Reflecting Back...

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
... on last nights game. At first I was a bit disappointed that PNG allowed BH to stay in the game, since I was expecting for the Indians to blow them out. But, as I thought about it, I've had a huge change of heart and here's why...

1) I remember one of the the things that former Stephensville HC, Art Briles, said after leaving. He said (as close to a quote as I can remember) "Those people (the fans) can never be pleased. We can win every game, and go undefeated, but if we don't beat everyone by 30 points, they aren't happy". It ended up costing the team and community when he left. I sure don't want that to happen to us at PNG.

2) My senior yr. (1975 football season), we were ranked #1 going into the season, but dropped after a 1 pt. loss. We won out in the regular season and faced the French Buffalos at PA Memorial Stadium. We won that game 6-2! What a struggle! A far cry from a power team! However, we went on to finish the rest of the season undefeated and won the state championship! So, that close call in Bi-District didn't hurt us, but probably scared us into preparing better, now you know, the reeeeest of the story

SO.... I say, gimme 1 point!

(Disclaimer...I may be off on some of this, so don't tear me to shreds on the minor stuff. The idea is the same)


500+ Posts
I agree! 1 pt win...last second win...down 20 Pts and come back and win...ugly win...blowout win...whatever...a win keeps us in! However, if they play their hearts out and come up short we should stand behind them and the coaches and cheer for them because they are WINNERS to us!!


1,000+ Posts
Proud - our son was on the team with you (you know who I'm talking about) and was an outside LB but also did the snaps on punts. The game you were talking about for bi-district was PNG vs. French High (Beaumont) and score was 0 - 0 at the end of 3rd quarter. Our son snapped the ball over the kicker's head and gave them a touchback. I was so afraid it cost us the game that I was crying, but we scored one time in the 4th quarter and I think the ending score was 7-2 our favor. Whew! Typical PNG nailbiter game. If I remember right, we'd lost to them earlier in the season? Is that right? I know the game I was referring to was a bi-district play-off game played at Jacket Stadium in Port Arthur.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
The only game that we lost that season was the one to South Houston 17-16, who we came back and beat BAD in the playoffs.

BTW, I didn't play. Not football anyway. I was a band nerd (hey, at least I got to play on some of the best fields in the state for 3 yrs.!) Referring to the team,I used the word "us", but I didn't mean me personally. Sorry for any confusion.


500+ Posts
Ahem sir! If you were in the PNG INDIAN BAND (and I know you were :band:) you were most certainly NOT a nerd! I was 3 yrs old then and the two things I can remember about PNG are #1 the band...I thought y'all were rock stars...LOL. #2 would be the Indian Spirit...I remember getting his autograph and a feather! I ended up being in the band (87-91) and we kicked butt so I do not consider you, myself, or anyone that was ever in the PNG Band a NERD!! LOL

Disclaimer: I cannot vouch for Prouds current level of nerd-ness...just saying! ;D


1,000+ Posts
Proud, you are right. We only lost that one game to South Houston. But did we play French during the regular season and maybe beat them? This old fan's memory is not the best. Sorry. I DO remember sitting and praying in the stands that the final score would not be 0-2. As for you being in the band, back then the band was awesome! When y'all played Cherokee I used to swear that my heart would beat to the beat of your drums. I used to get chillbumps. Not now. (sorry bandmembers, I still love our students in the band).


500+ Posts
During the 99' playoff run we struggled to beat Silsbee before really hitting our stride over the remainder of the playoff games. A win is a win. Bottomline is we get to play another week. That is goal #1 now. ;D


500+ Posts
You are correct 94. We had a hard time beating Silsbee at PA Memorial Stadium in 99. Reflecting back to that game, I remember thinking if we had lost that game what a shame it would have been as we wouldn't had had that great playoff run.


500+ Posts
I was talking with a friend last week about the '99 game vs. Silsbee and how we just barely won. All that matters is that you win and you start that momentum going in your direction, and you take advantage of all the lucky breaks you get and keep playing into December.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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