Suspicious Hiring Practices......


Active Member
I am concerned by new developments in the hiring process at our beloved PNG. Some things to think about regarding the process:
1. The job is only posted on the local PNG website and not the statewide site TASA which has all the jobs in 4A and 5A posted and every school uses it.
Concern: If we truly wanted the best why would we not post the job on the most viewed website in the state of Texas
2. The job requires a Masters Degree
Concern: We eliminate 95% of high school coaches today but have the opportunity to hire a coach that is interested in Administration
3. The job hire date is later than every other 4A and 5A job posted today
Concern: Do you think the best coaches are going to turn down an opportunity elsewhere while waiting on the last job available.

4. THE BIGGY!!!!!! They are not allowing the new coach to bring in any coaches with him!!! This has been confirmed!!
Concern: We have some really good coaches on staff, but what HC is going to be able to teach both sides of the ball to all of his coaches and players in the spring. Impossible!!!

Finally I submit the conspiracy theory for all to think about:

Port Neches will wait till the last minute to change the Masters requirement to prefered by then most all coaches will have accepted their new assignments, They will Hire Mike Long who will accept the position gladly because the whole staff already knows his schemes from coaching with him before. Finally he will not only be the HC but the OC as well which will in the schools mind warrant the hefty salary because he will be working three jobs: HC/OC/AD........think about it.


Port Neches, TEXAS
if true, a complete joke. If they are dead set on doing this they should have just let Coach Burnett stay until he was ready to retire.


Active Member
TravelingNDN said:
I am concerned by new developments in the hiring process at our beloved PNG. Some things to think about regarding the process:
1. The job is only posted on the local PNG website and not the statewide site TASA which has all the jobs in 4A and 5A posted and every school uses it.
Concern: If we truly wanted the best why would we not post the job on the most viewed website in the state of Texas
2. The job requires a Masters Degree
Concern: We eliminate 95% of high school coaches today but have the opportunity to hire a coach that is interested in Administration
3. The job hire date is later than every other 4A and 5A job posted today
Concern: Do you think the best coaches are going to turn down an opportunity elsewhere while waiting on the last job available.

4. THE BIGGY!!!!!! They are not allowing the new coach to bring in any coaches with him!!! This has been confirmed!!
Concern: We have some really good coaches on staff, but what HC is going to be able to teach both sides of the ball to all of his coaches and players in the spring. Impossible!!!

Finally I submit the conspiracy theory for all to think about:

Port Neches will wait till the last minute to change the Masters requirement to prefered by then most all coaches will have accepted their new assignments, They will Hire Mike Long who will accept the position gladly because the whole staff already knows his schemes from coaching with him before. Finally he will not only be the HC but the OC as well which will in the schools mind warrant the hefty salary because he will be working three jobs: HC/OC/AD........think about it.


Why does everthing have to be a conspiracy. I am sure the schoolboard put the masters requirement so that they can pay the coach more money. Maybe we should call this the
Satcher conspiracy. I would like to know where info for #4 came from. I bet it's not true.


100+ Posts
i have no problem asking for the masters degree.because that would make a true AD,we would nt have to split the duty between the boys and girls.But if they remove the masters degree then hire a seperate AD.I dont know why they wouldnt post on the other site it just goes to show you the board doesnt know what they are doing.I think they already know who they want but theyre just going through the "proper" steps.I dont know why they're looking to hire so late and not allow him to bring in some of his staff.The only thing i could see why is the new coach might not teach the same subject as the coachs they're replacing.But hiring a new coach in march vs jan or feb makes a big difference when trying to teach a new system.If they are going to wait till march get ready for a rough 2009 season.


Port Neches, TEXAS
realndn said:
TravelingNDN said:
I am concerned by new developments in the hiring process at our beloved PNG. Some things to think about regarding the process:
1. The job is only posted on the local PNG website and not the statewide site TASA which has all the jobs in 4A and 5A posted and every school uses it.
Concern: If we truly wanted the best why would we not post the job on the most viewed website in the state of Texas
2. The job requires a Masters Degree
Concern: We eliminate 95% of high school coaches today but have the opportunity to hire a coach that is interested in Administration
3. The job hire date is later than every other 4A and 5A job posted today
Concern: Do you think the best coaches are going to turn down an opportunity elsewhere while waiting on the last job available.

4. THE BIGGY!!!!!! They are not allowing the new coach to bring in any coaches with him!!! This has been confirmed!!
Concern: We have some really good coaches on staff, but what HC is going to be able to teach both sides of the ball to all of his coaches and players in the spring. Impossible!!!

Finally I submit the conspiracy theory for all to think about:

Port Neches will wait till the last minute to change the Masters requirement to prefered by then most all coaches will have accepted their new assignments, They will Hire Mike Long who will accept the position gladly because the whole staff already knows his schemes from coaching with him before. Finally he will not only be the HC but the OC as well which will in the schools mind warrant the hefty salary because he will be working three jobs: HC/OC/AD........think about it.


Why does everthing have to a conspiracy. I am sure the scoreboard put the masters requirement so that they can pay the coach more money. Maybe we should call this he Satcher conspiracy.

I cant confirm but its been written that Coach Long does NOT have a masters degree so sorry, when this happens will you be happy about it?


