

Staff member
Regardless of what happened or how it ended, the Indians of 2012 gave it their all. The Indian Nation is proud of them for that. Here's to a bunch of dedicated players and a promising future for Indian football.

Scalp 'em.


Active Member
Yes, we not only had a great group of seniors, but we also had a number of underclassmen who gave their all for the team. It was difficult to watch the fragmentation from the stands. It is not fair to lump the blame on the students or look back at how they did as freshmen or JV players. Coaches must develop players or at least that was the way it was done in the 70's. Faircloth has now been in the league long enough for the coaches of the area to gather data on his system. I don't know if I remember a season where we looked so undisciplined and unprepared. Hopefully, next year will bring change!


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Thankyou Indian football team for leaving it all on the field and playing you tails off. For you underclassmen we will see you all next season.


Active Member
Special thanks to all the seniors for 4 years of dedication, determination and continuous effort. I have enjoyed watching you all and wish everyone of you the best of luck in your futures. The sky is the limit.


1,000+ Posts
dmd75 said:
Yes, we not only had a great group of seniors, but we also had a number of underclassmen who gave their all for the team. It was difficult to watch the fragmentation from the stands. It is not fair to lump the blame on the students or look back at how they did as freshmen or JV players. Coaches must develop players or at least that was the way it was done in the 70's. Faircloth has now been in the league long enough for the coaches of the area to gather data on his system. I don't know if I remember a season where we looked so undisciplined and unprepared. Hopefully, next year will bring change!

I never thought of it in that regard but you are correct this is BF's 1st "group" the others - especially the Doty group would have all been under Burnett their 7th - 11th grade - I do know that this group never gave up and threw it all at them as best we could. the nest 4 years will be all Fairclothes "group" , so to speak.


Active Member
dmd75 said:
Yes, we not only had a great group of seniors, but we also had a number of underclassmen who gave their all for the team. It was difficult to watch the fragmentation from the stands. It is not fair to lump the blame on the students or look back at how they did as freshmen or JV players. Coaches must develop players or at least that was the way it was done in the 70's. Faircloth has now been in the league long enough for the coaches of the area to gather data on his system. I don't know if I remember a season where we looked so undisciplined and unprepared. Hopefully, next year will bring change!

I agree with dmd75, I was talking two a couple of players who were in varsity the last two years, They said the team's chemistry was not there this year compare to last season. IMO when we lost Wingfield, Cox, and Parker last year and the previous year Coach K (I don't know how to spell his last name), It made somewhat of a difference, I am not bashing our current assistants or new coaches who came here this season, Coach Wingfield instill discipline, Cox was a motivator, always firing up his players and you can see his excitement on the sidelines, Parker works his players to the limit, and Coach K was a master defense guru. I didn't see much from the coaching staff this year. They need to regroup and have a plan of action to move this team forward next year, I don't blame the entire season on our players, but our coaches are just as responsible, They need to step up and bring that fire to the team like it was the last three seasons. I understand that the players we had then compare to now was a different breed, What I mean by that is that they were bigger and taller in size, before I get bash let me clarify how I came to this conclusion, I did the comparison with previous team rosters. Hopefully things will turn around next year, if they don't Coach BF need to make some changes to the coaching staff, next season still will be a rebuilding year as well. We don't if were going to loose any coaches to other schools next year. Hope not. Good Luck to ALL.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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