PNG Football on the radio


100+ Posts
This season, I have been unable to make all of the Indian football games due to family issues, work schedules and such. On the games I have missed, I tuned into 92.5 on the car radio or streamed on the computer or smartphone. Thanks to Joe & Robert Arnold, Paul Brown and Cool 92.5 FM radio, I have been able to catch almost every down of PNG football this year! For those of you who havent listened to these guys, you are missing a treat! I grew up listening to high school football on KOGT in Orange. Many years ago I enjoyed lots of high school football programs on the radio, enjoying local talent and flavor from KLVI to the old Lincoln games.
The PNG radio crew does an excellent job every week, For those of you who listen like I do, please let Joe, Robert and Paul know how much you appreciate their work. I look forward to being able to follow the Indians to more games in the future, but meanwhile, what a wonderful way to stay in touch. Thanks guys!


500+ Posts
+11,294 - I've posted MANY times on how much I depend on those broadcasts. I'd be in a mental institution without them. Thanks guys, appreciate it more than you know! :clap:


2,500+ Posts
Staff member
+11,295...thanks to the radio team of Joe Arnold and Paul Brown...and Cool 92.5. Win, lose, or draw Joe Arnold and Paul Brown call a good game...and they always find something positive to say about our kids giving it their all. And...those guys are not afraid to mention names of alumni that e-mail during the games. Little things like calling out alumni who e-mail, or giving the Indian band some air time during the halftime show, or bumping up the volume when Cherokee is played, or commenting about the Indian Spirit performing the traditional war dance, or calling out a player who makes a spectacular play, or just describing a play that goes wrong, but finding something positive to say about the effort or scheme is what separates them from all the others. Joe Arnold and Paul Brown love can hear it when they call a game...just listen to the little things they say about PN-G's honor, pride, and tradition.

Go Indians. Peace.


Active Member
THANKS! You know, it's all about the kids. I say it every week when I thank everyone for listening. Neither Robert, Paul or I need fans. We know the fans listen to the game to follow the indians, not us. We don't get paid to do the broadcast, though the company that I work for does sponsor the games. Aside from the fantastic BBQ from Billy Joe's, we do it for the love of the district and the excitement of Friday Night! We are so honored to be able to broadcast for such an institution.

It's easy when you do it for the right reasons. Except for the 1999 and 2000 seasons, I have broadcast these games since 1991. Even in those years when I worked Friday nights at Channel 12, I covered the indians and put them on our TV newscast as much as possible. We do it for the kids, the fans and for everything PN-G represents. I'm reminded each week just what the right reasons are when a soldier writes in from the middle east, when a grandmother writes in from Florida and when 81 year old Elmer Flowers writes in from Seattle, Washington. The Reservation is larger than any of us.

I am constantly amazed at the number of people that listen to our broadcast each week. From across the street to across the sea, Indian fans log on and tune in by the tens of thousands! When we are allowed by UIL rule to video stream a game, we always set records. I can't tell you how many servers we've crashed. When we first started, web companies thought we were crazy when we asked for so much capacity. When we brought their servers down, they became believers. They told us, "most college games don't use this much capacity. Your fan base is huge!"

We will continue these broadcasts as long as we can. We will travel to out of the way towns and stand shoulder to shoulder in a press box the size of a dear stand (and about as sturdy). We'll broadcast from the stands when we aren't afforded a seat in visiting press boxes. We'll even call the game from on top of a press box as halftime fireworks go off overhead. Just as long as we're doing it for the right reasons, it will be easy.

To keep these broadcasts going, pass this around and encourage folks to let our sponsors know just how they feel. We can't do it without them. Call them, or simply post your comments here and I'll make sure they get to the right people. Our kids, and Indians everywhere deserve it for the right reasons.Thanks again for the kind words. Robert, Paul and I appreciate your patronage to the district and the broadcast!


Staff member
Thanks Joe, Paul and Robert. As others have more eloquently said, you make PN-G football come alive for all of us out of town alumni and fans. You are our eyes and ears, and just like that, we are in the stadium with our Indian spirit. The virtual PN-G Indian Nation appreciates you and your team.

You have my support 100% for the radio effort and encouraging sponsor support.


Staff member
Joe, I know I've said it here and I know I've told Robert, but your broadcast has been a God-send since moving to Tuscaloosa. I set aside time every Friday night to listen to the game and I deeply appreciate it.

The audience here in Tuscaloosa has grown a little in the last few weeks, so I guess you're doing something right - you've converted a few more fans. ;D I was shocked when one of my classmates walked by me last week and gave a quick "Scalp 'em" before I took off for the airport. Also, I found out that the father of one of my roommates graduated from PN-G after we got to talking about it one Friday, and he's listened to a couple of games with me. I guess it just goes to show that the PN-G purple pride really is infectious, even if it has to compete with the color crimson. Keep up the good work and thanks again.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
Joe, I just wanted to add my thanks to those above.

Since moving to the Tulsa area in 2009, your broadcasts have been a regular part my Friday nights each Fall. We also appreciate the "shout outs" that you give when reading our emails. :)


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
As a shift worker I can tell you guys that on my shift there are four Indian fans and we huddle around the pc on Friday nights that we work and get crazy listening to your broadcasts. I thankyou all of us out at our refinery thank you there is many a radio playing Indians games on friday nights.


1,000+ Posts
From my previous days in Northern California to my present home in the Houston area... you will find me huddled next to my computer (or IHEART Radio on my Iphone) each and every Friday night listening to the Indians.

Joe, Paul and Robert do an outstanding job!! Keep up the good work guys!


500+ Posts
Joe, Paul, and Robert--what a great service you do for all Indian fans around the globe. Thank you for your time and efforts. I know all Indian fans appreciate the work you do to bring the excitement of PN-G football to those that can't be their in person. Please keep up the good work.

A Big and Heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the Sponsors for the PN-G radio broadcasts!!

Purple Runs Deep

Active Member
Great broadcast last night....the halftime show when they spoke of Tip remembering that fellows name and number all those years gave me chills.....class act!


100+ Posts
Joe, Paul and Robert - I just wanted to add my sincere thanks to all of those before me and those who will come after me for your incredible broadcast of PN-G Indian Football games. I don't know what I would do without them as you bring Friday nights alive for the thousands of PN-G alumni around the globe who would love to be at the game but can't and want to follow Indian football year in and year out.

Also, thanks to all of the sponsors whose contributions allow the broadcasts to happen in the first place. I wish I still lived in Port Neches to be able to patronize them and show them my gratitude for the broadcasts personally but I don't. So again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!

I know you guys don't "need fans", but as you can gather from the posts on this thread, you have acquired plenty of them, including this one in Liberty Township, Ohio.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
I believe if you could tell how many people listen to your broadcasts the number would be high. We are fortunate to have you guys and to have a school like PN-G to be a part of!!!!!!!!\\\\\Go Indians


500+ Posts
Thanks another out of town listener, I appreciate what Yall do each and every week!


1,000+ Posts
Purple Runs Deep said:
Great broadcast last night....the halftime show when they spoke of Tip remembering that fellows name and number all those years gave me chills.....class act!



Active Member
The UIL has informed us they will not allow us to video broadcast the Saturday games live. Wish we could.

The game will be available as it has been on radio and the internet.


Active Member
I shift work also and it is a great thing for me to be able to keep up with the Indians from the radio broadcast while I'm at work. The radio broadcast team does a superior job. You can hear the passion and love for PNG in the broadcast.

Thanks to the sponsors for everything they do. It means a lot to the PNG worldwide community.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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