Tuesday Match-Ups 01-12-10


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Central 63 (2-1) @ Nederland (3-0) 44
Livingston (2-1) 58 @ LCM (1-2) 68
Vidor (1-2) 39 @ PNG (1-2) 54
Lumberton (0-3) 51 @ Ozen (2-1) 71
The truth is we SHOULD win this game by 20+ but to do that we will have to stick with our offense. That means we need our guards penetrating and driving. We should also be getting the ball inside more and when we do we need to go to the bucket and either get two or draw the foul. We will not win if we continually rely making three pointers. Those are the lowest percentage shots in the game. We have some good shooters, but they won't hit more than about 30% of those shots consistently.

The last two words I have to say then I'll get off my soap box - Press Break!!!

Just my opinion.
I will be there,pulling for the Indians.This is a really good basketball (TEAM),they are more than capable of reaching the playoffs if they play their game!! I have been to quite a few games this year and as a former basketball player I am :) excited about this group!!!!!!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


500+ Posts
I still haven't seen all of the teams in our district play but I'll take a stab again this week.

Central (2-1) @ Nederland (3-0)
This will probably be the best game of the night. I believe Central can win this one if they have the personell to front Diante Forney and keep him from controlling the inside. The only other way for Central to win it is through a tough full court press. Central is usually 10 to 12 players deep so they should have the fresh legs to keep a press going throughout the game. Nederland has the coaching advantage in this one though and in the end It is my belief that is what will be the difference. I'll take Nederland -4.

Livingston (2-1) @ LCM (1-2)

This will also be a competitive game. Playing on the road Livingston will not enjoy having a sixth man on the court. (i.e. the refs) They will have to step it up a notch or two to take LCM. Livingston is loaded with quickness and has a few with some real shooting ability. That's where it ends though. Without the zebras on thier side the bulk of the rebounds and control of the inside goes to LCM who plays a very physical game in the paint! I see LCM overpowering the lions near the end of the third quarter and controlling the game and the pace from that point on. LCM -6

Vidor (1-2) @ PNG (1-2)

Of course this is the game I will be attending tonight! We simply have to go out and play our game and we win this one easily. Vidor did sneak up on us in the Bridge City Classic a few weeks ago. I really don't expect Able to let that happen again! PNG -10

Lumberton (0-3) @ Ozen (2-1)

I haven't seen Lumberton this year but I have seen Ozen. Ozen is still capable of putting points up very quickly and Lumberton seems to be struggling with even the basics. Ozen -15


PN-G Indians (3-0)
Lake Creek Lions (2-1)

Friday, Sept. 27, 7:00PM

Indian Stadium


I could not be more proud of our team and our community. The spirit here is unmatched! I am so lucky to be a part of it and to wear the purple and white! The journey of this football season, with these coaches and our players, will stay with me forever.  -- PN-G Head Coach Jeff Joseph


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