Things that went wrong during Ozen game


500+ Posts
1st, the scoreboard speakers were playing a song and competing with our band who was playing Cherokee when our team came thru the run through.
2nd, after only 2 penalties last week, we got a few this week. Some of which hurt some of our drives.
3rd, not really criticising our players, but we didn't get any turnovers (we did drop 3 INT's).

All in all, if that's all that went wrong and we won, I guess that isn't too bad. Congratulations INDIANS! Onward to Beaumont to beat Central!

PS Wondering if our players will get their names on their jerseys for the playoff.


100+ Posts
Fourth, we are district champs.......come on. Let's point out what is wrong. Forget the fact that we are nine and zero for the first time and twenty years.


500+ Posts
What went right ? PNG won ! Our starting D did another great job. The fans were great, the band was great ! The coaches did great.
Harmon moved into the #6 all time season rushing record. We had some great passes last night. For a banged up O line they did a good job.


500+ Posts
AND...Coach let some kids get some play time that haven't gotten to play much at all...pretty classy to me, that game was a blowout no-matter what the score says...Ozen couldn't do squat against our starters!!

Former NDNette

100+ Posts
I don't want to change a thing with the uniforms (such as putting their names on them), we're 9-0 the way they are, but then I'm superstitious like that.


500+ Posts
Oh, and another thing that went right...our coaching staff honoring the passing of the young wife of a PNG teacher and former PN-G football standout by wearing the green shirts...her name was Jodi Green Esquivel, she was only 27 years old! Oh, and Coach Faircloth dedicated that game to her!! I'm sorry if anyone disagrees, but that game was magic from the start to the finish, no matter what the score was! See, I think Jodi passed early Friday morning, so she could bring Jesus his Purple shirt and watch them NDN's bring home another win!! I think she had the best seat in the house...what about ya'll?


500+ Posts
NDNmom91 said:
Oh, and another thing that went right...our coaching staff honoring the passing of the young wife of a PNG teacher and former PN-G football standout by wearing the green shirts...her name was Jodi Green Esquivel, she was only 27 years old! Oh, and Coach Faircloth dedicated that game to her!! I'm sorry if anyone disagrees, but that game was magic from the start to the finish, no matter what the score was! See, I think Jodi passed early Friday morning, so she could bring Jesus his Purple shirt and watch them NDN's bring home another win!! I think she had the best seat in the house...what about ya'll?
I agree ! the coaches doing this is just any example of the wonderful, great coaches we have !!! Her seat couln't have gotten any better !!! Our prayers are with her family and friends.


500+ Posts
Come on people. If the few unimportant things I mentioned in the original post in this thread is all I could find that went wrong, everyone got a chance to play and the fact that we won district, doesn't that mean we had a great night. Lighten up!


500+ Posts
From reading this post someone is ALWAYS going to have something to complain about no matter how GOOD the boys play. GEEZ


100+ Posts
I told the lady in front of me last night that there was going to be some people griping about Ozen scoring 20 points late in the fourth. The man a few rows behind me was yelling about it. Seems the coaches are "darned if they do, and darned if they don't" as far as taking out starters and playing subs. People gripe when their kids don't get to play and others gripe when subs are playing and the other team is scoring. I'll admit I was a little disappointed in us not getting the shut out, but kudos to the coaching staff for getting boys into the game that don't normally get to play!


Active Member
I think what old eagle was trying to say was the only things that went wrong against OZEN did not MATTER one little bit.

I think that by looking for things that did not go great, no matter how small they are, will only make you improve. Improvement each week is what matters most. After NO PF penalities the week before, the one against OZEN was one too many. The coaches know it, and the team should know it too.

Perfection is seldom attained....but this Inidan team is comming quite close the way they have played the past two weeks. We need to stay focused and continue to strive for perfection.

Oh yea, one of the "dropped" INT's was on 4th down, and by not catching it, we were 10 yards closer to the endzone.....That was a SMART "drop"!!

