PNG Freshman Reese Wardlow


2,000+ Posts
I read somewhere else Ron Wardlow, Reese Wardlow's dad passed away from cancer, His mother also died of cancer a year ago. Can anyone confirm this? If this is true it is a very sad.


500+ Posts
We should all lift up this young man in prayer!! What a difficult burden to overcome at such a young age.


100+ Posts
I just got an e-mail from the booster club about the Wardlow family. Evidently this young man and his family are in need of a lot of home repairs. It is amazing how God can let you know how blessed you are. This morning I was feeling sorry for myself over some things that I am going through right now, then I open this e-mail and I realize how fortunate I am. I will copy and paste the e-mail I received. IndianFan...can you pin this at the top of the message board? Thanks in advance..

We are planning a Home Makeover/Community Love Offering at the Wardlow House on Saturday, October 2 at 8:00 AM. The address is 1030 Wilson Street; Port Neches. If anyone can donate financial assistance, paint, supplies, carpet and carpet installation services, sheetrock, sheetrock repair services, landscape services, or foundation repair services, please contact any of us listed below.
Ron Wardlow (Reece and JC Wardlow’s Dad) passed away last week after a long battle with cancer. Mary Wardlow (Reece and JC Wardlow’s Mom) passed away from cancer last year. Reece Wardlow is a freshman at PNG High School. JC (Reece’s older brother) and Charlotte have lost both of their parents in the past 2 years. Their twin daughters (3 years old) will not grow up with any grandparents at all.
We will begin the day with prayer at 8:00 AM at the Wardlow home. All help in any way will be greatly appreciated. Please try to car pool and respect the neighbor’s property when parking. We will begin removing the furniture (Bring pair of work gloves) and temporarily store it in a Pod donated by Donna and Jerry Wade. The carpet will be removed from the house and the walls and ceilings will be wiped cleaned prior to kilting and painting. When the painting is done, Brian McClain will be donating an Ozone treatment to completely disinfect the home.
The outside work will consist of mowing, trimming, weeding, cleanup, landscaping, and removing debris for disposal. Those of you that have yard tools that want to participate, please bring appropriate tools.
Drinks and snacks will be provided by the PNG football coaches and their families as well as others that choose to bring and share. When we complete the home makeover, it will provide a fresh and comfortable home for JC, Charlotte, Reece and the twins.
Mel Hebert – 749-4017
Patrick Bryan – 460-0282
Andrea Bryan – 460-0284
Sherri Hunt – 626-0321


Active Member
This is awesome. Charlotte is one of my friends, grew up down the street from her. The whole family has been through a lot and I'm glad our community is stepping up to help. I'm so proud to live in a community so willing to help.


Active Member
We will be there. I talked to one of the guys that is helping head this up. The community is stepping up and the have recieved donation of carpet, paint, labor etc.

Way to go PNG - this is what makes this community great.... :clap:

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
We got a lot done today. Pulled all the carpet, cleaned the rooms, and got them primed and painted. Removed some old cabinets and some awesome folks worked their butts off on the yard. Good turn out, my guess was around 30 or more people overall.


Active Member
Thanks Proud! I'm a cancer survivor myself and I know how devastating the disease can be but can't imagine what this young family must be going through losing both parents at such a young age. Are there any particular supplies or equipment needed? I want to help, so count me in!

As a side note, I have literally traveled the world and have had the opportunity to accept promotions/other jobs that would take me and my wife from this area, but it is the kind hearts and spirits of people in our communities that keep us here. Thanks fore keeping the Honor, Pride, and Tradition as core values and not just mere words spoken. It is times like this that validate our reasons for staying. Thanks for inspiring me.

Your fellow Indian.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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