The Team Everyone Loves To Hate....


100+ Posts
PNG kinda reminds me of the old Oakland Raiders. They had a "tude" and didn't care what people thought of them. And they kept on winning. That's what we should do with the "PNG haters" of the area. "Hey....don't hate us just because we kicked your ass! You don't like the way we do things? Tough....just sit back and take it. KNOW YOUR ROLE! You smell what "THE CHIEF" is cookin'? " :rocks:


Staff member
Well then Vidor should hire a better recruiter! And start getting to know the refs better.


Active Member
It's kind of funny that they use the refs as an excuse seeing as they could have had several pass interference calls that were NOT called. People make me laugh sometimes.


Active Member
This topic has run it's self dry. People talk negative about PN-G for one reason and one reason only..... They are JEALOUS. Through lean years and good years PN-G faithful are in fact FAITHFUL. There really is a special spirit at the Reservation.

The ref's blew several pass interference calls in this game, and I could help but notice that Coach Matthews was doing his best Dan Hooks imitation with the official on the Vidor sideline during the whole game. After awhile I guess any official gets tired and gives in to a coach.

I umpired softball for years and we had a ZERO tolerance for coaches acting rude, or unsportsman like.... call me nutty.

Vidor has a good team, and got beat by a better team period. Stop whining and get over it.


500+ Posts
In some manner of defense on the personal foul penalty, which was discussed in another thread, I think the ref calling that personal foul was ridiculous to say the least. My son and the other D linemen told me that everyone cusses and that the Vidor players were bad about it. The ref decided for some odd reason to hit us with that penalty. Our player wasn't even talking to a Vidor player, he was congratulating one of our own. Vidor was in their huddle when it happened. Don't know if the ref was mad because one of our D lineman hit Vidors back super hard or was just tired of the game. When I played ball everyone cussed and shot comments back and forth. I'm sure even coaches throw in some cuss words at times. Not making excuses for the comment that caused the penalty, I just think the call was crazy and with 1 minute left. For me, the refs didn't call much of the calls they should have. Mauling Nelson and the other receivers on pass plays, tackling our D linemen and holding them and dragging them to the ground. Lots of messed up penalty calls all night and alot of penalties that should have been called that were obvious. Lets hope we have better refs in the playoffs.
I'm beginning to think that not only do all the teams we play hate us, but I'm beginning to think the refs are too.


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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