Roschon Johnson Injury


1,000+ Posts
As valuable as RJ is to the team, and as much as we all value him as a person, it seems like in the vast universe of PNG fans there would be some sliver of information about what happened and how he is doing. However, as was the case after the previous injury, the available information seems incredibly scarce. Perhaps people are superstitious about talking about it, or perhaps people don’t want to reveal information others can use to prepare for future games. In any case, as a longtime football fan that has followed the game at all levels for many years, I am astonished by the degree to which things seem shrouded in mystery. During the radio broadcast of the Hunstville game, they never even mentioned that an injury had occurred!!!!!! Given what I now know about that incident, it is impossible for me to believe that they simply did not notice it!!!! They adopted a similar approach during the game last night, but based on what I have been able to determine about that incident it seems slightly more understandable. All I have discovered about that incident us that he got speared with a helmet during the 6 yard pass to Cejas, “popped right up” after the hit, “jogged off the field,” then went to the locker room “alone” and never returned to the sidelines. Based on the aforementioned information it seems unlikely that he suffered a reaggravation if the previous injury, which is very good. However, the fact that he appears to have never returned to the sidelines seems very bad. Hope the new injury is not very serious and that he can complete his career as an Indian in the manner that both he and the rest of us knew would be possible.

BTW, it seems clear at this point that Bost is the one we need to go with if we are unfortunate enough to be without RJ’s services at any point during subsequent games.


Staff member
Just tough luck taking that hit. Motivation for the online to do a better job of stay with their blocks until the end. While he was in the game, he was perfect, no rust.


1,000+ Posts
Thanks for the info. Really bad luck indeed. At the same, I agree that it points to the need for the O-line to step it up.


1,000+ Posts
He actually came back out after the half. Did the run through with his brothers and then headed back to the locker room, presumably to get treatment.


Staff member
Actually, on that play the offensive line did a decent job. It was an unblocked outside linebacker that made the hit. Not sure what the blocking assignments were on that, but either the running back or left tackle would have to slide out to pick him up, which didn't happen. The coaches will know how to clean that up and work on it in practice.

BTW, officiating was terrible in that game. On that same play a blatant defensive pass interference call was missed.

Also, what's the rule with leading with the helmet on a tackle? The linebacker led with his helmet and hit him after the pass had been released. Terrible officiating in that game.


500+ Posts
He came back to sideline breifly to get his Dad. He wasn't limping so I knew it wasn't his ankle. Before the game was over, someone had already posted about it on the Friday Football app. Poor kid, no privacy at


Staff member
Life of a big time athlete. That’s nothing compared to what Austinand UT will be like. National stage.


Active Member
Here’s the deal. If RJ wants people to know what type of injury he has then he or a family member will let you know. His brother was kind enough to come on here and fill us in. Otherwise it is none of our business......Also, I am tired of coming on here and seeing some of you bashing these kids and coaches. I agree the mouths need to shut up but bashing them for their play and the coaches play calling is uncalled for on here. If you Bleacher Coaches think you can do a better job of getting these kids ready and prepared for the game then get off your arse and put your name in the hat to coach on Friday night. If that’s all some of you are going to do is bash them and make things public that shouldn’t be until the right time then don’t post.


1,000+ Posts
It’s natural for any football fan to be concerned about the status of injured players, and there is nothing malicious or even “nosy” about seeking such information.

With regard to the “bashing” of players and/or coaches, I totally agree that it is uncalled for if “bashing” is defined as being overly aggressive or mean spirited. However, if you are saying it should be taboo to be critical of the performance of the team or the play calling I totally disagree. A discussion where it is only acceptable to praise the performance of the players or the team implies that everyone will be in agreement and will therefore not be much of a discussion.


Staff member
Let's face it, if you're on the site, you love PN-G football. Most people on this site have passionately followed the teams for decades.
Football is an easily understood and observable game. Paying for that ticket grants all the ability to observe the game as it is played. A lot of fans here understand nuances and observe and compare to what works. Execution, disciplined play, play selections, etc are all noticeable results. I don't think anyone here thinks they could replace our coaches. But yes there will be opinions coming from passionate fans. No coach would deny that. Why do you think they share game details at the Booster Club meetings?

No names of players are mentioned. But if there is a noticeable trend on the field that we all know can be corrected, it will probably be mentioned. Passionate fans...

There is no other place in the universe that SUPPORTS PN-G players, coaches, and all things PN-G than this virtual place that we congregate. All are welcome, all opinions are respected.


