Power lifting meet today at West Brook.


500+ Posts
The power lifting team is at West Brook today for a meet. Should be a good one. PNG won the last meet 2 weeks ago on combined weight. (what I was told) My son is lifting in the 230 lb class. Easly and Thompson are lifting along with alot of the seniors and up and coming Juniors and Sophomores. Good Luck to all the Boys today ! (I don't know if there are any girls on the team)


Active Member
Senior Kevin Angus who didn't lose a meet last year in the 114lb weight class is also competing. He bumped up to the 123lb weight class. He took 4th place at regionals last year and was just a few pounds shy of qualifying for state. Adel Jebokji also qualified for regionals last year and returns to compete in the 114lb weight class. Adel won the previous Nederland meet a few weeks ago. The powerlifting team has been winning consistently under the radar for many years. They feed off any sort of support they can get so let's give them some!


500+ Posts
Everyone did great today at the meet. Boys and Girls both competed and did great. Had several who placed first overall and numerous in the top 3. Great job ! was alot of fun watching today. A lifter from Bridge City squated 730 pounds today. Thompson ended in the squat around 620. I'm not sure how the power lifting goes as far as who goes to regionals ?
Is the a District competition like in all the other sports ? Don't know how they decide who goes to regionals etc... ? any help would be greatly appreciated.


500+ Posts
I believe the top 10 weight lifters in their respective weight divisions compete in regionals. The top 2 performers at regionals are qualified for the state meet. At least that's how it used to be, not sure if anything has changed.


Active Member
At the district meet, the top two lifters in each weight division qualifies for regionals. When at regionals, you can qualify for state with lifting a certain amount of weight regardless of place OR placing top two in respective weight division.


500+ Posts
Indian99 said:
I believe the top 10 weight lifters in their respective weight divisions compete in regionals. The top 2 performers at regionals are qualified for the state meet. At least that's how it used to be, not sure if anything has changed.
PNGndn07 said:
At the district meet, the top two lifters in each weight division qualifies for regionals. When at regionals, you can qualify for state with lifting a certain amount of weight regardless of place OR placing top two in respective weight division.
OK so which one ?


Active Member
Top 10 in the region in each respective weight division competes at regionals. At regionals, the top 2 performers in each division qualify for regionals PLUS the performers who lift equal to or over a set amount. That's how it was last year.


Active Member
to make it to regionals you need to meet a certain weight, and to make it to state you need to be in the top 3 or have a certain total. for instance in the 275 weight class you need to lift 1500 to go to regionals and you have to lift 1550 at the regional meet to go to state.
taythompson2011 said:
to make it to regionals you need to meet a certain weight, and to make it to state you need to be in the top 3 or have a certain total. for instance in the 275 weight class you need to lift 1500 to go to regionals and you have to lift 1550 at the regional meet to go to state.
Just saw on the telly that you signed a letter of intent. I am real proud for you and wish you the best. I'm the old lady who let you up in line at Market Basket the Saturday after the Nederland game and MBH's aunt.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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