Proud to be an Indian Fan!


1,000+ Posts
Forget the GP game. Its a learning experience only. What I was the most proud of was the boy's efforts and the fans joy! When I stood up and looked and could see purple from endzone to endzone and we were 6 hours from home, what more could anyone want? Sure there are areas that some need work in, but I know our great coach will see they get more skilled week to week. We stayed two nights on the riverwalk and everywhere we went there were PNG fans proudly wearing purple. GP only had to drive 2 hours and their stands looked empty. What a shame for their boys! Our boys need to hold their heads up high and be proud of their effort and know they have the support of the entire Indian Nation. What could be better?? We all know it won't be long before we add another state championship to our history.


500+ Posts
great post. I only saw a few GP fans on the Riverwalk and at our hotel.There may have been more, if so, they were not wearing GP attire. The ones we did see were really nice and congratulated us on a good game. They were impressed with all of the fans, band, and football team.

It feels real good to know that we left a lasting impression on the opposing team.


100+ Posts
squaw said:
Forget the GP game. Its a learning experience only. What I was the most proud of was the boy's efforts and the fans joy! When I stood up and looked and could see purple from endzone to endzone and we were 6 hours from home, what more could anyone want? Sure there are areas that some need work in, but I know our great coach will see they get more skilled week to week. We stayed two nights on the riverwalk and everywhere we went there were PNG fans proudly wearing purple. GP only had to drive 2 hours and their stands looked empty. What a shame for their boys! Our boys need to hold their heads up high and be proud of their effort and know they have the support of the entire Indian Nation. What could be better?? We all know it won't be long before we add another state championship to our history.


500+ Posts
This was a great experience for the team, band, cheerleaders, indianettes, flag corp, coaches, parents, students and fans. Its an honor to be asked to participate in this game. The team played hard and came up short. So what its the experience of the atmosphere, the game, the fans. Thats something they will always remember. I'm sure that the sound of the fans screaming as they ran out onto the field was something else from their perception. Funny thing is that if that would have been a playoff game there would have been about 10-12 thousand more fans there. My wife and I ran into several GP fans on the walk. Talked about teams and etc... There is some civility in all this. Regardless of the score, this was a awesome experience and we had a great time cheering on the NDN's. I would do it all again this weekend if they were to play there again. Don't let the GP posters get you mad. Ignore them and they will eventually go away. They do have to play someone else besides us. Lets go NDN's and take it to the Crosby Cougars !!!!


Staff member
You know we live in a town that is proud of its school and its students when you can travel 300 miles to a city with more than a million citizens and see people everywhere wearing the purple and white.


100+ Posts
bandkid said:
You know we live in a town that is proud of its school and its students when you can travel 300 miles to a city with more than a million citizens and see people everywhere wearing the purple and white.
The home folks from Port Neches and Groves are the best in the state. The folks that have been a part of the INDIAN NATION and have moved away for what ever reason are still a part of us. There were some of those folks at the game in San Antonio. It was a great opportunity for them to be able to see a PNG game where as otherwise they wouldn't or haven't been able to. The INDIAN NATION ROCKS AND REACHES FAR AND WIDE !


500+ Posts
What a great week-end it was! It was like a college game atmosphere all weekend in S.A. Seeing the purple and white proudly worn all over town is just another testament to how special being an Indian really is.I know we came up 1 point short in the game, but it was an awesome experience for the team,coaches,band,Indianettes,cheerleaders,Indian Spirit,students, and fans. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


1,000+ Posts
Yes, we had so much fun and made great memories along the way. Oh, BTW, I want to thank those who phoned me, PMed me and otherwise supported me when #1sportsmom trashed me every chance she had. I just want everyone to know that she was being vindictive for personal reasons and if she continues I will tell ALL her dirty laundry. Also, I should say that she is a Nederland Bulldog fairweather fan.


Active Member
One thing I have not seen mentioned. And this may not be the right thread. But during the Booster club meeting Coach Faircloth talked about the boys on that team. He stated that all of the boys carried themselves in a way that was respectful and courteous during their stay. He also mentioned he received numerous compliments from strangers.
Not only are our boys great kids on the field but more importantly off the field. My hat is off to them :woot:


Active Member


100+ Posts
turn2 said:

You should've seen my bill after the kids learned the room number and began buying everything under the Good time though.


1,000+ Posts
ndndad said:
One thing I have not seen mentioned. And this may not be the right thread. But during the Booster club meeting Coach Faircloth talked about the boys on that team. He stated that all of the boys carried themselves in a way that was respectful and courteous during their stay. He also mentioned he received numerous compliments from strangers.
Not only are our boys great kids on the field but more importantly off the field. My hat is off to them :woot:

I forgot to post about that, but yes it does need to be said! The character our players displayed has gone a long ways to broaden the positive image of the school and the community. These young me represented us and the school very well!


500+ Posts
I'd be shocked from all I've heard if Coach Faircloth and our Indians are not asked to return to the Alamodome by the folks with Dave Cambpell. I'd love to do it again in the future. Had a ball.


Staff member
This is why it was so important to make the trip despite the objections to spending the money. The memory, statewide exposure, and experience for all is priceless.

Even though the attendance was not that large relative to the past, the Indian Nation left their mark again on a statewide stage.


500+ Posts
There are other prestigious opening weekend "Classic"games that are played in Houston, and Dallas. I wouldn't be surprised if we got an invitation to play in one of those in the near future.Everyone knows what kind of following PN-G has, and we proved that for sure in San Antonio.Great job by Indian Nation!


500+ Posts
I hope that works out for ya'll NDN79!! I know that the "Nation" will represent themselves well no matter where a game of this caliber may be played. Let's just hope that whoever your opponent might be doesn't have the type of "fans" who relish in tarnishing their opponents message board with arrogant and deceitful posts such as we have seen over the past several weeks. Best of luck my friend... YD


500+ Posts
Thanks YD!! I was just doing a little dreaming out loud. We really had a good time last weekend in S.A.Even the occasional nay-sayer or deluded opposing, could not take away from the good feeling we came away with from last weekend. Though we came up 1 pt. short in the game, the support from fans all over(including you yankeedawg) made the trip worth while. Good luck to you and the DAWGS tonight! I hope you get back on track and beat our neighbors from 19-4a.


Active Member
IndianFan said:
This is why it was so important to make the trip despite the objections to spending the money. The memory, statewide exposure, and experience for all is priceless.

Even though the attendance was not that large relative to the past, the Indian Nation left their mark again on a statewide stage.

Good post and I totally agree! I LOVED seeing all that purple on the RiverWalk. My son, former Indian Spirit, went with me...just some "guy time"....felt good to have this experience. My son, PNG Indians, San Antonio....."priceless!"


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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