hand-offs, laterals and
forward passes

J. Dead Ball
a. All balls touching the ground are immediately dead (except kickoffs and punts). For example, the ball is declared dead at the following times:
- When the ball carrier touched the ground with his body, other than hands or feet.
- When the ball carrier's flag has been pulled.
- If a pass receiver or ball carrier is carrying the ball and has a missing flag (ball is dead at that spot).
- If the center snap hits the ground (and then only the quarterback can advance the ball)
- When the ball hits the ground as a result of a fumble. There are no fumble recoveries.

K. Scoring Values
a. Touchdown????????.6 points
b. Safety??????????.2 points
c. Field Goal...............................3 points
1 Extra Points:
a. Passing?????????.....2 points
b. Running?????????....1 point

L. Keeping Score

a. An official score will be kept during the regular season, there will be no play-offs for flag, there will be an end of the year tournament for all teams that choose to participate.
b. Seeding for the tournament will be determined by season play

c) M. Tie Games
a. During the tournament, tie games are to be played out in overtime periods same
as U.I.L. (Texas High School Rules) with the following exception: The ball will
be spotted on the 20-yard line.

N. Lopsided Score
a. During the tournament, anytime the score reaches a point difference of 28 points the winning coach must remove the starting backfield (quarterback, and all starting running backs) until the margin becomes less than 28 points. Offensive time outs and kneel-downs are also prohibited during this phase. The Board of Directors shall review a coach failing to adhere to this policy within (6) calendar days of the incident. If any coach is found in violation, they are subject to be disciplined by suspension, forfeiture or both.


2025 Season


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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