Thank you Coach Burnett!

Tomahawk Chop

Active Member
For everything you have done for the PN-G Indians. You are an outstanding football coach and a class act. My son played for Coach and he is a better man today because of it. You deserved better.

PNG Proud

2,500+ Posts
Staff member
I'll second that. Regardless of anyones views of his coaching tactics, NOONE can deny the fact that he's tru-blue PNG, through and through, and over his 15 yrs., he has truly dedicated his life to this district, and provided us with some really exciting times.
Thanks Matt.


1,000+ Posts
I put this is another thread, but I'll paste into here also.

I want to take this time to say that I appreciate the way the district is handling this. I know I was hard on Burnett last football season before deciding to lay off this season. He coached me in high school and I really liked him (as I have said many times before). My complaints were never about taking his livelyhood away, but rather about needed improvements in the football program. This solution takes care of both issues. I wish Burnett and the football program all the best in the future.


Hang in there Coach. Your Mom said it best "Things happen for a reason" and I have found that most of the time it ends up being better than before.

Thank you for everything.


100+ Posts
Thanks Coach ! As a former player for you, I know your devotion to PN-G and your desire is unmatched. Best of luck in the future. You are a class act !


1,000+ Posts
tribesman said:
Thanks Coach ! As a former player for you, I know your devotion to PN-G and your desire is unmatched. Best of luck in the future. You are a class act !
Matt, I hope you read all these posts. I think you know who I am and I am proud to say that we consider you our friend. I also am glad that you got rid of all the "headaches" and "heartaches" of the HC job. Now you can spend more quality time with Lindy and the kids, Jackie and other family and friends. Being part of the "good old boy" group is not half bad, you know! lol Don't think you'll be forgotten--ain't gonna happen! (and, thank God, you don't have to return to the classroom!!! lol)


Staff member
Matt Burnett is the epitome of Port Neches-Groves Indian football. But as previous dedicated coaches discovered, Port Neches-Groves is one of the hottest seats in the state or nation. But regardless of the records, Coach Burnett has staked his claim in PN-G football history as both a player and coach. Few if any will ever be able to match it.

The football program will have a fresh start, but it has also lost something that cannot be replaced. I am sad that this moment has been reached. To Coach Burnett and family, I wish you the very best. Because I created this site and public message board, I am truly sorry if it has caused you any grief.


1,000+ Posts
IndianFan said:
Matt Burnett is the epitome of Port Neches-Groves Indian football. But as previous dedicated coaches discovered, Port Neches-Groves is one of the hottest seats in the state or nation. But regardless of the records, Coach Burnett has staked his claim in PN-G football history as both a player and coach. Few if any will ever be able to match it.

The football program will have a fresh start, but it has also lost something that cannot be replaced. I am sad that this moment has been reached. To Coach Burnett and family, I wish you the very best. Because I created this site and public message board, I am truly sorry if it has caused you any grief.
IndianFan-I agree wholeheartedly with you. Matt is a fine man. However, it was not this site that caused him any grief. Many others in the community do not post here yet are very verbal in their beliefs. The same was true when Ethridge was here--fans wanted him to leave because he began playing "favorites" and we began losing. Pressure is the name of that game. (HC) There was no "site" then. This site allows people to share the good and bad and I, for one, appreciate it. It was time for MB to leave. Life is full of beginnings and endings. Hopefully, the new beginning Matt is now starting is a fulfilling one.


100+ Posts
Ditto. :clap:

Thank you MB for 15 years of dedicated service to the students and community of PNG. Best wishes in your new position.


Active Member
Coach, former player here. Thanks for all you have given to PNG football, and the players that played for you. Our community will never find a more dedicated coach than you! Your a fine man, and always have been a great role model to your players. In the words of the winningest head coach at PNG "Winning ain't Easy," well in my opinion neither will be replacing you.


There's No Place Like The Reservation Friday Night
Staff member
Its been a good 15 years and I am proud to have followed your teams from Port Neches to Huntsville to Kyle Field to the Dome. I thank you Coach Burnett your name will go down in PN-G history as one of the best.


Active Member
It was an honor to play for you and an honor to watch you coach.... I wish we could have a million more like you. Hopefully we'll have more Burnetts involved in the program real soon!!!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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