Staff member
Since we're talking theories, I believe a very accomplished coach with some previous tie to the district has expressed interest in the job. This coach is so tremendous that the news, when revealed, will blow everyone away and remove any doubt or concern about the decision. This will be one of the biggest events in PNG football history. ;D Why not. We got the $10M stadium. Anything is possible.


100+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Since we're talking theories, I believe a very accomplished coach with some previous tie to the district has expressed interest in the job. This coach is so tremendous that the news, when revealed, will blow everyone away and remove any doubt or concern about the decision. This will be one of the biggest events in PNG football history. ;D Why not. We got the $10M stadium. Anything is possible.
Is this wishful thinking or insight information???


500+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Since we're talking theories, I believe a very accomplished coach with some previous tie to the district has expressed interest in the job. This coach is so tremendous that the news, when revealed, will blow everyone away and remove any doubt or concern about the decision. This will be one of the biggest events in PNG football history. ;D Why not. We got the $10M stadium. Anything is possible.

It is not nice to post and run. Do you know something or is this speculation on your part? :huh:


Active Member
PNG1992 said:
if true, a complete joke. If they are dead set on doing this they should have just let Coach Burnett stay until he was ready to retire.
x 2 . I hope we don't mess up a good oppurtunity.


Active Member
IndianFan said:
Since we're talking theories, I believe a very accomplished coach with some previous tie to the district has expressed interest in the job. This coach is so tremendous that the news, when revealed, will blow everyone away and remove any doubt or concern about the decision. This will be one of the biggest events in PNG football history. ;D Why not. We got the $10M stadium. Anything is possible.
I hope we get a coach that can build a program to go with a high dollar stadium. I can't see Long getting us there.


1,000+ Posts
Staff member
IndianFan said:
Since we're talking theories, I believe a very accomplished coach with some previous tie to the district has expressed interest in the job. This coach is so tremendous that the news, when revealed, will blow everyone away and remove any doubt or concern about the decision. This will be one of the biggest events in PNG football history. ;D Why not. We got the $10M stadium. Anything is possible.

IRVING (AP) - In a stunning development, Wade Phillips annouced today that he will be stepping down as Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys to coach at his high school alma mater, Port Neches-Groves High School. Phillips played for the Indians in 1964.

"You get to a point in your life when you say, where can I have the most impact and where can I find students of the game that are willing to learn all of what athletics has to offer. I concluded that it was a place where the athletes participate for the love of the game and still go by their first names. What kind of a nickname is "Pacman" anyway?"

When asked about leaving the Cowboys before moving into their new stadium, Phillips replied "Have you seen the new digs down at 'The Rez'? There is something about playing against a backdrop of the petrochemical industry, something that says, 'this is what sport is all about'".

Jerry Jones declined requests for an interview.


The aforementioned has no basis in fact, and as intended for entertainment purposes only. :)


500+ Posts
PNG NDN Fan said:
IndianFan said:
Since we're talking theories, I believe a very accomplished coach with some previous tie to the district has expressed interest in the job. This coach is so tremendous that the news, when revealed, will blow everyone away and remove any doubt or concern about the decision. This will be one of the biggest events in PNG football history. ;D Why not. We got the $10M stadium. Anything is possible.

IRVING (AP) - In a stunning development, Wade Phillips annouced today that he will be stepping down as Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys to coach at his high school alma mater, Port Neches-Groves High School. Phillips played for the Indians in 1964.

"You get to a point in your life when you say, where can I have the most impact and where can I find students of the game that are willing to learn all of what athletics has to offer. I concluded that it was a place where the athletes participate for the love of the game and still go by their first names. What kind of a nickname is "Pacman" anyway?"

When asked about leaving the Cowboys before moving into their new stadium, Phillips replied "Have you seen the new digs down at 'The Rez'? There is something about playing against a backdrop of the petrochemical industry, something that says, 'this is what sport is all about'".

Jerry Jones declined requests for an interview.


The aforementioned has no basis in fact, and as intended for entertainment purposes only. :)

What's funny is that Bob West reported Wade would have been interested in the job a few years back.


100+ Posts
WHAT!!!!!!!! NO SSSSSHHHHHIIIIITTTTTZZZ........ :faint: This has got to be a joke. Their is no way. Are they for real???? :huh: :helmet:

O, WAIT.......
The aforementioned has no basis in fact, and as intended for entertainment purposes only.
That's not right. :guns:


Staff member
Davis: I'm staying at Texas
8:11 PM Fri, Dec 12, 2008


Greg Davis has apparently gotten tired of all the rumors and speculation surrounding the opening at Port Neches-Groves High School.

"I have not interviewed for any jobs. I'm not interested in any jobs," Davis said in a statement this morning. "I'm happy here, my family loves Austin and I'm going to remain at The University of Texas."

The Texas offensive coordinator and former Port Neches-Groves quarterback and assistant coach released the response to speculation that he would apply for the PN-G job.

"The head coach position at Port Neches-Groves is one of the elite high school jobs in the state of Texas. But I have not talked to PN-G officials about this job," Davis said. "I really don't know what else to say. I'm going to stay at Texas until they fire me."

The above statements are fictional.


Active Member
why not let comeaux be the AD and hire a good football coach without requiring a masters.and post the thing for all to see??? Ticks me off.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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