I am glad coach played as many players as he could in the 4th. So what Ozen scored 20 points, once we lost the shutout, it did not matter. The starters shut them out, and then many back up players got thier chance to play...and for the seniors, thier last time in Indian Stadium! That matters more than keeping Ozen from scoring 20 points.

I think we need to celebrate the victory, and then get ready to battle the next opponent.

Each game from now on is a must win!!! Next week so we don't have to share the district title, and then every playoff game. Lets not stop until we have the DIV II 4a state title!!


500+ Posts
Thanks, phetonb. At least you understand what I was trying to say but you said it much better than I did. Sometimes I wish I could express myself better as some of you do on this web site.


500+ Posts
Great post NDNmom91! Honoring Jodi was a classy thing to do, and the right thing. The Esquivel family has been an integral part of PNGHS and PN-G athletics for many years.It was a great tribute and well-deserved. Just another reason that proves our coach is not only a good coach, but a good man too!


1,000+ Posts
I understood what Old Eagle was saying and why he was saying them. Its sad when people want to cry "negative" every chance they get. Maybe that's what went wrong in the school district they moved from. All us old Indians strive to get better and better and that's all Old Eagle was doing. We don't have a problem with new traditions--the sign "Purple and White on a Field of Green, etc., was actually a new tradition in the 70's glory days and continues today Messing with older traditions like our fight song is not right with us---make some NEW traditions. Air horns, etc., have been tried in the past. When we can hear the band, the fans make more noise than them, anyway. So, students from this year, come up with a slogan. For example, "Indians are divine in '09", a new Indian dance step, or something uniquely yours.


100+ Posts
What I liked about last night is that Doty put on a passing clinic!!! The kid is a freakin' sharpshooter when it comes to throwing the ball. The TD pass to Segura literally dropped my jaw. Hit the receiver dead in the chest and he didn't even break a stride going into the purple zone. Doty's scary now...I can't even fathom what he's going to be like next season!


500+ Posts
Cheermom4 said:
From reading this post someone is ALWAYS going to have something to complain about no matter how GOOD the boys play. GEEZ

I agree 100%...With the new stadium, new coaching staff, gifted athletes, renewed spirit, the 9-0 record and good chances of going deep into the playoffs, I think ya'll are truly blessed and have virtually nothing of substance to complain about.

Just 1 Dawg's opinion..


500+ Posts
yankeedawg said:
Cheermom4 said:
From reading this post someone is ALWAYS going to have something to complain about no matter how GOOD the boys play. GEEZ

I agree 100%...With the new stadium, new coaching staff, gifted athletes, renewed spirit, the 9-0 record and good chances of going deep into the playoffs, I think ya'll are truly blessed and have virtually nothing of substance to complain about.

Just 1 Dawg's opinion..

I posted that with no disrespect intended...many teams would give their left arm...and leg, to be in the position ya'll are in.


Staff member
yankeedawg said:
Cheermom4 said:
From reading this post someone is ALWAYS going to have something to complain about no matter how GOOD the boys play. GEEZ

I agree 100%...With the new stadium, new coaching staff, gifted athletes, renewed spirit, the 9-0 record and good chances of going deep into the playoffs, I think ya'll are truly blessed and have virtually nothing of substance to complain about.

Just 1 Dawg's opinion..

Agree 100%. This season is already on par with any 9 games PN-G has ever played. The defense is pretty incredible with a pass defense that PN-G has not had in possibly decades. And the run defense is not too shabby either. On offense we've got a record setting running back, an offensive line that may be better than any ever to play here, a stable of receivers like nothing PN-G has ever seen, and the pink elephant in the room that no one has mentioned. QB Brennan Doty is the 2009 version of Dustin Long.

And the coaching staff's accomplishments are well described.

I don't think it could get much better than this for PN-G.


500+ Posts
AMEN!! Yankeedawg and Indianfan you speak the truth! It's O.K. though, because 99.9% of Indian fans are very,very,very,very,............................................................HAPPY!!
We plan on enjoying it and having fun!


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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