2,000+ Posts
On one hand I agree. As a health care practitioner I know it’s against your civil rights to have your medical information released without your permission. Things change in the upper levels (college/pro) ONLY because of Las Vegas odds makers. The greatness of this program comes with people (myself included) who are concerned. Of course we all see it with our own eyes. To me I was 90% sure it was a case of “family jewels” but my concern was deep bruising of the pelvis. For sure the hit should have come with a targeting penalty. (Looked like direct crown of the helmet to “you-know-where”. He took a knee immediately upon exiting the field. And you just KNEW what it was. As stated thanks to the info. But it’s not required. I had/have the intention of being at every single game this year. And since several are in the E Houston area that makes it a little easier (still 40 min minimum) was worried about ACL from the first injury from the orthopedic tests. Glad to know that wasn’t the case. Hope he doesn’t get weary of the attention. (He seems to do a great job handling it) An equal combination of the best program in the state and being the best player in the state (IMO) and its only going to get worse. And I’m glad about that. If this was happening at my high school very few people would even know about it at a school the exact size of PA Memorial.


Staff member
Agree on the respect of privacy.

Talking about the games is different all together. Anything said here in the way of football opinion is relevant and motivational\encouragement to change. It's not meant to be personal criticism of specific players or coaches. But it can apply to every player and team that plays the game. I personally think that high school players need to leave the theatrics and unsportsmanship like behavior off the field. I also believe it's practical to expect a player to work on and consistently execute fundamentals of their position. Good teams do that. Yes, high school level players are going to make more mistakes, are learning. But fundamentals are not difficult to learn and practice. Technique, execution. Works at every level of the game. Being a high school coach is rough because you try to teach, coach and mold these kids into good players that reach their potential. Like teaching in the classroom, that presents all types of unique challenges. That takes a special skill set that is well respected here.


2,000+ Posts
I was the coach of 4-5 Y/O GIRLS SOFTBALL. (The Ladybugs lol) (Other positions in the past as well). But this team stands out in that on day one almost none of the kids even knew which way to run after hitting the ball. Etc. and it never ceased to amaze me how parents would (audibly) complain about complex problems during games when my number one objective was to get them to and keep them on base lol. I even got a small megaphone so I didn’t lose my voice yelling (RUN) haha. The girls were busy picking flowers as the parents told each other what they’d do if they were the coach. Haha. But I was the one out there every day at 5 PM battling mosquitos and bagging up equipment as the sun went down. (Most of us here have been there) Later I coached same age soccer (different child) and one parent came one practice with a WHISTLE. LOL. after my helper (stepdaughter) asked him to not bring the whistle since I was the coach. That dad NEVER came to another practice or game of his OWN SON. That was a big shame. Mind you this kid was a few months over potty training and usually ran from the soccer ball when it came near him. I love and support both types of fans. (Not the dads who never come back) And it’s something I love about PNG. The loud obnoxious fans I hope never stop being loud and obnoxious about PNG football. And demand excellence beyond reason. (It’s the same thing with Indianette moms band parents etc) (That’s the crucial ingredient with the dynasty college programs) and we also need the voices of reason calming the “crazies” down haha Behind the crazed fanatics. Lol. In other words. Keep it up on both sides, it’s what makes INDIAN NATION the best in the world. And I mean that. BEST IN THE WORLD. If more communities were rabid about prep football the way PN and G are there would be less problems. Sitting in the WOS stands as I’ve done a few times they are WAY more critical and more verbal lol. I’m an “outsider” of sorts (not totally since I’ve been going to Indian games since ‘72) (including ‘75 and ‘77 state games) but I love the fanatic culture and hope to GOD it never changes.


1,000+ Posts
The great thing about this site is that the fans that frequent it have a true passion for PNG, not just football, but for everything that encompasses the "Pride, Honor, and Tradition" that is PNG. Other towns and districts are envious of what our two small communities have built: excellence in the community, excellence on the field, and excellence in the classroom. We will settle for nothing less than that.

Rarely do people come on this board and flat-out criticize players or coaches. Every now and then some of us might get a little overzealous in our commentary, but such comments are quickly called out for what they are. There are other messageboards out there that allow keyboard cowboys to attack coaches, players, and other messageboard members, but you won't find that here. And that is what makes this messageboard great. This board is a reflection of what it means to be a PNG alum or fan. We have standards here, and we expect everyone to uphold those.


2,000+ Posts
NDNTime said:
The great thing about this site is that the fans that frequent it have a true passion for PNG, not just football, but for everything that encompasses the "Pride, Honor, and Tradition" that is PNG. Other towns and districts are envious of what our two small communities have built: excellence in the community, excellence on the field, and excellence in the classroom. We will settle for nothing less than that.

Rarely do people come on this board and flat-out criticize players or coaches. Every now and then some of us might get a little overzealous in our commentary, but such comments are quickly called out for what they are. There are other messageboards out there that allow keyboard cowboys to attack coaches, players, and other messageboard members, but you won't find that here. And that is what makes this messageboard great. This board is a reflection of what it means to be a PNG alum or fan. We have standards here, and we expect everyone to uphold those.
So true.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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