Sound System Upgrade?


100+ Posts
Is it just me or do we need to upgrade our sound system? At the Nederland game I noticed that their sound system is awesome. When we came back home it made me realize that ours is horrible.


Staff member
The system is not awful. It's probably better than Nederland's or any other system around. The source audio determines what it's going to sound like. Garbage in, garbage out.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
The system is not awful. It's probably better than Nederland's or any other system around. The source audio determines what it's going to sound like. Garbage in, garbage out.
I've said that the sound system is horrible for four or five years now. I was told by someone who knows that the only speakers are the ones on the Jumbotron. We can't hear the band most of the times. It is being addressed.


2,000+ Posts
The sound system is great until they play videos and the sound is muffled with some major feedback.

When they played the video with music from Podunk (Indian Nation) the sound was awful!!!!


100+ Posts
the scoreboard system is fine, it the equipment that use to play the videos, most likely a laptop computer that hooked up to play the cd's or saved files. the only ohter thing i would like to see is have a speaker box or soumething like that on the field house to you will have an even sound like STERO!


1,000+ Posts
attakapandn said:
the scoreboard system is fine, it the equipment that use to play the videos, most likely a laptop computer that hooked up to play the cd's or saved files. the only ohter thing i would like to see is have a speaker box or soumething like that on the field house to you will have an even sound like STERO!
I agree; the scoreboard is awesome! We just need speakers from the band side to the area next to general admission so we can hear Cherokee when it is being played. The problems is not enough speakers rather than malfunctioning of the speakers we already have. Hopefully, this will be resolved before next season. Two speakers on the scoreboard are just not able to provide all the sound needed to this large, wonderful stadium.


Staff member
Volume isn't the issue with the scoreboard's sound system from what I can tell. It's feedback. If you listen, you'll notice that there isn't a problem with the sound system when the announcer is talking. The problems arise during the pregame advertisements and videos.

My guess is that there's an open microphone somewhere creating the feedback and it's probably new (I don't remember any problems like this last year). If that's the case, that microphone just needs to be disconnected. It's a simple fix.


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
The system is not awful. It's probably better than Nederland's or any other system around. The source audio determines what it's going to sound like. Garbage in, garbage out.

Mehhhh...maybe so maybe not. ;D

I notice a difference on our system depending what is being played. I believe it's the quality/type of audio source rather than the system itself.


100+ Posts
I am defiantly not a techie so I don't know what the problem is. However, we do have a lot of feedback so it just doesn't sound good. It was said here that it is only during the playing of videos and that is correct. I should have stated that on my first post. I would be nice if we had speakers on both ends to equalize the sound. Maybe we just need to get a professional to calibrate it or something. IDK, but it's kinda disappointing having this awesome stadium with not so awesome sound.



Active Member
squaw said:
attakapandn said:
the scoreboard system is fine, it the equipment that use to play the videos, most likely a laptop computer that hooked up to play the cd's or saved files. the only ohter thing i would like to see is have a speaker box or soumething like that on the field house to you will have an even sound like STERO!
I agree; the scoreboard is awesome! We just need speakers from the band side to the area next to general admission so we can hear Cherokee when it is being played. The problems is not enough speakers rather than malfunctioning of the speakers we already have. Hopefully, this will be resolved before next season. Two speakers on the scoreboard are just not able to provide all the sound needed to this large, wonderful stadium.

Speakers on the Field House would be nice.

The band is NOT mic ed up, the Band DOES NOT play over the speakers.

To hear the band play Cherokee louder, they will have to play louder and STOP swinging their horns.

Feedback, or source audio volume is the problem with the Videos they play. I think, and I am not an expert. It seems like the sound is in a tin can and the source volume needs to be turned up.

If they would "try out" the video in advance and work on it on Friday afternoon, and make adjustments, that may help. Trying it out on a PC in an office is not the same as in the Stadium. Just my opinion.


1,000+ Posts
At least we are discussing this intelligently. I am not a techie either. I am not sure why we can hardly hear the band.


100+ Posts
IMHO the reason you can not hear the band from secl. D, and over that way is due to 1. not blowing enough hot air! 2. the stands does not have an opening underneath like in the yearss past, and the field is more open. At the Butch you could hear our band just fine, since all the sounds are bouncing off the concret barriers.


100+ Posts
I was told by someone who knows that the band is not allowed to play any louder than the tubas can play. Director also stress quality not quantity. I can understand that for musical pieces, but for Cherokee....they just need to play!


Staff member
NDN X said:
I was told by someone who knows that the band is not allowed to play any louder than the tubas can play. Director also stress quality not quantity. I can understand that for musical pieces, but for Cherokee....they just need to play!

That was the case at one time, but is not any longer, and has not been since the 2008 football season. We've been told on multiple occasions to blast our guts out since then, and we're doing it (much more so this year than in years past).

To be honest, the acoustics in the new stadium are terrible. As it was said earlier, we can be heard in other stadiums. Our stadium just doesn't have acoustics that are favorable to the band on the home side.


100+ Posts
squaw said:
At least we are discussing this intelligently. I am not a techie either. I am not sure why we can hardly hear the band.

Intelligently? I am not sure that I can talk electronics intelligently. LOL

I think the reason that we can't hear the band now is because of the scoreboard being moved to the opposite side of the field. The sound used to bounce off of the scoreboard when it was near the band so it could be heard on the opposite side. Thats my guess.


1,000+ Posts
Maybe we aren't techies, but we're intelligent enough to know that something is not right with the sound. ;D I've been saying this for several years (since we got new scoreboard) so I give up. I just hate that it hurts fan support because fans don't stand anymore for Cherokee because they can't hear it. Also, Cherokee is a watered down version compared to what they played in the 70's and 80's. But I quit. Doesn't do any good to *itch. :whiteflag:


2,000+ Posts
squaw said:
Maybe we aren't techies, but we're intelligent enough to know that something is not right with the sound. ;D I've been saying this for several years (since we got new scoreboard) so I give up. I just hate that it hurts fan support because fans don't stand anymore for Cherokee because they can't hear it. Also, Cherokee is a watered down version compared to what they played in the 70's and 80's. But I quit. Doesn't do any good to *itch. :whiteflag:

I agree with you squaw, Cherokee is not what it use to be in sound. To me we try to play it as a concert piece instead of a fight song. In the old days the drums were alot louder and booming. We need a couple Big Burtha drums!!!


1,000+ Posts
Justafan said:
squaw said:
Maybe we aren't techies, but we're intelligent enough to know that something is not right with the sound. ;D I've been saying this for several years (since we got new scoreboard) so I give up. I just hate that it hurts fan support because fans don't stand anymore for Cherokee because they can't hear it. Also, Cherokee is a watered down version compared to what they played in the 70's and 80's. But I quit. Doesn't do any good to *itch. :whiteflag:

I agree with you squaw, Cherokee is not what it use to be in sound. To me we try to play it as a concert piece instead of a fight song. In the old days the drums were alot louder and booming. We need a couple Big Burtha drums!!!
Well said, JAF!


2,000+ Posts
It just seems to me years ago the drums used to beat really loud at the beginning and you knew Cherokee was begining. Now I can't tell when it starts.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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